God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 151: Sixth-Rank War King-level Fierce Beast, Crimson King Blood Eagle

Of course, this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast did not expect Ye Nan to say such a thing. It looked at Ye Nan in amazement, and it was a long time since he could not recover.

"Human, we have so many fierce beasts here, you only said that you saw me?"

In the eyes of the Seventh-Rank Grandmaster-level Fierce Beast, Ye Nan was somewhat inexplicable.

Ye Nan listened to the words of this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast, he did not continue to speak, but took the Qinghong sword out of the storage ring.

The Green Rainbow Sword is now a Tier 1 Star Soldier, of course it is not comparable to the previous Tier 10 Yuan Soldiers. Under the influence of the top sword system talent, the Green Rainbow Sword is even more terrifying.

The Seventh-Rank Grandmaster-level Fierce Beast looked at the Qinghong Sword in Ye Nan's hand, a touch of astonishment appeared on its face, because it could not have imagined that Ye Nan would possess a weapon like the Qinghong Sword.

"Human, your weapon..."

Before this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast had finished speaking, Ye Nan held up the Qinghong sword in his hand. After raising the Qinghong sword, under the influence of the talent of the top sword system, the sword light began to appear, sharp. Jianmang cut open the space around Ye Nan.

The Seventh Stage Grandmaster and the other fierce beasts looked at the Qinghong sword that Ye Nan raised high, and for some reason, a scene suddenly appeared in their minds. This scene was really terrifying.


Ye Nan slowly uttered five words at a time.

Sound falls, sword falls!

The first-order star soldier green rainbow sword falls!

Dragon Slaying and Drawing Sword and Slashing is a primitive skill that matches the first-order Star Soldier Blue Rainbow Sword.

Wherever a typhoon passes, there will be no grass!


The fierce beasts watched such a slash hit them, and they were shocked to the extreme, and their pupils shrank rapidly.

Rumble! ! !

Suddenly, a shocking explosion occurred in the area where the fierce beasts were. When the shocking explosion disappeared, the fierce beasts had become severed arms and limbs!

The entire Langla beast city was razed to the ground in an instant!

Quiet, deathly silence!

At this moment, except for the strongest beast of the 7th-rank Grandmaster-level beast in Lanla Beast City, none of the other beasts have survived, and all of them have died.

"I said, I only saw you a fierce beast, is there anything shocking about this?"

Ye Nan carried the Qinghong Sword on his shoulders, and he stared directly at the seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast in front of him and said.

Listening to Ye Nan's words, this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast couldn't help being terrified. It looked at Ye Nan as if struck by lightning. It would never have thought that Ye Nan said that only seeing him was a fierce beast would mean this. .

"Humans, I, I, I..."

When the seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast recovered, it quickly knelt on the ground. After kneeling on the ground, the seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast began to beg Ye Nan for mercy.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I have no eyes, human beings, you, you, you... Just treat me as a fart, then let me go."

Of course, this seventh-grade grandmaster-level fierce beast didn't want to die, and it crazily begged Ye Nan for mercy.

It never dreamed that Ye Nan was such a powerful human warrior, this was a big city of fierce beasts.

The seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast knew that if it wanted to survive, then only in this way would it be possible to survive.

"You are a powerful beast, why are you still so naive?"

Ye Nan said to the seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast in front of him who was begging for mercy.

Listening to Ye Nan's words, this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast instantly rushed from its tail vertebra to the Tianling Gai, and it was panicked to the extreme.

"Honorable human beings, I, I, I... I just want to survive, what's wrong with me!"

The seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast really only wants to survive. If Ye Nan allows it to survive, it will naturally be willing to do anything.

"There is nothing wrong with you, I just want to kill you," Ye Nan looked at this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast, "You haven't heard the words of natural selection and survival of the fittest. "

Yin Luo, Ye Nan shot at this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast.

It is absolutely impossible for a seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast to withstand Ye Nan's attack.

In an instant, this seventh-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast fell into a pool of blood.

Ye Nan recovered all the beasts in Lanla Beast City.

A Level 2 crypt is really nothing in front of Ye Nan today.

He entered this level 2 crypt to recover the fierce beasts in this level 2 crypt. Now that he has recovered the beasts in this level 2 crypt, there is no need to stay. Inside this level 2 crypt.

the other side!

When Ye Nan entered this second-level crypt, fierce beasts appeared constantly throughout the imperial capital. These fierce beasts were powerful and fought against the powerful in the imperial capital.

Even warriors at the general level have fallen!

Imperial Capital Center!

A Sixth-Rank War King-level fierce beast rose into the sky. This Sixth-Rank War King-class fierce beast was the Scarlet King Blood Eagle, and this sixth-Rank War King-class fierce beast, the Scarlet King Blood Eagle, was confronting the four warlords.

The four warlords are all third-tier warlords, and they have been famous in the imperial capital for a long time!

But these four warlords are only third-rank warlord-level warriors, how can they be opponents when facing a sixth-rank warlord-level beast?

The four warlords looked like a torch. From the moment they faced this sixth-rank warlord-level beast, the Scarlet King Blood Eagle, they knew that they had no chance of survival at all, but what could they do, knowing that they were not opponents, but Some things have to be done by someone.


Suddenly, the Scarlet King Blood Eagle shot!

The Scarlet King Blood Eagle was a sixth-rank war king-level fierce beast, and its speed was too fast, but it was in front of the four war kings in an instant.

The faces of the four war kings condensed, and they began to fight with the sixth-rank war king-level fierce beast, the Red King Blood Eagle.

But the difference in strength is not something that can be made up in terms of quantity. These four warlords cannot be the opponents of the Scarlet King Blood Eagle at all.

Suddenly, a warlord was ashamed of blood on the spot!

The sky began to rain blood!

Warlord level warrior, the mainstay of Blue Star, but now this level of warrior is beginning to fall.

Although the residents of the imperial capital are all at home with the door closed, they can see the blood rain from the sky from outside the window.

They all have red eyes!

Because they know that this is a symbol of the fall of the strong, and the strong died for them!

In the end, the four third-rank warlords were all beheaded by this sixth-rank warlord-level beast, the Red King Blood Eagle.


The sixth-rank war king-level fierce beast, the Scarlet King Blood Eagle, killed four third-rank battle queens, and it laughed wildly proudly.

The laughter spread far along with the dark magic energy, most of the residents hiding in the house heard it, and they were terrified to the extreme.

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