God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 163: Ye Nan Zhanzun, my daughter is shocked

After Ye Nan got outside the main office of the museum, he knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice of Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan, came from the main office of the museum.

Ye Nan opened the door and entered.

"Is there a problem?"

At this time, Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, was working with some documents with his head buried.

"There is a little thing."

Ye Nan said.

Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, heard this, he was ready to get angry. In his opinion, such an answer would not be called an answer at all.

But in the next second, Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, was stunned, because he thought the voice was familiar.

Immediately, Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, thought of something, and he quickly raised his head.

After Tu Qiu raised his head, he found that it was Ye Nanhou, how could he still sit on the seat.

He got up in a hurry, Tu Qiu's face didn't know whether it was excited, excited or scared.

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Art Hall, never thought that Ye Nan Zhanzun would actually come to their Qinglong Martial Art Hall now, which he never thought.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you, you..."

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, wanted to say something to Ye Nan, but Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, found that he could no longer speak.

After a long time, Tu Qiu finally calmed down his mind. He then asked Ye Nan: "Ye Nan Zhanzun, is there anything you are looking for with me?"

Of course, Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong martial arts hall, knew that it was of course something Ye Nan Zhanzun came to see him. He wouldn't believe that Ye Nan Zhanzun came to see him. How good is he.

"I'm going to the Demon Sea Caverns, I will give you something before I leave."

With that said, Ye Nan took his realm badge and identity out of the storage ring.

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Pavilion, looked at the realm badge and identity badge in front of him, his pupils shrank rapidly, looking at Ye Nan as if struck by lightning.

Such a scene was something he didn't even dare to dream of!

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you are..."

"Although I haven't stayed in the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall for a long time, there is some friendship at last."

With that said, Ye Nan put the realm badge and identity badge on the table.

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong martial arts hall, was naturally very moved at this moment. He knew that Ye Nan was an extremely powerful existence, an existence he couldn't even look up to, but what he didn't expect was that Ye Nan Zhanzun was actually Will do it.

"Thank you, Ye Nan Zhanzun."

Tu Qiu nodded gratefully to Ye Nan.

Of course he knew that with Ye Nan's realm badge and identity badge, the status of their Qinglong martial arts hall would be different.


After Ye Nan said something to Tu Qiu, he left the Qinglong martial arts hall.

After leaving the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, Ye Nan headed towards the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall.

He received two identity badges and realm badges from the Longdian Institution.

Although he is not a member of Heiteng Wuguan, he also thinks Heiteng Wuguan is quite good.

It didn't take long before Ye Nan arrived outside the Heiteng Wuguan.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun?"

A group of people outside Heiteng Wuguan, they looked at Ye Nan, and quickly rubbed their eyes, only thinking that they must have read it wrong.

But no matter how these Heiteng Wuguan students rubbed their eyes, the result was the same. Ye Nan Zhanzun really appeared in front of them.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, we, we will go in immediately and report."

One of the students said to Ye Nan in amazement.

"No, I can just go in by myself."

Ye Nan smiled at the student.

With that said, Ye Nan walked into the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall.

After entering the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall, all the students in the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall were shocked. Of course, they did not expect that Ye Nan Zhanzun would come to their Heiteng Martial Arts Hall.

Of course, it didn't take long for Ye Nan Zhan Zhan to come to Heiteng Wuguan to be known by the high-level officials of Heiteng Wuguan. Hei Teng Wuguan Master Huang Kai brought the high-levels of the Wuguan to Ye Nan's body.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun."

Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, said respectfully to Ye Nan.

Afterwards, Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan Pavilion, invited Ye Nan to the parliament hall.

After the group arrived at the parliament hall, Huang Kai, the owner of Heiteng Wuguan Pavilion, said to Ye Nan:

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, did you come to Heiteng Wuguan for anything?"

According to Huang Kai, the owner of the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall, if Ye Nan Zhanzun suddenly came to Heiteng Martial Arts Hall, there must be something, otherwise, why would he come to Heiteng Martial Arts Hall?

The high-levels of the Black Teng Wu Hall, they also turned their attention to Ye Nan Zhanzun, they all wanted to know what happened to Ye Nan Zhanzun when they came to their Black Teng Wu Hall.

"I came to Heiteng Wuguan without anything special, I just want to give you something at Heiteng Wuguan."

Ye Nan said.

Hei Teng Martial Arts Hall Master Huang Kai and the high-ranking officials, they were a bit stunned when they heard Ye Nan's words like this.

Ye Nan Zhanzun actually prepared to give them something from the Heiteng Wuguan?

They knew that if they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would never believe it.

Immediately, Huang Kai, the owner of the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall, and the high-level officials, they all looked forward to it, wanting to see what Ye Nan Zhanwang would give them in the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall.

Ye Nan took out his identity badge and realm badge from the storage ring.

"This is what is for you, although I am not from your Heiteng Wuguan, but I think you are not bad."

Ye Nan said to everyone in the Heiteng Martial Arts Hall in front of him.

Heiteng Martial Arts Hall Master Huang Kai and the high-level staff listened to Ye Nan Zhanzun's words, and they all couldn't help being stunned, because they didn't expect Ye Nan Zhanzun to say that.

Afterwards, they looked at the identity of Ye Nan Zhanzun, the realm badge.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, this is, is this for us?"

Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, looked at Ye Nan dullly.

"Don't you want it?"

Ye Nan faintly looked at Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan.

"Yes, I want!"

Of course Huang Kai, the master of Heiteng Wuguan, wanted it.

Huang Kai and the high-levels were very happy. They knew that with the identity and realm badge of Ye Nan Zhanzun, their status in the Black Teng Wu Hall would be different from before.

Of course, Huang Kai, the owner of the Black Teng Museum, and the high-level staff were extremely excited. What they didn't expect was that Ye Nan Zhanzun would be so good to them at the Black Teng Museum.

After Ye Nan stayed in the Heiteng Wuguan for a while, he left the Heiteng Wuguan.

After leaving the Heiteng Wushu Hall, Ye Nan went outside the imperial palace again. He saw Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, as soon as he arrived outside the imperial palace.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you, can you..."

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, seemed to have something unspeakable, and some hesitated to say nothing.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Nan looked at Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace in front of him in confusion.

"This is Ye Nan Zhanzun, my daughter, she likes the magic."

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