Ye Nan checked the Thunder King's body, and he found that the condition for the Thunder King's body activation was the power of the mine, which required the power of the mine to attack the body to successfully activate the Thunder King's body in the body.

The power of the sky thunder is the power of thunder and lightning that strikes down from the sky, and the power of the mine is the power of the thunder remaining in the earth.

The power of thunder remaining on the earth, after a long stay, its degree of terror, in a sense, is even more terrifying than the power of sky thunder.

Ye Nan came to the giant city of Roth beasts to recover the beasts in it, but now he has recovered all the beasts in the giant city of Roth beasts, which means that he does not need to stay in the beasts of Ross. It's a giant city.

After exiting from the giant city of the fierce beasts of Rose, Ye Nan continued to search for other gathering places of fierce beasts. After she entered the cave of the Demon Sea, she almost went straight to the giant city of the fierce beasts of Rose. Where the ferocious beasts gather.

It didn't take long for a beast gathering place to appear in front of Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the fierce beast gathering place in front of him. He thought that according to the scale of the fierce beast gathering place, this fierce beast gathering place was a medium-sized fierce beast gathering place.

Without thinking about it, Ye Nan walked in toward the gathering place of fierce beasts.

Not long after walking into the gathering place of fierce beasts, a dozen fierce beasts appeared in front of Ye Nan, and these dozen fierce beasts were also stunned, because they had never expected that humans would appear in their territory.


These dozen fierce beasts are all elite warrior-level fierce beasts, so the words they say are of course the words of fierce beasts, but Ye Nan can still understand them.

When the dozen or so fierce beasts recovered, they sneered at Ye Nan, and after the sneer, the dozen or so fierce beasts rushed towards Ye Nan.

However, these dozen or so fierce beasts are all elite martial artist-level fierce beasts, and the elite martial artist-level fierce beasts are too weak in Ye Nan's eyes.


A burst of vitality was released from inside and outside of Ye Nan's body at will. With the resentment that was released, a dozen elite martial artist-level beasts fell into a pool of blood. They even only felt the unprecedented danger, how to die. Don't know.

Ye Nan collected more than a dozen fierce beasts!

There was such a movement in the place where the fierce beasts gathered, and it was naturally noticed by the inside. Countless fierce beasts rushed from all directions, and the roar of the beast rose to the sky.

The densely packed fierce beasts were like black clouds. These fierce beasts stared at Ye Nan fiercely, and at the same time they wanted to laugh, because they never thought that the attacker on their territory would actually be a human.

"Human, you dare to come to us!"

Suddenly, an eighth-rank great master-level fierce beast appeared in front of Ye Nan's eyes.

Ye Nan looked at this eighth-rank great grandmaster-level fierce beast. He didn't say much, but raised a finger. With his current strength, an eighth-rank great grandmaster-level fierce beast is too weak. A little bit.

Seeing that Ye Nan did such an action to the eighth-rank great master-level fierce beast, it couldn’t help being a little confused, wondering why this human being who had died so imminent would put a finger on it and put it up. What is the purpose of this and fingers.

"Human, you, you are preparing..."

This eighth-rank great master-level fierce beast just wanted to say something to Ye Nan, but before it finished speaking, a terrifying finger light swept out of Ye Nan’s finger, and the finger light penetrated through it. After the space, the airflow in the entire space is disturbed, and the entire area is also full of terror.

All the fierce beasts on the scene fell in shock, and their pupils shrank rapidly, because they felt an unprecedented danger. Such a danger really made them unable to survive.

For a while, all the fierce beasts present couldn't stop trembling. They were as frightened as they were!

The fierce beast of the eighth stage great master level was even more frightened, because the power of the finger light came from it.

what! ! !

When the power of the finger light was only a line away from this eighth-rank great grandmaster-level fierce beast, this eighth-rank great grandmaster-level fierce beast screamed, and as this scream fell, this eighth-Rank The life of a great master-level fierce beast disappeared from this world forever.


After the other fierce beasts reacted, they looked at the corpse of this eighth-rank great master-level fierce beast. They gasped in air and dumbfounded. They would never dream that the leader would be killed in an instant.

Next, Ye Nan began to slaughter the other fierce beasts in this fierce beast gathering place!


These fierce beasts also began to scream constantly, and after the screams fell, the gathering place of the fierce beasts had already flowed into a river of blood.

Ye Nan recovered the beast from the place where the beast was gathered for a few seconds!

After recovering the beasts in this beast gathering place, he began to recover the beasts in other beast gathering places!

Demon Sea Caverns, the most powerful and terrifying cavern of the Dragon Kingdom, the fierce beasts in it flee like pigs and dogs in front of Ye Nan. They would never think that they would be like this one day.

Three months later!

The fierce beasts in the entire Demon Sea Cavern were all recovered by Ye Nan, and a wonderful color appeared on his face.

He is now the Ninth-Rank Hunyuan Battle Sovereign!

The Qinghong Sword has also reached the ninth-tier star soldier!

He doesn't know how terrifying his current strength is.

Next, Ye Nan thought that it was time to leave the Demon Sea Caverns. He had to find a place with the power of mines to activate the Thunder King's body.

Immediately, Ye Nan headed towards the passage of the catacombs!

After arriving at the tunnel defense line, the warriors on the tunnel defense line looked at Ye Nan who came by. They rubbed their eyes quickly, only thinking that they must have been wrong, but no matter how they rubbed their eyes, they turned to the tunnel defense line. Ye Nan still did not disappear.

Seeing this, the warriors on the channel defense line were a little excited, because they knew that Ye Nan Zhanzun was back.

When Ye Nan Zhanzun was leaving, he said that the place he was going was deep in the crypt, but now that Ye Nan Zhanzun came back safely, it meant that they would know what it meant without even thinking about it.

After reaching the passage line of defense, Ye Nan jumped up!

In just an instant, Ye Nan reached the channel defense line. After reaching the channel defense line, all these warriors on the channel defense line greeted him.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun."

These warriors respectfully called to Ye Nan.

Immediately afterwards, all the powerful warriors on the channel defense line came.

These generals looked at Ye Nan respectfully, and one of the ninth rank generals said respectfully to Ye Nan:

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, how is it?"

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