Seeing this, the powerhouses of Long Zhan and the Imperial Capital didn’t know what Ye Nan Zhanzun was planning to do, but they didn’t ask too much, because they knew that people like Ye Nan Zhanzun didn’t like others. Talkative.

Ye Nan dragged the corpse of the Fourth-Rank Hunyuan Zhan-level Fierce Beast Stealing the Heavenly Blood Bull towards a place in one hand, and it didn't take long for Ye Nan to reach a place where there was no one everywhere.

When he arrived at this place, Ye Nan was naturally going to reclaim this fourth-rank Hunyuan Battle Sovereign-level fierce beast that stolen the blood bull.

Ye Nan watched the fourth-rank Hunyuan war-sovereign beast steal the corpse of the sky blood cow, and a calm smile appeared on his face. Next, what kind of recycling rewards will I get if I recycle?

Without thinking about it, Ye Nan chose to recycle.

"Ding! The recovery was successful."

"30 billion stones."

"10 billion cultivation talent stone."

"10 billion talent talent stones."

"3 billion sword stones."

"10 million Thunder King Stone."

Looking at the recovery rewards he received, Ye Nan's face was very exciting. He knew that recovering this fourth-rank Hunyuan war-sovereign level beast would definitely get rich recovery rewards, but what he didn't expect was that. , The recycling reward is so rich.

Without thinking about it, he directly rewarded the recycling to Fusion.

He doesn't care about the others!

Because whether it is cultivation talent or supernatural talent, it has already reached the shackles on the planet of Blue Star.

However, the Thunder King's body is 57%. This time 10 million Thunder King Stones, I'm afraid...

After incorporating the recovery reward, Thunder King's body: 99%!

Ye Nan was startled, and then he was slightly disappointed on his face. He originally thought he would directly become the Thunder King's body. After all, this was 10 million Thunder King Stones.

It seems that this Thunder King's body is much more difficult than I thought!

He returned to the place where the lord Long Zhan and the powerhouses of the imperial capital were located.

Seeing Ye Nan's arrival, the lord Long Zhan and the powerhouses of the imperial capital quickly greeted them with joyful fluctuations on their faces.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun!"

They screamed respectfully at Ye Nan.

Ye Nan nodded at the powers of the country lord Long Zhan and the imperial capital, he already had a plan in his heart.

"By the way, Ye Nan Zhan Zun," the lord Long Zhan looked at Ye Nan, halfway through his words, but he was a little bit hesitant and stopped. After a few seconds, the lord Long Zhan mustered up the courage and continued to say to Ye Nan. , "Can we promote it?"

"Promote it? What to promote?"

Ye Nan listened to the words of the Lord Long Zhan, he only felt a little inexplicable.

"That is, you are now the fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun. We want to spread this matter out so that the people in the imperial capital will know, so that the people in the imperial capital can take a pill."

Lord Long Zhan said.

Ye Nan thought to himself that he was the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom, and he really thought about the Dragon Kingdom everywhere.

But this doesn't seem to matter, and there is no loss to myself.


Suddenly, Ye Nan said to the lord Long Zhan.

The lord Long Zhan was overjoyed when he heard this, he naturally did not expect Ye Nan to agree so readily.

"Okay, Ye Nan Zhanzun, thank you for answering..."


Ye Nan waved his hand to signal the Lord Long Zhan to stop talking. What he didn't like most was to say these kind words.

He is naturally in a good mood now!

99% progress of Thunder King's body!

And he was already preparing to enter the Demon Sea Caverns soon.

As the most terrifying cavern in the Dragon Kingdom, the Demon Sea Caverns, no one has ever entered the depths of the caverns. No one knows how terrifying it is.

one day later!

A burst of news spread throughout the entire imperial capital Longcheng.

The warriors and residents of the Imperial Capital Dragon City were all boiled with enthusiasm, and they would never have thought that the Hun Yuan Zhan Zun appeared in their imperial capital!

You know, this is Hun Yuan Zhan Zun!

What is Hun Yuan Zhan Zun, one side, can guard a domain, wherever he goes, blood flows into a river!

And what makes the warriors and residents of the imperial capital even more excited is that Hun Yuan Zhan Zun turned out to be the Dragon Sword Fighter Ye Nan!

They were shocked before, wondering why the Dragon Sword Fighting King Ye Nan broke through to the Hunyuan Zhanzun in such a short time.

But it didn’t take long for the warriors and residents of the imperial capital to understand, because the dragon sword war king Ye Nan was hiding his strength from the beginning. How about breaking through to Hun Yuan Zhan Zun?

Imperial Palace Hall!

Ye Nan walked into the imperial palace hall. Inside the imperial palace hall were the powerhouses of the imperial capital. When they saw Ye Nan walked into the hall, they immediately got up from their seats and shouted respectfully to Ye Nan:

"Ye Nan Zhanzun!"

Ye Nan is now the fourth-rank Hunyuan Battle Sovereign, and of course they will not continue to be called the Dragon Sword Battle King.

"Lord, you..."

"No, no, just call me Dragon Fight."

The lord Long Zhan waved his hand quickly. The power gap between him and Ye Nan was as great as the difference between the world and the earth. How could he dare to let Ye Nan call him the lord of the kingdom.

"All right." Ye Nan nodded at Long Zhan, and then he got on the seat directly above. He looked at everyone in the hall, "This time I called everyone into the hall, just to tell One thing everyone."

The Lord Long Zhan, the Lord of the Dragon Palace, Li Ke, and all the powerhouses in the imperial capital, listened to Ye Nan’s words, and there was a look of doubt on their faces, because they all wanted to know what Ye Nan Zhanzun was talking about. What's up.

Of course they wouldn't think it was just a trivial matter. After all, how could a fourth-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun's work be trivial?

The powerhouses in the hall, their eyes all fixed on Ye Nan, they were all ready to see what would happen.

"Devil Sea Caverns."

Suddenly, Ye Nan slowly said five words.


As soon as Ye Nan said the five words "Devil Sea Caverns", everyone present was shocked, because what they did not expect was that what Ye Nan Zhanzun said would be the Devil Sea Caverns. .

The Mohai Cavern has always been a place they dare not think about!

The last time the Demon Sea Caverns defended it, fortunately, the fierce beasts did not attack with all their strength. Of course, they knew that as long as the fierce beasts in the Demon Sea Cavern attacked their passage defense line with all their strength, the passage defense line would definitely be unstoppable.

As long as the passage line of defense collapses, and the beast enters the ground from the crypt passage, the first to bear the brunt is the Imperial Capital Dragon City, followed by the base city of the Dragon Kingdom.

When they heard Ye Nan Zhanzun say the five words "Mohai Dadi Cave", they didn't know whether to be happy or scared.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, do you mean that you are going to attack the Demon Sea Caverns?"

Lord Long Zhan swallowed and spit, looking at Ye Nan in astonishment.


Ye Nan nodded to the lord Long Zhan.

"But, but we don't have any preparations."

Lord Long Zhan continued.

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