God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 166: Kill the sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast

The Black-billed Fire Crow, a sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, watched such an attack, and its wings immediately began to wave frantically.

Under the waving of its wings, the terrifying dark demon energy once again moved toward the vital energy released outside.


The two attacks collided again.

However, the dark demon energy was only dissipated in an instant, and the vitality remaining power released out continued to fly towards this sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast.


This sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the Black-billed Fire Crow, was in shock, and its eyes opened wide, and its face was as frightened as it was.

At this distance, it can no longer escape!

boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the area where the sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast black-billed fire crow was located. When the explosion was over, the sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast black-billed fire crow fell rapidly from mid-air.


All the warriors on the channel defense line watched such a scene, they couldn't help but gasp. Naturally, they would not have thought that this sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the Black-billed Fire Crow, would be killed in seconds.

Afterwards, their eyes all turned to Ye Nan.

They knew that the horrible vitality that was released outside was released by Ye Nanwai. These warriors are not fools. Of course, they know that Ye Nan must be a powerful warrior. At the same time, they also dare not imagine how powerful Ye Nan is.

After all, even a sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the Black-billed Fire Crow, can kill in seconds, which is really terrifying.

"Excuse me, are you...?"

Suddenly, a second-rank warlord asked Ye Nan.

The warriors on the defense line of the passage also fixed their eyes on Ye Nan, because they all wanted to know who Ye Nan was.

"Ye Nan."

Ye Nan said his name truthfully to these warriors, because he felt that there was nothing to hide.

"Ye Nan!?"

The warriors on the channel defense line felt that Ye Nan's name was really familiar.

"How come I have heard this name."

"I also feel as if I have heard of it somewhere."

"By the way, didn't Battle General Qingshan just returned to the crypt from the imperial capital a few days ago? He said that Ye Nan Zhanzun..."

A warrior seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he said to all the warriors present.

All the martial artists present heard this, and they were all startled in horror.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun!?"

Suddenly, an extremely shocked voice reached everyone's ears.

The warriors on the channel defense line followed the voice and looked at it. They found an old man walking quickly, with a look of astonishment on the old man's face.

"It's Warlord Aoyama."

The warriors on the channel defense line are all in awe.

Commander Qingshan walked quickly to Ye Nan's side. He had just returned from the imperial capital to the crypt. At that time, he was of course stunned by the terrifying power displayed by Ye Nan. What he didn't expect was that Ye Nan. The Southern War Venerable will appear on the passage defense line of the Demon Sea Cavern.

The warriors on the channel defense line listened to the words of Battle General Qingshan, and of course they already knew that Ye Nan was the Zhan Zun Ye Nan mentioned by Battle General Qingshan.

From the words of Commander Qingshan, they learned that Ye Nan was a terrifying Hunyuan warlord, and at that time they had been shocked to the extreme.

You know, the entire Dragon Kingdom does not have a strong person of the Hunyuan Zhanzun, and now there is a strong person of the Hunyuan Zhanzun level, how can this make people not shocked.

"You are?"

Ye Nan looked at the Green Mountain Warlord in front of him.

"Master Ye Nan, my name is Qingshan."

Commander Qingshan quickly introduced himself to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan had never heard of Battle Commander Qingshan, and before he could speak, Battle Commander Qingshan spoke again.

I saw that General Qingshan spoke to Ye Nan:

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you suddenly came to the Demon Sea Caverns. Is there any latest news? Is there any big move of the fierce beasts in the Demon Sea Caverns?"

The warriors on the channel defense line listened to Qing Shan's words, they also looked at Ye Nan, remembering the sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast black-billed fire crow that appeared just now, and also remembered Ye Nan Zhan Zun who suddenly appeared on the channel defense line. , This has to make them think of something.

"I don't know if the fierce beast in the Demon Sea Cavern has any actions."

Ye Nan shook his head at Qingshan General.

Seeing Ye Nan's shook his head, Commander Qingshan couldn't help but let out a sigh, thinking that as long as the fierce beasts in the Demon Sea Caverns didn't make any major moves, they would really not be able to withstand it.

Not only Qingshan generals, but also all the warriors on the channel defense line, they also let out a sigh of relief.

"Then Ye Nan Zhan Zhan, you come to the Demon Sea Cavern..."

After Qing Shan thought of something, he hurriedly asked Ye Nan again. Of course he wanted to know why Ye Nan Zhan Zun came to the Demon Sea Caverns.

"It's just for fun."

Ye Nan smiled at the green mountain warlord, and then he jumped off the channel defense wall and onto the ground.

Commander Qingshan and the warriors on the passage defense line looked at this scene, and they all were a little stunned.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you, where are you going?"

After the Commander Qingshan saw Ye Nan leaping off the city wall, he yelled at the back of Ye Nan Zhanzun.

"Deep in the crypt."

Ye Nan paused, showing a side face, and slowly said these words.

Commander Qingshan and the warriors on the passage defense line listened to Ye Nan's words. They trembled as if they were struck by lightning. Of course, they didn't expect Ye Nan Zhanzun to say such words.

Deep in the crypt?

After looking at each other for a while, they only felt that if Ye Nan Zhanzun went to the depths of the crypt, the Mohai Great Cavern might be about to change.

Ye Nan walked to the front of the Sixth-Rank Warlord-level Fierce Beast Black-billed Firecrow, and he held up the body of the sixth-Rank Warlord-level Fierce Beast Black-billed Firecrow.

Commander Qingshan and the warriors on the channel defense line naturally saw such a scene. After seeing this scene, their faces were all dull.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun's appetite, so big?"

Commander Aoyama said blankly.

Of course he thought that Ye Nan Zhanzun held up this sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, Black-billed Fire Raven, just to eat it.

But how could they think that Ye Nan was not to eat this black-billed fire crow, but to recycle it?

Without much thought, Ye Nan recovered the sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast Black-billed Fire Crow.

After recovering this sixth-rank warlord-level fierce beast Black-billed Fire Crow, Ye Nan walked toward the depths of the crypt.

Ye Nan had never been to the depths of the Demon Sea Caverns. Of course, he knew that there were extremely powerful beasts in the depths of the Demon Sea Caverns.

"Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't make it."

"Oh, what's the hurry, I don't think there is any need to be anxious."

"This is Master Qinghezhu's order, we can't afford to delay it."

A group of fierce beasts appeared not far from Ye Nan, and this group of fierce beasts were heading towards a place.

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