The lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke did not expect that Ye Nan would choose the title of sword, but it was not just that Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, did not expect it, nor did the lord Long Zhan.

"Lord, let's go to Tianlong Mountain, too."

Abruptly, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, said to the lord Long Zhan.

After the lord Long Zhan nodded, he got up and walked outside the hall.

After leaving the imperial palace, the two headed towards Tianlong Mountain.

Tianlong Mountain!

At this moment, Tianlong Mountain is no longer as deserted as it used to be. On Tianlong Mountain, there are many powerhouses of the imperial capital.

The dozen or so great warriors guarding Tianlong Mountain are respectful, and every warrior who appears here is not something they can afford.

The conquest of kings has not been held for a long time, and the major powers of the Imperial Capital Dragon City are extremely looking forward to them. They are talking at the moment, and someone in the Imperial Capital breaks through to the King of War. This is of course a thing worthy of joy.

There are a total of ten warriors at the warlord level in the imperial capital, and hundreds of warriors!

These powerful beings have all come to the top of Tianlong Mountain!

"The country lord and the palace lord are here!"

Suddenly, an exclamation sound reached everyone's ears.

All the warriors on the top of Tianlong Mountain looked towards one place, and they found that the lord Long Zhan and the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke had reached the sky.

Before long, the lord Long Zhan and the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke arrived on the ground.

"The Lord, the Lord!"

The warriors on the top of Tianlong Mountain began to bow to the lord Long Zhan and the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke.


Lord Long Zhan nodded to the warriors on the top of Tianlong Mountain.

Immediately, the lord Long Zhan and the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke arrived on the exclusive seats, and the major powers of the imperial capital also sat down.

After sitting down, the major powerhouses of the imperial capital began to talk again. They still don't know who broke through to the King of War, and they all look forward to the King of War.

"Next, I will wait for Ye Nan."

Lord Long Zhan muttered to himself.


Qinglong Wuguan.

"Zhan Wang Ye Nan, we can go to Tianlong Mountain."

Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan listened to the words of Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Art Hall, and he nodded. I thought it would take a while for the meeting of kings to be held, but I didn't expect the meeting of kings to be held so soon.

"Let's go, go to Tianlong Mountain."

After Ye Nan finished speaking, he got up and walked out.

After the two arrived on the square of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, they both jumped up from the ground, surrounded by the power of a terrifying golden dragon, and they hurried towards the direction of Tianlong Mountain.

Tianlong Mountain!

The powerhouses on Tianlong Mountain were waiting for Ye Nan's arrival, and naturally they all wanted to know who broke through to the King of War.

Just when all the powerhouses on the top of Tianlong Mountain were guessing, the golden bright light struck over, and the direct shot made everyone unable to open their eyes, and the entire Tianlong Mountain was reflected in gold.

Everyone looked up, they knew that this was the warrior who broke through the king of war.

Under the attention of everyone, Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, arrived on the ground.

"Ye Nan, you are here."

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, got up and walked to Ye Nan's side, and smiled at Ye Nan.


Ye Nan nodded at the head of the Dragon Palace.


Is there a strong presence on the top of Tianlong Mountain? Looking at Ye Nan's face, they couldn't help taking a breath.

They had never seen Ye Nan in the imperial capital, and such a young man actually came to Tianlong Mountain to receive a title?

But the lord of the Dragon Palace, Li Ke, is beside him, what the **** is going on! ?

The powerhouses on the top of Tianlong Mountain were all dumbfounded, their eyes opened wide, and some of them couldn't recover.

"Can you start?"

Ye Nan asked Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace in front of him.

He is here to receive the title. If it is too troublesome and delays too much time, it is obviously meaningless.

"It's time to start!"

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, nodded to Ye Nan.

In the invitation letter to the major powerhouses in the imperial capital, it was clearly pointed out that Ye Nan wanted the title of sword.

The big powers in the imperial capital also knew Ye Nan's name, but they didn't know Ye Nan's appearance.

After the lord of the Dragon Palace nodded at Li Ke towards Ye Nan, he returned to his exclusive seat, and the powerhouses of the imperial capital all held their breaths, their eyes fixed on the figure of Ye Nan on the mountain.

Generally speaking, if you dare to receive the title of sword, you must have the talent of the sword element. Otherwise, how dare you to receive the title of sword?

Although Qinghong Sword is a tenth-tier soldier, it looks similar to an ordinary high-rank soldier.

Ye Nan took the Qinghong sword out of the storage ring!

The major powerhouses in the imperial capital looked at the Green Rainbow Sword in Ye Nan's hands, and they were all waiting for Ye Nan to urge the next attack.

I saw that, under the influence of the talent of the top sword system, the sword light that appeared on the Qinghong sword began to diffuse in the space, and it looked extremely terrifying!

The powerhouses on the top of Tianlong Mountain, watching such a scene, they already knew that Ye Nan had the talent of the sword system, and he was also talented in the advanced sword system. Only the talent of the advanced sword system could spur such a terrifying sword light. .

"Strange, I also have a high-level sword talent, but the sword light I spurred by Ye Nan seems to be incomparable."

A warlord-level warrior scratched his head and was puzzled.

Of course, this warlord couldn't understand it, because he was a talent in the advanced sword system, and Ye Nan was a talent in the top sword system.


Suddenly, Ye Nan held the Qinghong sword into the space and slashed out several swords. The swords were cut down in succession, and the power of the sword glow intertwined to form a sword glow shock wave.

Rumble! ! !

The power of the sword light hit the space heavily, and a huge crack appeared in the space instantly.

Oh My God!

The warriors on the top of Tianlong Mountain looked at such a scene, they were all stunned, how could they be able to sit firmly on the chair, they all got up suddenly, looking at Ye Nan in amazement.

This blow was naturally just a random blow by Ye Nan. He didn't want to expose too much strength. In the past, he let them know how powerful the Qinghong Sword was.

"I think it should be enough, right?"

Ye Nan looked at Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace.

"Enough, completely enough!"

The lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke nodded heavily. He originally thought that Ye Nan didn't have a deep understanding of swords, but what he didn't expect was that Ye Nan had the deepest understanding of swords.

"Ye Nan, did you ask us to give you a title, or do you want to do it yourself?"

Suddenly, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, said to Ye Nan again.

The powerhouses on the top of Tianlong Mountain, their throats swallowed and spit, and when Ye Nan was holding the Qinghong sword to show their powerful strength, they were shocked to the point of indescribable.

They all turned their eyes to Ye Nan, wanting to see Ye Nan's next answer.

"You guys give it to me."

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