God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 157: Fourth, the fourth grade Hunyuan Zhanzun

Just when the guards of the imperial capital were extremely desperate, a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, which looked extremely shocking.

The members of the guards know that this is their strong one!

Immediately, the members of the imperial capital's guards showed a touch of joy on their faces.

The Ninth-Rank Great Master-level Fierce Beast looked at such a vision, and it was also very frightened. The Ninth-Rank Great Master-level Fierce Beast was already very intelligent, and of course it knew what this golden light represented.

After the golden light disappeared, a person appeared in the sky.

"The Dragon Sword Fighter, the Dragon Sword Fighter!"

After everyone in the hall saw that it was Dragon Sword Fighter Ye Nan, they were all very excited, because what they didn't expect was that the strong man who came was actually Dragon Sword Fighter Ye Nan.

Dragon sword war king Ye Nan killed the sixth-rank war king-level fierce beast Crimson Blood Eagle in the center of the imperial capital. This incident has spread throughout the imperial capital.

Of course they knew that this 9th-Rank Great Grandmaster-level fierce beast was nothing more than that in front of Dragon Sword Fighter Ye Nan.

The Ninth-Rank Great Master-level Fierce Beast looked at Ye Nan in front of him, with a furious expression, gritted his teeth, and looked very angry.


This ninth-rank great grandmaster-level fierce beast hadn't had time to shoot at me, so Ye Nan took the lead in attacking this ninth-rank great master-level fierce beast.

Suddenly, this ninth-rank great master-level fierce beast let out a terrifying wailing sound, its body was penetrated by fist gangs, and bursts of explosions began to appear!

The members of the guards of the imperial capital didn't have too much surprise on their faces, because they knew that a 9th-rank great master-level fierce beast was really nothing in front of Dragon Sword Fighter Ye Nan.

Ye Nan recovered this 9th-Rank Great Grandmaster-level beast. After recovering this 9th-Rank Great Grandmaster-level beast, the Thunder King's vitality in his body increased a lot.

But he still didn't know why the beast suddenly appeared in the imperial capital, and where did the beast come from?

Ye Nan knew that he was not the only one who didn't know, many people couldn't figure out what was going on.

He went to look around in the imperial capital again, and after finding that there were no beasts, he returned to the imperial palace.

As soon as he arrived at the imperial palace, Ye Nan saw Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace. After Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, saw him, he walked quickly to Ye Nan's side.

"Ye Nan."

"What's wrong?"

Ye Nan looked at Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, who was approaching him. He thought that something had happened.

"Ye Nan, Zheng Chou couldn't find you. I didn't expect you to show up."

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, said to Ye Nan.

Having said that, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, did not continue to speak, but took Ye Nan to the imperial palace hall.

After arriving at the imperial palace hall, Ye Nan saw that not only the country lord was present, but also the powerful people in the imperial capital. The last time the emperor appeared in the sixth-rank war king-level fierce beast, the Red King Blood Eagle, in order to resist the Red King Blood Eagle. , A lot of powerhouses were killed and injured, but there are still many powerhouses in the imperial capital.

"Dragon Sword King!"

After all the powerhouses in the hall saw Ye Nan coming in, they all got up and gave Ye Nan a respectful cry.

After Ye Nan nodded to the powerhouses in the hall, he cast his gaze on the lord Long Zhan directly above, and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Nan felt that things were a bit more difficult!


Lord Long Zhan nodded at Ye Nan.

Seeing the Lord Long Zhan nodded, Ye Nan did not continue to speak, because he knew that the Lord's words had not been finished.

"Some of us have discovered an extremely powerful beast hidden in the imperial capital. This beast is a human-like beast. It looks like a human being and has the ability to turn a human into a beast."

Lord Long Zhan then said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan listened to the words of the lord Long Zhan, he was stunned, no wonder he felt something was wrong, did it turn out to be the case?

However, the ability to turn humans into fierce beasts?

This is too terrible!

If there is the technology to turn humans into fierce beasts, this Ye Nan would have met him. When he was in Haiqing Base City, he also destroyed that crypt.

But this was the first time Ye Nan had heard of the ability to directly turn humans into fierce beasts.

"The humanoid fierce beast that appears in the crypt is likely to be from the Demon Sea Cavern, and it should be a fierce beast of the Hunyuan Zhanzheng level."

The lord Long Zhan said to the powerful people in the hall.

The powerhouses in the hall listened to the words of the Lord Long Zhan, and their faces all showed a touch of horror.

The fierce beasts of the Hun Yuan Zhan Zun level are simply beyond their ability to contend!

"If it is really a fierce beast of the Hunyuan Zhanzun level, then what should we do?"

First-rank war king Ye Tianyun said in amazement.

If they can fight hard, then they will choose to fight against a beast of Hunyuan Warlord level, but facing a beast of Hunyuan Warlord level, they absolutely cannot have any chance of winning, so what can they do? Woolen cloth.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Just when the powerhouses in the main hall didn't know what to do, the town country bell in the imperial capital suddenly rang.

The Town State Bell will never ring easily!

As long as the bell of the town country rings, then it proves that a major event has occurred in the emperor.

The powerhouses in the hall naturally heard the sound of the Great Bell of the Town State. How could they still be able to sit in the hall, and hurriedly walked out of the hall.

"what is that!?"

Suddenly, a ninth rank war commander yelled.

I saw that the originally bright sky became extremely dim, and then a cloud of purple gas appeared!

The purple gas wrapped up a residential building, like a purple enchantment, it looked too shocking.


Suddenly, a loud noise came!

The residential building enveloped in purple devil gas collapsed!

Immediately afterwards, countless roars of fierce beasts appeared, and the roars of fierce beasts condensed together, forming an extremely shocking effect.

"This must have been made by the fierce beast of the Hunyuan Zhan Zun level!"

Lord Long Zhan gritted his teeth!

At the same time, the purple magic did not stop there, but continued to wrap other residential buildings.

Ye Nan sneered. He had met a lot of fierce beasts of the Warlord rank, but he had never met a fierce beast of the Primordial Warlord.

"I'm going first!"

Suddenly, the power of two thousand golden dragons burst out of his body.

Ye Nan and the power of two thousand golden dragons flew towards one place.


The powerhouses of Long Zhan and the imperial capital looked at this scene, and they gasped, and their faces were as shocked as they were.

They knew that if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it would be true!

"Four, Fourth Grade Hunyuan Zhan Zun?"

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