When Ye Nan's finger light slammed on the boulder, after a loud noise, the boulder turned into powder.

Everyone outside Nagata Ghost Cave saw such a scene, and their pupils couldn't help but shrank rapidly.

Because such a scene is really shocking to them.


Just listen, Ye Nan smiled indifferently at the young warriors outside Nagata Ghost Cave, and slowly spoke:

"Sorry, strength means being able to do whatever you want, I'll say it again, get out of the way!"

At the sound of the sound, Ye Nan exudes a sense of oppression after bursts, and the oppression is attacking these young warriors.

After these protesting young warriors felt the sense of oppression, they became horrified, and their bodies were already wet with cold sweat.

How dare the young warriors continue to stay here? They hurriedly left here.

After these young warriors left, Ye Nan and Longdian Palace Master Li Ke walked into the Longteng Ghost Cave.


Second floor...

Three layers...

It didn't take long for Ye Nan and Longdian Hallmaster Li Ke to reach the 72nd floor. After reaching the 72nd floor, both Ye Nan and Longdian Hallmaster Li Ke saw a lot of warriors.

These warriors are naturally the warriors who came to guard the passage of the cave. After the warriors watched Ye Nan and the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke, they hurriedly came over to salute.

"Ye Nan, look at that, it's a tunnel in the catacombs."

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, pointed a place with his finger.

Ye Nan followed the direction of Longdian Hall Master Li Ke's finger, and he saw a crypt passage.

"Is there anyone in the crypt passage?"


A great master said respectfully to Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Having said that, Ye Nan and Longdian Hall Master Li Ke walked into the crypt passage, entered the crypt passage, and the two entered the crypt world, and they looked at the crypt world.

Ye Nan and Longdian Hall Master Li Ke currently don't know what level of cave this cave belongs to, and they haven't surveyed this cave in advance.

"Hall Master, Dragon Sword Battle King!"

The warrior legions guarding the passage of the crypt, they looked at Ye Nan and Longdian Palace Master Li Ke, and a smile appeared on their faces, and then they gave a respectful cry to them.

"Ye Nan, how is it? Are you willing to guard the crypt?"

Abruptly, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, asked Ye Nan.

"Can you go in and have a look?"

Ye Nan said.


Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, shook his head at Ye Nan.

Ye Nan had actually guessed that if you enter the depths, and this is an extremely powerful crypt, then what awaits them will be a catastrophic war.

"I don't think this cave is very good. It should not be a powerful cave, so I will not guard it. If something happens, I will come to the cave as soon as possible."

Ye Nan said to Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace.

The lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke nodded, he had already guessed Ye Nan's answer.

Immediately, Ye Nan and the Lord of the Dragon Palace left the Longteng Ghost Cave.

The entire imperial capital still didn't know about the appearance of the crypt in the Longteng Ghost Cave. They were still living happily, but they didn't know that the danger had already arrived.

After half a month!

Everything in the passage of the Nagto Ghost Caverns Nowadays, the warriors guarding the defenses of the passages have some laziness on their faces. In their opinion, the work of guarding the defenses of the catacombs is really dull and there is no danger. advent.

But what these warriors who guarded the passage defense line didn't know was that a large number of fierce beasts had begun to gather and came toward the crypt passage defense line.

after an hour!




There was a sound of the Jidao bell in the tunnel defense line of the crypt, and the bell sounded throughout the defense line of the tunnel.

The warriors above the passage line of defense listened to the chimes of the Jidao Bell, and they all trembled, because such bells meant that the beast had struck.

"Found the enemy!"

"Found the enemy!"

"Found the enemy!"

Suddenly, loud screams began to appear in the crypt tunnel defense line.

Immediately, all the warriors on the defense line of the crypt channel cast their gazes forward, and after they cast their gazes forward, they were stunned at the sight.

Because they saw countless beasts!


All the warriors on the defense line of the crypt, they all gasped, looking at the fierce beast like a black cloud as if struck by lightning. They had never seen so many fierce beasts.


Suddenly, the fierce beast army uttered a sky-shaking roar, the roar was deafening, and its momentum was full, completely suppressing the momentum of the warriors on the passage defense line.

Suddenly, the fierce beasts began to roll into big **** one after another and swept toward the defense line of the passage. Seeing the big **** of fierce beasts that hit, the warriors on the defense line were shocked.

"Defense! Defend!"

A ninth-rank warlord shouted loudly.

This ninth-rank warlord is the most powerful existence in the warrior guarding the cave this time.


However, the warriors above the channel defense line had just prepared to attack these fierce beast giant balls, but before they had time, the defense line city wall suffered a fierce attack.

Thousands of big orbs of fierce beasts kept violently hitting the defensive walls.


This ninth-rank warlord looked at this scene, instantly desperate.

"Did anyone ask for help?"

The ninth-rank warlord looked at a seventh-rank warlord beside him.

"When we first discovered the enemy's situation, we already had someone asking for help."

Said the seventh-rank warrior. The face of the seventh-rank warlord was also full of desperate looks, because he knew it was too late, and they couldn't wait for the support to arrive.

boom! boom! boom!

Great explosions continue to appear on the walls of the passage defense line.

"I can't hold on anymore!"

A warrior yelled.

Not long after this warrior called out, the channel defense line suddenly collapsed.

After the tunnel defense line collapsed, the warriors and the fierce beasts began to fight.

But the warrior is outnumbered after all!

"Kill me!"

The ninth-rank warlord's eyes were red.

The warriors fell one by one!

In the end, all the warriors on the passage line of defense, they all fell in a pool of blood, and none of them survived.

Imperial Palace Hall!

"Support now!"

The lord Long Zhan roared.

Immediately afterwards, the support troops began to think of Nagata Ghost Cave entering.

The residents of God City were puzzled all the way. Of course, they didn't expect to see so many powerful warriors.

At the same time, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, found Ye Nan.

"Ye Nan."

After the lord of the Dragon Palace Li Ke found Ye Nan, he called to Ye Nan.

"Hall Master, you are looking for me at this time, is it...?"

Ye Nan thought of an astonishing possibility, and he asked Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace.

"Yes, there was a big battle in the Naganteng Ghost Cave Caverns, and all the warriors who guarded the caverns were wiped out!"

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, gritted his teeth and said.

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