High Montenegro?

Naturally, it was the first time Ye Nan had heard of Gaohei Mountain.

The lord Long Zhan naturally realized that Ye Nan had never heard of Gao Hei Mountain. He found someone to get a map and pointed out the location of Gao Hei Mountain.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, this is Gaohei Mountain."

"Well, thank you."

Ye Nan nodded to the lord Long Zhan, and then put the picture in the storage ring.

Immediately, Ye Nan left the hall!

After leaving the hall, Ye Nan rose into the sky, and golden light began to emerge. Everyone in the imperial palace was shocked when they watched such a scene.

Ye Nan went all the way towards Gaohei Mountain!

Gaoheishan belongs to the wild!

One day later, Ye Nan reached the boundary of Gaohei Mountain.

The high black mountain is huge, Ye Nan in mid-air did not see the power of the mines on the mountain.

After he arrived on Gaohei Mountain, he began to look for the power of mines on Gaohei Mountain.

After half an hour, a river caught Ye Nan's eyes. This river was not an ordinary river.

I saw that a leaf fell on the river!

Suddenly, this leaf was shattered by the force of thunder and lightning on the river.

Not only that, Ye Nan also felt the power of thunder and lightning in the river, and his face began to become a little exciting, just because he knew that the river was the place where Gaohei Mountain had the power of mines.


Ye Nan paused, he showed a side face and looked at an old man who came by.

What he didn't expect was that there would be other people in Gao Heishan, and what made him even more unexpected was that this old man turned out to be a seventh-rank warrior.

After the old man arrived at Ye Nan's side, he was also a little confused, obviously he didn't expect anyone else to appear here.

"Young man, this river contains the power of mines. I advise you not to be here."

The old man said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan listened to the old man's words, his face did not have any fluctuations, he looked at the old man in front of him, and then said:


The old man was surprised. He thought that Ye Nan would leave this place after hearing what he said, but what he didn't expect was that Ye Nan would say this, and he didn't have any intention to leave.

"By the way, can you leave, because what I'm going to do next, I don't want anyone to be here."

Suddenly, Ye Nan said to the old man.

The old man listened to Ye Nan's words, he was dumbfounded. In any case, he did not expect Ye Nan to say such a thing.

"You, what did you say?"

The old man is a seventh-rank warrior, of course he feels that he has been offended.

Ye Nan just wanted to talk, and then there was a boring look on his face, because the waves were not calmed down again!

Roar! ! !

I saw that the roar of a fierce beast reached Ye Nan's ears.

After the roar of this fierce beast fell, a fierce beast appeared in front of them. It was a fierce beast of the ninth rank.

"Ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, purple-patterned bull!"

This old man looked at the fierce beast that suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help being terrified. How could he have thought that a ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast would suddenly appear!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there would be two humans here too, which is really interesting."

The ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast purple-patterned barbarian sneered.

"Do you know that you were able to survive originally," Ye Nan faintly looked at the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast purple-stranded bull in front of him, "but you appeared in front of me."

After speaking, Ye Nan shook his head at this ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast with purple stripes.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast with purple stripes, the bull could not help but become so angry.

"Humanity, death!"

Suddenly, the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast with purple stripes opened its mouth wide, and after opening its mouth, a shock wave of extremely terrifying dark demon energy swept out.


There was a muffled noise in the air!

After this muffled sound, the shock wave formed by the dark magic energy has reached Ye Nan's body.

The old man next to Ye Nan had already retreated to a safe position. What he would never have imagined was that Ye Nan would dare to despise the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce purple-patterned bull.

Of course, this old man knew that Ye Nan's life had disappeared from this world forever, and there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

I saw that the shock wave formed by the dark magic energy was only a line away from Ye Nan.

But at this moment, Ye Nan put up a finger, and the finger he put up gently tapped on the shock wave formed by the dark magic energy.

Suddenly, the shock wave formed by the dark magic energy disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.


The old man in a safe position looked at such a scene and couldn't help but gasp. What the old man would never have imagined was that such a scene would happen.

This was a blow from the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the purple-patterned barbarian bull!

"How is it possible, how is this possible!"

When the old man reacted, he couldn't help but yell.

Not only the old man, but also the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the purple-patterned barbarian bull, was very shocked. It stared at Ye Nan and wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

"I said that after you appeared in front of me, your life would disappear from this world forever."

Yin Luo, a burst of vitality was released from inside and outside of Ye Nan's body.

After this vitality was released from inside and outside of Ye Nan's body, he hit the ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the purple-patterned barbarian bull.

The ninth-rank warlord-level fierce beast, the purple-patterned bull, naturally felt the unprecedented danger. Before it could make any response, the attack spurred by Ye Nan had already reached it.


A huge blood hole was pierced through the body of this ninth rank fierce beast with purple stripes, and blood and dark demon energy kept overflowing from the blood hole.


The old man's throat swallowed and spit, how could he think that Ye Nan was so powerful, he was only a young man, even the most heaven-defying genius on the Blue Star could not do so.

Ye Nan knew from the beginning when the old man didn't know him, he knew that the old man was not a warrior in the imperial capital. In addition to the powerhouses in the major base cities, there were also some casual cultivators in Long Country.

This old man can become a seventh-rank warrior, it is naturally extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, the ninth-rank warlord-level ferocious beast with purple stripes fell on the ground, and his huge body smashed the ground out of a deep pit.

"you you you……"

Ye Nan, the old man of the seventh-rank warlord, who was in front of the terrified old man, could he still say a complete sentence.

"I think you should be able to leave now?"

Ye Nan showed a side face, and said to the old man of the seventh-ranking general.

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