God-level Punishment System

Chapter 830: Team up

Soft and fragrant.

These two words flashed across Ling Zhi's mind.

He took a pause, rushed forward, and naturally lay down uncontrollably, while Qin Binglan just raised his arm and pointed at the young man.

In this way, Lexus directly slammed into his arms and stepped into the place where he shouldn't be the least.

With the shocking arc and the shocking elasticity, Lexus buried his face like this, not only did not feel the slightest pain, but the virgin scent of Qin Binglan's body penetrated into the nose, instantly arousing the most primitive desire.

Qin Binglan, a woman who had never been out of the pavilion, was suddenly hit by him like this, and she was still in such a position. Under the pain, she naturally felt a little uncomfortable, and a scream resounded throughout the alley.

Ling Zhi steadied his body, stood up quickly, looked at the place where he crashed, looked embarrassed, waved his hands repeatedly.

"This, I didn't mean it, I didn't know you would deliberately come to this exit."

"you still!"

Qin Binglan flushed with anger.

As for the young man and the other man, they opened their mouths slightly, dragging their saliva at the corners of their mouths, looking at Lexus enviously.

Qin Binglan wore white clothes, and a white belt **** the clothes around her waist. While looking neat, she also highlighted the arrogant capital.

If Shu Feiyao’s eye-catching eyes are the star-like eyes, Pei Ningrui’s red lips are like fire, and Qin Binglan’s first glance, it must be the curvature of the chest and the contrast with the graceful waist. People are most impressed.

With Lexus's temperament, Rao couldn't help but glance a few more while embarrassed, secretly praising that the happiness came too suddenly.

"How could you suddenly rush out of the alley!"

Qin Binglan forcibly suppressed this shame and asked.

The young man also reacted, and when he mentioned the huge axe in his backhand, he surrounded him, as if you didn't give a reasonable explanation, I took you as good-looking.

Ling Zhi said depressed,

"I really didn't mean it. The group of Hai Xiumen wanted to covet my spirit pill, and I didn't want to cause trouble. This was how I ran away. I didn't expect to panic and offend you."


Qin Binglan interrupted him suddenly, took a closer look at Ling Zhi, his eyes lit up suddenly, and his voice suddenly raised.

"You are a warrior of the sixth level of physical realm!"

Although I don't know how the other party mentioned this suddenly, but thinking that he had bumped into the other party, she was still such a beautiful woman, Ling Zhi nodded.

"Well, sixth floor."

"Sister Bing Lan, you don't want him to be with us, we have never seen this before!"

The young man raised his brows and looked at Qin Binglan questioningly.

"Zhang Yi, don't talk nonsense, otherwise, where are you going to find me a sixth-level physical realm, it must not be a martial artist from Haixiu? You still want to go there with us!"

Qin Binglan stared at the young man.

Zhang Yi's head shrank, as if afraid of Qin Binglan, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Hey, wait, I don't seem to want to act with you."

Ling Zhi's eyes jumped and he keenly reacted to the question in the other party's words.

For the four people in front of him, Qin Binglan's strength is very strong. In terms of realm alone, she may be higher than herself. It only takes half a step to break through to the seventh level of the physical realm. And that young man named Zhang Yi, and others A man and a woman also have five levels of physical form.

It can be seen that not only is Qin Binglan the strongest, but the four people are also headed by him.

Qin Binglan condensed her eyebrows, and lightly bit her lips with her white teeth like shells.

"You hit it all, and it takes advantage of it. Why, do you still want to be irresponsible?"

"Sister Binglan, you..."

Zhang Yi and the man and woman were shocked and looked at Qin Binglan in shock. They didn't expect her to say such a thing.

"shut up!"

Qin Binglan kicked over and staggered Zhang Yi.

Ling Zhi touched his nose, a black line on his forehead, watching Qin Binglan look like he was dependent on him, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"It's cheap, it's not easy to account for, tofu, it's not delicious."

"This matter is my fault, I can help you, but I have a lot of things recently..."

Thinking that since he couldn't pat his butt, and left before he wiped it off after eating, Lexus had no choice but to speak.

"If I were not in a hurry, I would not be able to find someone with you slowly, and I would never come to help someone you are not familiar with. To be honest, we are going to the Misty Swamp to find an elixir and save one of our companions. Life."

When Qin Binglan saw Ling Zhi let go, the last trace of uncertainty in his eyes disappeared, and said quickly.

Since Ling Zhi was able to do this, and his understanding was not bad, it shouldn't be too bad to pull him into his team.

"Misty Swamp?"

Ling Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly.

He bought some introductions of Leicheng in Yuange, otherwise he would not go directly to this market today. He also knows the forces of Haixiumen, and Mist Swamp, although not in Leicheng, is extremely famous.

The swamp is located in the southeast of Leicheng. It is shrouded by fog all the year round. The deeper it goes, the thicker the fog becomes. The swamp is covered with wild beasts and poisonous insects. It is very dangerous. Even those with strong artistic conception are not willing to go deep into it easily. Zheng Miwu not only has the effect of disturbing people's line of sight, but if he stays for a long time, he will also confuse and perceive. It is extremely easy to lose his way in it, walk into some powerful beast areas, or swamps that cannot be escaped.

Life and death are only a moment.

But the Tao is perpetual, and the more dangerous the place, the more precious the things in it.

The level of the elixir in the misty swamp is quite high, and because there are many areas that no one can explore all year round, the age of the elixir is also great, and the efficacy is much stronger than that of the ordinary elixir of the same level. It is very popular with alchemists. , It is easy to sell high prices.

And some unique elixir, wild beasts, etc., produced only in the misty swamp, are extremely rare and extremely valuable.

Therefore, it attracted a batch of warriors to invest in it, looking for opportunities within the scope of their ability.

The cultivation of martial artist is to hang his life between life and death. If he is blindly afraid of difficulties, he will never become a strong one.

"Well, I can accompany you on a trip, but within a week, I must return to Leicheng."

Lexus nodded, but agreed.

Qin Binglan's expression was dazed, and a string of excuses and conditions that he was going to use to convince Lexus made him cough fiercely.

As she coughed, she didn't want to be not only astonishing in amplitude, but also extremely elastic. There was a wave of turbulence and waves.


Ling Zhi, Zhang Yi, and the man swallowed together, and they were quite dry for a while.

"Hanging the chest like this in front of you, it's not tiring when it's not normal, it's also a hassle to start with someone."

Lexus couldn't help but think of it.

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