After not finding the fierce beast hidden at the level of Emperor Hunyuan Zun Zun in the small forest, Ye Nan did not choose to stay in the small forest too much, but walked out of the small forest.

But what Ye Nan didn't expect was that after he came out, he saw a thin old man with a cold face and a wicked smile on his face. If he saw it at night, he would definitely be shocked. Jump.

"Boy, you look good."

The old man smiled at Ye Nan.

Ye Nan was stunned. Of course, he didn't expect this thin old man to say this to him. Of course he was good-looking and there was no problem, but it seemed strange to say it from such an old man.

Could it be...

Ye Nan suddenly thought of a possibility, this might be that the skinny old man in front of him was an old glass.

However, Ye Nan smiled at this skinny old man, he was not prepared to talk too much nonsense with this skinny old man.

Seeing that Ye Nan ignored him, the skinny old man was a little stunned. After a few seconds, the skinny old man continued to speak to Ye Nan:

"Young man, you are so handsome, why don't we make friends?"

Ye Nan couldn’t help but want to laugh when he heard this. He said to the thin old man in front of him: “Of course it’s no problem for people to make friends with people, but you don’t think it’s a bit of a violation if people make friends with a fierce beast. Harmony?"

Yes, when Ye Nan first saw this thin old man, he already knew that this thin old man was not a human being.

He was also very sure that this thin and thin old man was a fierce beast hidden at the level of Emperor Hun Yuan Zhan Zun.

Turning humans into fierce beasts, these fierce beasts all appeared in the emperor of heaven, all the instigators were this thin old man in front of him.

Seeing that Ye Nan discovered that he was not a human, the skinny old man was a little sluggish, unable to recover for a long time.

"Human, you, how did you discover it?"

Of course, this thin old man would not have imagined that the human being in front of him could discover that it was not a human, which is simply incredible.

"Hehe," Ye Nan sneered at the skinny old man, "Is it difficult? I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being!"

The thin old man smiled at Ye Nan's monster, "Human, since you see that I am not a human, then I have to reluctantly turn you into a beast."

Yin Luo, the skinny old man's pupils turned purple, and a purple devilish energy swept out of the old man's pupils, only to reach Ye Nan's body in an instant.

Ye Nan felt this purple gas, which had a terrifying mind control effect.

However, the thin old man in front of him was only a fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhan-level fierce beast, it was absolutely impossible to control him.

Ye Nan didn't make any dodge, letting the purple gas enter his mind.

"What, impossible!?"

For a scene of the thin old man, its pupils shrank rapidly, looking at Ye Nan in front of him as if struck by lightning. For the thin old man, this is definitely a scene that will never appear.

"Small bugs, dare you to make an axe?"

Yin Luo, Ye Nan took the Qinghong sword from the storage ring.

The Qinghong Sword appeared in Ye Nan's hands, and under the influence of the top sword system talent, the Qinghong Sword showed strong surges of sword light.

Such a scene of the skinny old man, it couldn't help being terrified to the extreme, how could it have thought that this human being in front of him would have such a terrifying weapon.

Suddenly, the thin old man became the ontology!

Roar! ! !

After the skinny old man became the main body, the entire imperial capital Dragon City could hear the roar of a giant beast.

The roar of this giant beast shook the entire Imperial Capital Dragon City. The residents of the Imperial Capital heard this roar, and they were all terrified to the extreme, and their souls were frightened, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Not only ordinary people, but even the warriors are the same. The pressure of such a roar is too strong, and even after they hear this roar, they can no longer give birth to any possibility of survival.

"Fourth-Rank Hunyuan Zhan-level fierce beast, stealing the blood cow!"

The lord Long Zhan and the powerhouses of the imperial capital, after they arrived the first time, looked at the fierce beast in front of them, all of them were struck by lightning.

Stealing Blood Ox feet are hundreds of meters in height, and the whole body is cast like steel, which looks powerful and perfect, and the pair of red horns are even more powerful and domineering.

Of course, the fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhan-level fierce beast steals the blood bull of course not like an ordinary bull, but stands upright, like the bull demon king in Journey to the West.

The appearance of the fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun fierce beast Stealing Devil Cow made the entire Emperor Dragon City extremely frightened, because such fierce beasts were too shocking for them.

"Lord, we, what should we do?"

The lord of the Dragon Palace, Li Ke, who was beside the lord of the country, was terrified.

"Hey, I can only pin my hopes on Ye Nan."

The lord Long Zhan sighed.

"But, we don't even know where Ye Nan Zhanzun is."

"No way, take one step at a time."

They had absolutely no chance of winning when faced with a fierce beast of the Hunyuan Battle Sovereign level. This was not something they could do without fear of death.

In many cases, it is useless not to be afraid of death!

Do you think that if you are not afraid of death, others will be afraid of you? If you are not afraid of death, it depends on whose wrist is hard enough!

Ye Nan looked at the skinny old man's body, and he thought of a good fellow, such a behemoth, it was too shocking.

However, it is useless to shock, after all, this fourth-rank Hunyuan war-sovereign-level fierce beast steals the sky blood ox, and he will soon be beheaded.

Immediately, he leaped up with the Tier 2 Star Soldier Qinghong Sword, but he was in mid-air in an instant, and he began to confront this Fourth-Rank Hunyuan Battle Sovereign-level Fierce Beast Stealing Blood Ox.

This fourth-rank Hunyuan war-sovereign-level fierce beast stared at Ye Nan fiercely. It originally thought that it could turn all the humans in the Long Kingdom Imperial Capital into fierce beasts.

But now it knows that things are far from going as smoothly as it had imagined.

It never thought at the beginning that there would be a human warrior of this level in the Imperial Capital Dragon City!


Stealing Blood Bull looked at the Green Rainbow Sword in Ye Nan's hand. Of course it knew that Ye Nan had a talent for the sword system, otherwise there would be absolutely no way to appear astonished as a sword light.

But what makes the fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun-level fierce beast steal the sky and blood is puzzled, why the Qinghong sword looks so terrifying!

It has also seen a lot of high-ranking soldiers!

Is it an illusion?

Thinking of this, the Fourth-Rank Hunyuan Zhan-level Fierce Beast Stealing Heavenly Blood Niu stabilized its mind, and it spoke coldly to Ye Nan:

"Human powerhouse, you want to fight with me, your courage is commendable!"

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