Ye Nan left the hall of the storage of the fierce beast materials!

The high-levels of Heiteng Martial Arts Hall kept their eyes on Ye Nan's back until Ye Nan disappeared from their field of vision.

"Master, I can't accept it!"

Suddenly, the deputy director of Heiteng Wuguan shook his head at the master Huang Kai.

Of course, the mood of the high-level staff is similar to that of the deputy director of the Heiteng Wuguan. They want to know exactly where Ye Nan is.

"What is unacceptable, if you know how strong Ye Nan is, you can accept it."

Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, said to the high-level staff.

The high-level people were a little sluggish. They only thought that Ye Nan was a super sky, but the museum owner actually said he was a strong man?

"The museum owner, how strong is Ye Nan?"

The deputy curator asked Huang Kai again, a look of curiosity appeared on his face.

"Haha, how strong is it?" Huang Kai looked at the deputy curator in front of him, then looked at the others, "If I tell you that Ye Nan can easily kill me in seconds, do you believe it?"

Huang Kai knew that if it was a life-and-death battle in the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, then he would already be a dead person.

The high-level members of the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall listened to the owner's words, and they were all like a bolt from the blue sky, their mouths gutted, and their souls stunned!

Can Ye Nan easily kill the museum owner?

Can this be believed?

"Why? You still don't believe me. Otherwise, why do you think I brought Ye Nan to the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall? Otherwise, why do you think I agreed to give Ye Nan so many fierce beast materials?"

Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, said to the seniors.

Huang Kai was also very bitter. He originally thought that Ye Nan came to Heiteng Wuguan with him because he wanted to move from Qinglong Wuguan to their Heiteng Wuguan, but what he didn't expect was that Ye Nan came to Heiteng Wuguan. It turned out to be just for the material of the fierce beast, and then left.

The high-levels of the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall listened to the affirmative words of the museum owner. They all froze in place like wood-carved clay sculptures. If that were the case, then Ye Nan wouldn't be the king of war?


How could it be possible?

"I know you think it’s incredible, it’s a fantasy, but it’s the truth. When I first started, I had the same idea as you, but then I was beaten in the face. If Ye Nan wanted to kill me when I was in the Qinglong martial arts hall, I would have It's a dead person."

Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, continued.

The high-level people looked at each other, and then a wry smile appeared on their faces. The curator's words made them understand a truth.

The reason is that you can’t judge people by their appearance in the future!

A person who seems to be only in his twenties can become the King of War, so what else is impossible for Blue Star?


Qinglong Wuguan!

Ye Nan returned to the Qinglong Wuguan.

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong martial arts hall, and the high-level staff were still on the martial arts ground. After seeing Ye Nan's return, they quickly greeted him.

"Ye Nan Zhan Wang."

Tu Qiu was ecstatic. He thought that Ye Nan agreed to leave with Huang Kai and wanted to join the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall.

But later Ye Nan said that he was only going to the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall, which made him feel relieved.

Now that Ye Nan is back, he is more relieved!

You must know that this is not the time to start, and now everyone knows Ye Nan's terrifying strength.

"I'll go back to the room first."

After speaking, Ye Nan left the training ground.

It didn't take long before he arrived at his residence!

After arriving at his residence, Ye Nan began to collect the fierce beast materials in the storage ring.

"Ding! The recovery was successful."

"1.1 billion shi."

"400 million cultivation talent stone."

"400 million ability talent stones."

"Two million sword stones."

"Top Sword Elementary Skill, Killing the Shadow Sword King Formation!"

Ye Nan looked at the recovery reward he had obtained, and he smiled secretly, thinking that the top sword element element skills had a fart, and his sword element talent was still high.

Without thinking too much, he integrated the recycling rewards he obtained.

Although 1.1 billion yuan stone is a lot!

But it is not enough to support him breaking through to the King of War!

The 9th-rank warlord naturally has a shackle from the one-star warlord. In order to break through this shackle, in addition to vitality, a terrifying battle is needed.

"Higher sword talent is upgraded to top sword talent!"

Ye Nan was shocked. Has the Advanced Sword Talent upgraded to the Top Sword Talent?

His face was very happy. At first, he certainly did not expect that the talent of the advanced sword system would break through to the talent of the top sword system.

Then, the top sword elementary skills to kill the Shadow Sword King Formation is useful.

Killing the Shadow Sword King Formation can be directly accomplished!

In other words, Ye Nan now has the Shadow Killing Sword King Formation.

He is out of the room!

Now everything is ready, only Dongfeng!

Although the 1.1 billion yuan stone just didn't support him to break through to the one-star warlord, he didn't need many yuan stone, but he needed a lot of battle.

After leaving the residence, Ye Nan went to the main office of the pavilion, and he saw Tu Qiu, the pavilion owner.

"King Ye Nan, it's you."

Tu Qiu smiled at Ye Nan. After Ye Nan joined the Qinglong Wuguan, the overall strength of the Qinglong Wuguan has been greatly improved. Of course he was willing.

"By the way, King Ye Nan, what should you come to see me for?"

Suddenly, Tu Qiu asked Ye Nan again.

"I want to ask, are there any crypts that can be entered?"

Ye Nan said.

In the many caves that have been discovered, these caves are guarded by strong humans. Generally speaking, it is impossible to enter to break the balance. Otherwise, if a warrior enters the cave to slaughter the beast, it will definitely cause evil. The war between beasts and humans.

But some crypts that were just discovered or for some special reasons are different. They can go in and slaughter the fierce beasts, as long as they are strong enough.

"War King Ye Nan, it seems that the Fifth Academy is going to Vault Zero recently for an assessment. That crypt can be entered, but King King Ye Nan, why are you entering the Vault?"

Tu Qiu looked at Ye Nan very puzzled.

"There is a little thing."

Ye Nan said.

Tu Qiu knew it was definitely not because of this, but Ye Nan was reluctant to say more, and of course he would not choose to ask more.

"King Ye Nan, if you really want to go to the Catacombs, I also know the dean of the Fifth Academy. I will take you there?"

Tu Qiu went on to say to Ye Nan.

"it is good."

Ye Nan nodded in response.

He knew that the Fifth Academy was a martial arts academy, a crypt that could enter the martial arts academy assessment, of course it was just a poor crypt, but it was better than none.

Immediately, Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, took Ye Nan to leave the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, and the two headed towards the Fifth Academy.

Although the general class can fly in the air, in general, no one does it because it is too high-profile.

After a long time, Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, finally arrived outside the Fifth Academy.

"Wait, what am I doing here?"

Suddenly, Ye Nan asked Tu Qiu.

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