God-level Punishment System

Chapter 834: Serpentine

Qin Binglan couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed, then rolled her eyes at Ling Zhi, turned her head and asked everyone to pay attention to the surroundings, and moved forward with wing.

"Beautiful Qin, what are you laughing at."

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said uncomfortably.

Once he is embarrassed or awkward waiting for some emotions, he will touch his nose unconsciously.

"Ah, I didn't laugh."

With a smile on Qin Binglan's face, she looked back at him, and saw that he was slumped, and couldn't help but laugh again.

"Okay, okay, I can't help it.

I laughed. "

Qu Tian, ​​the boring man, also laughed, but Zhang Yi hummed coldly and said nothing unexpectedly. When he looked at Lexus, he was slightly hostile, making Lexus a little confused.

A few people laughed and made a lot of noise, but the relationship between Peters was invisibly closer, and it was no longer so strange.

It was just that he became more cautious while walking. Just entering the misty swamp, he was attacked by the wolf snake group. It can be seen that the dangers in the swamp are everywhere, and you must not be careless just because you are outside.

Several people went all the way, except that Qu Tian accidentally fell into a swamp and was pulled up by Lexus in time, but the journey went smoothly, which also made Qin Binglan's face a little better.

After all, she had just gone deep into the wolf and snake group that she had encountered in less than Baizhang, leaving her with a deep guard. She was the leader of the team, not only responsible for herself, but also for the safety of the players.

The swamp in the misty swamp is by no means an ordinary swamp. Otherwise, with the strength of the martial artist, when the spiritual power bursts, it will definitely be easy to break free, but the swamp here will generate a huge suction force and have a great immunity to spiritual power.

Before Qu Tian fell into it, he fell into the position of two knees after just a few breaths, and no matter how the spiritual power of his body was violent, the mud swamp did not move at all, as if it was insulated from spiritual power. If Lexus was walking behind, his eyes and hands were quick Pulling him out by violence has disastrous consequences.

This also caused Qu Tian to approach Lexus unconsciously while he was walking, and half an hour after seeking safety, several people had already reached a distance of about one mile, and Zhang Yi split into a vine with his axe.

On this road, there is no road to speak of. All need a few people to reopen. The empty places are usually densely covered with weeds and swamps. On the contrary, they are not as good as the space between the trees. Although there are vines entangled and branches blocked, but Most of them are on the ground and there are fewer dangers.

And Zhang Yi, the extremely heavy axe, naturally assumed such a role as it should be, blazing a trail ahead.


However, with this slash, the vines suddenly rose up, and in front of everyone, in a calm place, countless vines were suddenly pulled out, and Zhang Yi's axe was instantly wrapped in, and it was still entwining towards his body.

Qin Binglan was right behind him, handed both swords in her hand, and slashed towards the vine with her sword.


The sword in her hand is a set of two-piece medium-sized soldiers, which is of great value. When slashing wolf snakes, it was as easy as slicing melons. The sharpness can be seen, but at this moment, it is slashing towards the vines. The clanging sound of the bursts had no effect except for leaving a series of fine cut marks.

After such a delay, the vines have entangled on Zhang Yi's upper arms. No matter how they break free, the vines are like a python. The more he breaks free, the tighter the vines become.


Zhang Yi couldn't help but let out a muffled hum, his face instantly turned purple, obviously extremely painful.

Qu Tian turned his head to look at Ling Zhi.

"Brother Ling, try to scorch them with fire."

"It's useless."

Ling Zhi shook his head.

Qu Tian suffocated his breath. When he was waiting to persuade Lexus to try, he discovered that scattered vines were already entwined under his feet, and strands of flames were jumping on it. Although they could ignite the vines, they could not cause obvious damage. s damage.

Although the mortal flames are already extremely rare, generally only alchemists will spend a large price and risk income.

But the Spirit Devouring Fire has just been born, its power is not strong, alchemy or simple confrontation is good, it has no surprising effect on such vines that can not even cause damage to even the top middle-rank soldiers.

Moreover, vines are not dead objects. On the contrary, they are not only flexible, but also numerous. They can easily extinguish the fire sprouts when they shuttle through the mud of the swamp.

In a moment, Zhang Yi fell into a crisis, and everyone couldn't help but become anxious.

"What the **** is this!"

Zhang Yi's face was green and furious, his strength and spiritual power exploded, struggling to escape.

After Qin Binglan had a meal, Ling Zhi had already passed through him, facing the vine behind, and slashing away.

Although the movements are fast, they are extremely precise, stepping on the eight steps of Yan under their feet, and often stepping through the gaps of the vines.

There are too many vines entwining Zhang Yi's body, and only in the direction of cutting and cutting the thickest one first, before there is time.

Yan eight steps led Lexus's body to move forward rapidly, jumping and turning, but the strength became more and more profoundly stacked, the ink sword was slightly side, and the white part was precisely opposed to the vine and chopped away.

Although the ink sword is a middle-rank soldier, the sharpness of the white part of the sword body is even higher than that of a general upper-rank soldier. It is extremely weird. At the beginning, with a little white point on the tip of the sword, it pierced the hand of Old Yan on the side of the city lord. The top-ranking soldier of the army had just extinguished the burden in one fell swoop, but the sword cleaved, and there was a sound of metal clashing. Ling Zhi only felt that it was like splitting an iron block. With the sharpness of the ink sword, it could not be broken in one fell swoop.

On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to cut into it.

The ink sword was stuck in the vines and could neither be pulled out nor cut off.

Lexus's complexion changed, his feet were certain, he stepped on the ground fiercely, his waist twisted, his hands violently violently, but instead of spiritual power, he used physical power.

The power of his physical body is comparable to the nine levels of the physical realm, and it can lift mountains.

On that day, Zhu Ming and others took action under the heavy rain. The raindrops hitting the hard ground would leave deep pits. Lexus's physical strength was not weaker than them, so it was naturally extraordinary.

At this moment, the power of the physical body broke out, and the ink sword immediately broke through the bamboo, cutting off the vines instantly, and several vines were instantly cut off by Lexus while waving his hands.

Zhang Yi only felt his hand loose, and the entanglement force instantly dissipated, and a bunch of vines fell like dead branches.

Looking at the arm again, it was full of scars, swollen by Juli, and the clothes were already torn to the ground, very embarrassed.

"You saved me again, thank you!"

Zhang Yi's face was a little slow, his tone was a little low, and he said to Ling Zhi.

As their captain, Qin Binglan took good care of them. Everyone has cooperated for so long. If there is no friendship with them, it is false. He is naturally hostile to Lexus's sudden appearance and excellent performance.

But Ling Zhi saved him time and time again. With his straightforward temperament, he could no longer be hostile to the other party. He sincerely thanked him and showed some admiration.

"This, this is the snake spirit vine!"

Just when everyone was on guard, Joy suddenly exclaimed and quaked.

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