Of course, an eighth-rank War King-level beast could not be Ye Nan’s opponent. When this eighth-rank War-king-level beast attacked Ye Nan, Ye Nan also shot against this eighth-rank War-king-level beast. NS.

This eighth-rank War King-level fierce beast has only one end, and that is to be killed by Ye Nan in seconds, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.


The eighth-rank War King-level fierce beast was also dumbfounded, it fell into a horror, where there was the previous anger, it would not even dream that the human being in front of it was so powerful.

Yeah, it was dazzled by anger!

It should have been thought of!

A human has destroyed so many fierce beasts and ruined all the crypt passages. How could it be possible to do so without the strength?

At the last juncture of his life, this eighth-rank Warlord-level fierce beast only felt that he was a little too stupid.

what! ! !

When Ye Nan urged an attack on the body of this eighth-rank war king-level beast, the eighth-rank war king-level beast made a scream. When the scream fell, the eighth-rank war king-level beast screamed. The life of the fierce beast has since disappeared.

Immediately, Ye Nan recovered the corpse of the eighth-rank War King-level fierce beast.

"Ding! Irontooth Demon Tiger Experience Card x1."

After recovering this eighth-rank Warlord-level fierce beast, Ye Nan felt that the other recovery rewards were meaningless, but the Irontooth Demon Tiger experience card was a bit stunned.

This eighth-rank Warlord-level fierce beast is the Iron-toothed Demon Tiger, which is a bit interesting.


Ye Nan thought in his heart that with so many Thunder King Stones, the progress of the Thunder King Body is still 99%, and the final 1% is too difficult.

After shook his head, Ye Nan didn't think much. He used the Irontooth Demon Tiger experience card, which can last for ten days in total.

Ye Nan thought that after having the Irontooth Demon Tiger experience card, he would be able to understand the Demon Sea Caverns more straightforwardly. Although he felt that with his current strength, he was invincible in the Demon Sea Caverns, but he was not afraid. Ten thousand, just in case!

After using the Irontooth Demon Tiger experience card, Ye Nan instantly turned into a giant beast, and then he changed into a humanoid form, and the king-level fierce beasts could be switched at will.

He left here!

It didn't take long before Ye Nan saw a gathering place of fierce beasts, but Ye Nan had no interest in this gathering place of fierce beasts for the time being.

"Master Qinghezhu, you, why are you here?"

Just when Ye Nan was about to leave, a voice appeared in his ear.

Ye Nan stopped when he heard the words. He was a little stunned. It turned out that this eighth-rank Warlord-level iron tooth monster is Qinghe bamboo. He had heard of Qinghezhu in the mouth of the beast, but he just didn't know who Qinghezhu was, but he didn't expect it to be himself.

But Ye Nan also thought it was a bit funny. He was about to leave the gathering place of beasts. These beasts are really bad luck. Why should they appear in front of him?

Is it really bad to be alive...is it really bad?

Ye Nan looked at the fierce beasts in front of him, and a burst of vitality was released from his body and outside. The faces of these fierce beasts were extremely respectful, because they would never have thought of the green river bamboo in front of them. It's not a green river bamboo at all, but a human being.

When these fierce beasts felt the danger, they were terrified!

Of course they would not have thought that Master Qinghezhu would actually attack them.

In just an instant, these fierce beasts were hit by the vitality released by Ye Nanwai and burst into death.

Without thinking about it, Ye Nan recovered these fierce beasts. After recovering these fierce beasts, Ye Nan continued to go deep into the crypt of the Demon Sea Caverns.

"There should be a fierce beast king city at the level of the Mohai Dadi Cavern, right?"

Ye Nan thought so in his heart!

His current identity is a fierce beast, and he is naturally unimpeded along the way. With the idea that there is a fierce beast king city in the deepest part of the Demon Sea Great Cavern, Ye Nan hurried all the way and finally reached the depths of the cave.

But after reaching the depths of the crypt, the scene that appeared in front of Ye Nan's eyes made Ye Nan lose his interest in an instant. He originally thought that there was a fierce beast king city in the Demon Sea Caverns, but he did not expect that it was just a fierce beast giant city. .

However, the scale of this beast giant city is naturally much larger than the beast giant city in the Nagata Ghost Cavern.

Ye Nan thought to himself that the Ferocious Beast King City was the largest Ferocious Beast City after all, and it was normal that there was no Ferocious Beast King City in a place like Dragon Kingdom.

Without much thought, he entered the beast giant city. After entering the beast giant city, Ye Nan learned that the beast giant city was named Lei beast giant city.

"Master Qinghezhu!"

Along the way, fierce beasts greeted Ye Nan.

Ye Nan wondered whether the eighth-rank War King-level fierce beast was the eighth-rank War King-level fierce beast, and it was extremely powerful everywhere.


Suddenly, Ye Nan suddenly thought of something. His current identity is the eighth-rank War King level fierce beast Iron-toothed Demon Tiger. It should be responsible for those crypt passages. Now that the crypt passages are destroyed, should he report it to him? What about it?

Thinking of this, Ye Nan couldn't help showing a touch of joy on his face.

"come over."

Ye Nan beckoned to a big warrior-level fierce beast.

Seeing Master Qinghezhu beckoning to himself, this great warrior-class fierce beast instantly felt flattered, and hurried to Ye Nan's body.

"I want to go to the leader, how can I go?"

Ye Nan asked this big warrior-level fierce beast.

Listening to Ye Nan's question, this great warrior-level fierce beast was slightly startled, and never expected that Ye Nan would say such a thing.

"Master Qinghezhu, you..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, you just need to tell me."

Ye Nan slowly said to this great warrior-level fierce beast.

This big warrior-level fierce beast dared to have other words when he heard it. It quickly told Ye Nan where the leader hall was locked.

After Ye Nan learned the specific location of the Hall of Chiefs, he went to the Hall of Chiefs.

It didn't take long before Ye Nan arrived outside the leader's hall!

Not to mention, the palace of the leader of the giant city of Lei's fierce beast is very magnificent.

"Master Qinghezhu."

Several fierce beasts outside the leader's hall saluted Ye Nan.

Ye Nan nodded at these fierce beasts, and then walked into the leader's hall.

After entering the leader hall, Ye Nan was able to see the powerful fierce beast. He had seen the warlord-level, the war-king-level, and even the Hunyuan-Zhanjiang-level beast.

"Qinghezhu, you don't want to dig the tunnel well, why are you coming to the leader hall?"

Suddenly, a Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast asked Ye Nan.

"Something happened!"

Ye Nan said to this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast.

"Something happened?"

The Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast was startled, it really couldn't understand what could happen.

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