This first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast is now looking at Ye Nan coldly. For this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast, Ye Nan is lost, otherwise it would never believe that Ye Nan would dare to come to them this fierce beast. Gathering place.

"Human, do you know that you will die soon?"

Suddenly, this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast said to Ye Nan again.

Ye Nan couldn't help but want to laugh when listening to this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast. He remembered that when China hadn't crossed to the Blue Star, there was a saying that was very hot.

It is so ordinary, yet so confident!

Ye Nan naturally didn't want to have too much nonsense with this first-grade grandmaster-level beast, he put up a finger, and wanted to kill this first-class grandmaster-level beast, just a finger.

Seeing Ye Nan's finger raised, this first-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast became angry on its dark face because it saw that Ye Nan was ready to attack it.

"you wanna die!"

At the sound of the sound, the first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast rushed towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast that rushed forward, and he shook his head. It seemed that this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast still didn't understand.

call out!

Above the erected fingers, a finger-lighting force flew towards the first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast that leaped towards it.

This first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast was shocked, and it looked at the power of the finger light that swept toward it with horror.

what! ! !

It is impossible for the first-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast to be able to withstand this kind of finger light power, and it is absolutely impossible to withstand such an attack.

When the power of the finger light hit the body of the first-rank grandmaster-level beast, the first-rank grandmaster-level beast uttered a scream. After the scream fell, the body of the first-rank grandmaster-level beast was accused of Li Dong penetrated a huge blood hole, which looked terrifying.

There is no doubt that this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast has never had any chance of survival.

Ye Nan recovered the corpse of this first-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast!

At this moment, Ye Nan's location is the gathering place where this first-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast is located!

As soon as Ye Nan collected this first-grade grandmaster-level beast, numerous beasts appeared in front of him.

These fierce beasts stared at Ye Nan fiercely, wishing to share Ye Nan's food.

There were hundreds of fierce beast feet that appeared in front of Ye Nan. The fierce beast where Ye Nan was located was large, and there were naturally a lot of fierce beasts inside.

Among the hundreds of fierce beasts, the most powerful fierce beast is no more than the great warrior-level fierce beast. Of course, these fierce beasts have no chance of surviving in front of Ye Nan.


Suddenly, one of the great martial artist-level fierce beasts roared at Ye Nan. As this roar fell, hundreds of fierce beasts flew towards Ye Nan.


Ye Nan didn't bother to entangle these fierce beasts too much. When hundreds of fierce beasts rushed towards him, he directly raised his fist and punched them out.


The terrifying sonic boom appeared!

After these sonic booms appeared, the corpses of hundreds of fierce beasts had been turned into powder, and the whole process was just a blink of an eye, it was too fast.

At this time, not far from Ye Nan, there was a great warrior-level fierce beast. This was a sixth-rank great warrior-level fierce beast. It was this sixth-rank great martial beast that gave an offensive order.

Although the great warrior-level fierce beast can't speak, but its intelligence is already very high, it watched such a scene, its pupils immediately contracted fiercely, and its whole body was trembling uncontrollably. It knew that the human being in front of it was An extremely powerful human warrior.

Suddenly, a piece of vitality was released from Ye Nan's body and outside, following the release of vitality, this sluggish Sixth-Rank Great Martial Artist level fierce beast fell into a pool of blood.

After recovering these beasts!

Ye Nan continued to walk toward the depths of the fierce beast gathering place.

After a while!

He met many more fierce beasts, there were many fierce beasts, and these fierce beasts surrounded Ye Nanqi Tuantuan.

"Human, you can actually come here, it seems that you are a strong human!"

A third-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast addressed Ye Nan coldly.

Ye Nan took the Qinghong sword out of the storage ring, and the sharpness of the Qinghong sword was already exposed.


Just when the third-rank grandmaster-level beast's voice just fell, Ye Nan held the Qinghong sword and attacked the third-rank grandmaster-level beast.

Suddenly, the sword light was like a stream of light, forming a terrifying shock wave. The air flow was disturbed wherever the shock wave went. The surrounding trees were cut off one after another, and the cracks on the ground continued to break open.


The third-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast watched such a terrible attack attacking itself. It couldn't help but gasped. It knew that Ye Nan was able to come here. It must be a powerful human, but nothing happened. What came to mind was that this human being was actually so powerful.

Such an attack...

How can it catch it!

However, this third-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast knew how it was impossible to catch such an attack.

Suddenly, cracks appeared in the area where the third-rank grandmaster-level fierce beasts were located, and the sword light began to overflow. The terrifying sword light cut these fierce beasts in half, and the whole scene was too shocking.

"Oh my God!"

Not far from the third-rank grandmaster-level, there is a second-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast. This second-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast looked at such a scene.

But what this second-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast would never have imagined was that Ye Nan had already focused on it.

In this gathering place of fierce beasts, Ye Nanru was like a hunter, and these fierce beasts were like prey. How could the prey be targeted by the best hunter and escape?


Not long after this second-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast ran away, a sword light flashed across, and this second-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast had already been turned into two halves.

Next, it was a unilateral massacre!

Originally, these fierce beasts thought they had surrounded Ye Nan, but they didn't know that Ye Nan had surrounded them.

The fierce beasts think of Ye Nan as the first layer and themselves as the second layer. In fact, the fierce beasts are in the negative layer, and Ye Nan is in the atmosphere!

"Ding! The recovery was successful."

"100 million shi."

"40 million cultivation talent stones."

"40 million ability talent stones."

"Two million sword stones."

"7 Yuan Bing promotion stones."

Ye Nan looked at the reward for recycling, and his face showed a wonderful smile.

I got another 7 Yuan Bing promotion stones!


Not enough, not enough!

After merging the recovery rewards, Qinghong Sword is still a rank ten soldier.

There were still some fierce beasts in this fierce beast gathering place, and Ye Nan continued to walk deeper into the fierce beast gathering place.

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