God-level Punishment System

Chapter 852: Overindulgence

"I don't seem to have ever, am I alone? Such a number is nothing for a family."

Ling Zhi said disdainfully.

Now even Yuange has taken up Leicheng's idea, and all forces have poured in. If he wants to avoid coveting, he naturally wants to pull the tiger's skin.

It is obviously useless to pull the leaf sect, the emperor Gao is far away, and the distance between the cluster and the leaf sect is too far.

It's better to create a fictional family that wants to settle in Thunder City. There is so much demand for elixir, not to mention this shop. He buys so many for one person, and the other party will definitely be afraid.

As long as he is afraid, he can talk about the next step in a few days, the shot of agarwood, if there is no reliable background, he can't stand it alone, and he dare not take it out.

He still understands the truth about not revealing money and cherishing the crime.

After paying most of the spirit stones, there was a pile of spirit medicine in the ring, and Ling Zhi turned and left.

Just as he left, the guy appeared in the room where Wen Qingyang was.

"What did he buy this time?"

Wen Qingyang asked without any rush, taking a sip of tea.

A warrior who can use the strength of the sixth-level realm to come up with three fifth-level elixir is still very special and special. The key time for entering Thunder City in the Yuan Pavilion is already worthy of his pavilion master's attention.

Otherwise, because of his position in the Yuan family, he would not show up to receive Lexus in person for these five-level elixir and thousands of spiritual stones, and he would not give out a token that is hard to find.

The 10% discount, the discount on the purchased items, can easily exceed the value of the three elixir.

"Bought a bunch of second-level elixir, and some ordinary second-level elixir prescriptions, oh, and bought a bunch of messy books back.

Most of them are related to Leicheng and Infinite Sea. "

The buddy answered nervously with fear.

"Second-level elixir, then we must train alchemists.

Books, books about Leicheng and Wubianhai, are you going to settle in? "

Wen Qingyang naturally followed this line of thought and pushed down, frowning slightly.

"Able to be calm and comfortable in front of me, look unchanged, there must be a strong artistic conception in the family, but I don't know what power it is, and like my Yuan family, I chose to settle in Leicheng at this point."

Waving his hand, Wen Qingyang warned,

"You should withdraw first. If he comes again next time, he can bring him directly to me if he has any requirements.

Don’t ask more, pay attention to the school.”

Different from Wen Qingyang’s suspicion, Lexus has fallen into the endless alchemy. Zheng Yi has just made a breakthrough. He only needs to accumulate spiritual energy in a short period of time. It is impossible to break through quickly. Second, he found that alchemy can consolidate his cultivation. , Especially every time the soul power is exhausted, the colorful juice surrounding the soul body will actively merge into the soul body to help the soul body to recover.

After going back and forth, the soul body has become more powerful from its original solid and colorless state, with a hint of colorful color.

Therefore, alchemy was the best choice for Ling Zhi to increase his strength at the moment.



Unsurprisingly, you can be called an apprentice of alchemy if you can refine the second-grade pill. It has its own difficulty. Lexus has a disgusting face in a moment, and his clothes are disheveled. Even the pill furnace failed too many times and burst the pill. Deformed.

"Damn, I still don't believe it. Lao Tzu is the one who passed the first grade exam, and he can't even make alchemy in your area. Isn't it just a chemical reaction between substances! I have found out all your reactions, I'm afraid I can't succeed!"

Ling Zhi cursed, obviously he had failed, but his face became more determined, and the stubborn temper of not admitting defeat surged up again.

At this time, he was almost like two people in peace, not so chic, but like a madman, his eyes were red, staring at the pill furnace.

If he can perfectly refine one of the first-rank pill, he skips refining the second-rank pill. I am afraid he will be the only one of Lexus. Three days have passed in the blink of an eye, and within three days, Lexus almost never closed his eyes. , The soul body's colorful rays of light become more dense.

Bottles and cans were placed at his feet, staggering.

"No, still not school"

Lexus muttered like a madman, every time she became a pill, as long as the quality of the elixir was not the best, the quantity could not be reached and put it into the bottle and throw it aside.

He acted rather casually during the day, but he was very stubborn and persistent in the matter of alchemy. After a day, he refined the second-rank Huiling Pill, and later he refined a few lives. Muscle Dan.

Became an alchemy apprentice.

He is not worried about the overdrawn soul power, so that his daily work is worthy of others' continuous alchemy for a month or even longer.

Perhaps Lexus really has good aptitudes. Although there is no one to guide him in alchemy, he has made rapid progress, which is jaw-dropping.

"Well, this is like a protagonist."

When the sun rose, Ling Zhi burst into laughter, and slid six round, almost perfect spirit pills on his hand.

"Although I am not the only one who crossed over, on the contrary, I was a smuggler, but I have come here, and I am not considered a protagonist? The protagonist wants to refine the pill, but can't refine the perfect pill, that's so shameless."

Ling Zhi squinted his eyes, enjoying his pride.

His such desperate effort, this energy, turned out to be because of the so-called protagonist's face, looking at the ashes of a place, and the somewhat distorted pill furnace, I am afraid that no one can believe his logic when he goes out.

Bang bang.

As soon as the lingzhi was put away, the door of Lexus's room rang. The knocks were louder, and the person who seemed to knock on the door hesitated.

"The second shop can't dare to bother me,"

Ling Zhi looked at the door, his eyes lit up.

"That seems to be Qin Binglan and the others!"

Opening the door, before Lexus had time to speak, Zhang Yi outside the door took a sharp breath, and couldn't stop taking a step back.

"You... Brother Ling!"

He seemed to recognize Lexus only halfway through, and his face was strange.

"Brother Ling, it's only been three days since you left, how come you have become like this.

Pay attention to your body. "

"Pay attention to your sister's body, I'm getting better."

Ling Zhi rolled his eyes and cursed.

He is a dignified seven-level martial artist, who can open mountains and gravel with his fists, he should pay attention to Mao's body.

It's impossible to catch a cold.

However, Zhang Yi suddenly laughed a few lewdly, and looked at Lexus with deep eyes, a picture I understand, don't pretend to talk.


Seeing his sordid look, Lexus just kicked up when he kicked Zhang Yi Chi and screamed in pain.

"I'm not going to Sister Binglan to report on you yet, you still beat me."

"Report me what?"

Ling Zhi stroked his nose and said strangely.

"Look at you like this, with disheveled hair, bloodshot eyes, tattered clothes on your body, and scratches on your body. At first glance, you didn't close your eyes or get out of bed after a fight for three or three nights."

Zhang Yidao.

Immediately pretended to be over here, and said seriously,

"Young people, pay attention to your body, excessive indulgence will hurt your body!"

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