God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 103: Let Tangshan Zhan explain it in the future

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, looked at Ye Nan incomprehensibly. He didn't expect that Ye Nan would say this. Looking at the fierce animal materials in the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall?

What is the purpose of looking at the fierce animal material?

Tu Qiu is puzzled!

A few seconds later, Tu Qiu thought of a possibility that Ye Nan was a pharmacist.

However, Ye Nandu was already a warrior at the Battle King level, how could he still be a pharmacist?

The pharmacist of Blue Star is not the same as the pharmacist in the Huaxia fantasy novels. Although they also have a certain status, their status is far lower than that of a powerful warrior.

But Tu Qiu didn't ask too much. He knew that Ye Nan wanted to see the fierce beast materials in their Azure Dragon Martial Arts Hall. That must be his reason.


Tu Qiu glanced at Ye Nan suspiciously. He couldn't believe that Ye Nan could become such a powerful warrior at any age. Could this be true?

Immediately he was relieved. He felt that General Tangshan would not make jokes about such a thing. After all, this thing was too big.

As for whether Ye Nan was the King of War, it was only after Ye Nan joined Qinglong Wuguan that he knew.

"Ye Nan, since you want to see the fierce beast materials in our Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, then I will take you there."

Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, said to Ye Nan.

When the sound fell, Tu Qiu took Ye Nan to a place.

Not long after, under the leadership of Tu Qiu, Ye Nan came to a hall. When everyone in the hall saw Tu Qiu, they all saluted Tu Qiu respectfully and shouted at Tu Qiu:

"The owner of the museum."

Everyone in the hall naturally saw Ye Nan and Tangshan generals. What they would never have imagined was that a young man who seemed to be only in his twenties would be able to walk shoulder to shoulder with the museum owner and Tangshan generals.

"Ye Nan, this is the fierce beast material hall of my Qinglong martial arts hall. What fierce beast material do you need?"

Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, asked Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the fierce beast materials in the hall. He thought that these fierce beast materials were pretty good, because there were many warlord-level fierce beast materials, and there were thousands of fierce beast materials of various levels. The material of the fierce beast, the tail of the highest ninth rank fierce beast, Azure Demon Bull.

Everyone in the hall was shocked when they heard the name of the museum owner for Ye Nan. They never thought that the owner would call a young man who seemed to be only in his twenties as an adult!

They know that they heard it right, this is the most terrifying!

So, what amazing background does this man have?

They don’t know, really don’t know!

Pavilion Master Tu Qiu and Tangshan General, their eyes all looked at Ye Nan, and they all wanted to know what fierce animal materials Ye Nan needed.

"The owner of the museum, if I want to join the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, I want all these fierce beast materials."

Ye Nan spoke to Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Arts Hall.


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the entire hall gasped. In any case, it would never have occurred to Ye Nan that Ye Nan wanted all the materials for the fierce beast.

"You, what did you say?"

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Pavilion, looked at Ye Nan in shock, and he didn't expect that Ye Nan would want all the materials for the fierce beast.

"Ye Nan, why do you want so many fierce beast materials?"

Tu Qiu looked at Ye Nan very puzzled.

"Don't worry about this, you can give it or not."

Ye Nan said to Tu Qiu.

Of course, he didn't say anything. If he was sure to join the Qinglong Wuguan, his role would definitely be more than these fierce beasts.

The general of Tangshan was stunned when he saw the master of the pavilion, and he quickly whispered a lot of words to the master of the pavilion Tu Qiu.

The pavilion owner Tu Qiu listened to Tangshan's words, he pondered for a few seconds, and then nodded.


Tu Qiu nodded to Ye Nan.

Seeing that Tu Qiu agreed, Ye Nan began to put the fierce beast materials in the hall into the storage ring.

Everyone in the hall just watched Ye Nan put these materials into the storage ring.

In the end, Ye Nan put all the beast materials in the hall into the system space.

After putting these fierce beast materials into the storage ring, Ye Nan left the hall, and when the Tangshan general saw Ye Nan left, he hurriedly followed.

"Ye Nan, where are you going?"

After Tangshan reached Ye Nan's side, he quickly said to Ye Nan.

"I don't seem to have a place to live yet?"

Ye Nan asked Tangshan back.

Of course Tangshan understood what Ye Nan meant. He quickly spoke to Ye Nan and said, "Ye Nan, I will take you to your residence now."

With that, Tang Shan quickly took Ye Nan to a place.

It didn't take long for Ye Nan to arrive at his residence under the leadership of Tangshan, which was a single-family villa.

"Zhan Wang Ye Nan, this is your place."

Tang Shan said to Ye Nan.

Where there were people, he said he didn't dare to call Ye Nan Zhan Wang, because he knew that Ye Nan was a very low-key person.

"Well, you go."

"Okay, Ye Nan Zhan Wang."

With that, Tangshan left here.

Ye Nan entered the single-family villa in front of him, and after going inside, he did nothing else and began to recycle the beast materials.

"Ding! The recovery was successful."

"One billion shi."

"400 million cultivation talent stone."

"400 million ability talent stones."

"1.2 million sword stones."

The recycling reward did not make Ye Nan feel happy, after all, it was a million times crit.

Without thinking too much, he integrated the recycling rewards he obtained.

"Thunder system talent is upgraded to the top!"

"Wind talent is upgraded to the top!"

"Rain talent is upgraded to the top!"

"Tier Nine Yuan Soldier."

After integrating the recovery rewards, the three talents of Thunder, Wind, and Rain were upgraded to the top, and the eighth-tier soldiers were also upgraded to the ninth-tier soldiers.

The recycling rewards did not give Ye Nan too much joy, but after integrating the recycling rewards, he became excited.

Now, only the sword talent is left!

As long as the sword system talent is upgraded to the top, then he is a heaven-defying existence.

On the other side, the Qinglong Wuguan conference room!

In the conference room, there are the most powerful warriors of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, the main hall, the deputy main hall, the Tangshan generals and the powerful men are all present.

"Master, who is Ye Nan on earth?"

In the entire Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, except for the master Tu Qiu and Tangshan generals, no one else knew Ye Nan's strength at all.

Everyone in the conference room turned their eyes to Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, and wanted to know who Ye Nan was.

"I think it's up to Tangshan Zhan to explain to everyone in the future."

Although Tu Qiu learned from Tang Shan that Ye Nan was the King of War, he did not see Ye Nan show his strength with his own eyes.

The powerful people in the conference room listened to the words of the museum owner Tu Qiu, and they cast their eyes on the Tangshan war general, wanting to know what kind of person Ye Nan was from the Tangshan war general's mouth.

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