"Ye Nan Zhanzun, thank you, thank you so much."

The elder of the seventh-ranking general quickly thanked Ye Nan. He knew that if it weren't for Ye Nan, then he would be a cold corpse now.

"This is not important, what is your purpose here?"

Suddenly, Ye Nan asked the seventh-rank old man in front of him.

This seventh-rank warlord elder was startled. He didn't expect that he would thank Ye Nan Zhanzun. Ye Nan Zhanzun turned to such a topic.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, I came to Gaoheishan to see if there is a way to get some mine power."

The seventh-rank warlord-level elder said to Ye Nan.

"What are you doing with the power of mines?"

Ye Nan asked the old man of the seventh rank.

"There is a Thunder King bird in Wuyun Mountain. I want to use the power of mines to destroy it, otherwise our Gaotian Castle will always be in danger."

The elder of the seventh rank war commander continued.

The elder of this seventh-rank warlord was named Gao Kun, and Gao Tianbao was a force, but it was not a force in the base city, but a force hidden in the mountains.


Ye Nan is not interested in any Gaotianbao or Thunder King bird. Gao Kun can kill the Thunder King bird as long as he obtains some landmine power. It is conceivable that the Thunder King bird is not very powerful. .


Suddenly, Gao Kun sighed again, "But what makes me most helpless is that there is a catacomb tunnel not far from Gaotianbao, but fortunately, there is no fierce beast in the crypt. If a fierce beast appears. If you do, then I don’t know what to do."

Ye Nan guessed from Gao Kun's mouth that Gao Kun should be the leader of Gaotianbao. He naturally didn't have any interest in Gaotianbao, but he was interested in the underground tunnels.

Naturally, he didn't expect that a trip to Gaohei Mountain not only successfully activated the Thunder King's body, but also got a crypt channel. How do you say this.

It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it's no effort to get it!

"Let's go."

Suddenly, Ye Nan said to Gao Kun in front of him.

When Gao Kun listened to Ye Nan's words, he couldn't help being a little stunned. Naturally, he didn't expect Ye Nan to say such a thing.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, what are you..."

Of course Gao Kun did not expect that Ye Nan would choose to help them Gao Tianbao. Although he heard clearly, he couldn't believe it, so much so that he couldn't believe that what he heard was true.

"What? You don't want me to go?"

"No, no, I think, I think!"

Of course Gao Kun wanted Ye Nan Zhanzun's help, which was really desirable.

Immediately, Gao Kun quickly took Ye Nan to a place.



Gaotianbao is located in Wuyun Mountain.

Wuyun Mountain is huge!

Under the leadership of Gao Kun, Ye Nan had already arrived outside Gaotian Fort.

After arriving outside Gaotian Castle, Ye Nan took a look at Gaotian Castle. He found that Gaotian Castle was too ordinary. Of course, it was only relatively speaking. Of course, such a force in front of others was quite good.

"Master Ye Nan, this is Gaotian Fort."

Gao Kun said to Ye Nan.

"I think we'd better not go in, and go directly to the catacomb tunnel."

Ye Nan said.

"Okay, okay," Gao Kun nodded at Ye Nan, "but Ye Nan Zhanzun, can you help me kill the Thunder King bird before this?"

Gao Kun looked at Ye Nan tentatively. Of course he wanted Ye Nan to kill the Thunder King Bird!

"Lead the way."

Ye Nan didn't want to have too many disputes over these trivial matters.

Seeing that Ye Nan agreed, Gao Kun was naturally very happy, "Okay, okay."

With that, Gao Kun took Ye Nan to a place quickly.

In a few hours!

Gao Kun took Ye Nan to a forest!

"Ye Nan Zhan Zhan, Thunder Cloud Bird is in the forest."

Gao Kun said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the forest in front of him. He enveloped the forest with mental power, but what made him feel bored was that the beasts in the forest were too weak.

Without staying too much outside the forest, Ye Nan walked into the forest, and when Gao Kun saw this, he hurriedly followed in.

Ye Nan had been following the place where his mental power was sensed, and it didn't take long for a third-rank warlord-level fierce beast to appear in front of Ye Nan.

Gao Kun looked at this third-rank warlord-level fierce beast, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Why are there other fierce beasts in this forest? Shouldn't it be just a thundercloud bird?"

Gao Kun was puzzled!

Immediately, Gao Kun thought of something, his pupils shrank sharply, and he quickly said to him, "Could it be that there is also a catacomb tunnel in it?"

Thinking of this, Gao Kun was terrified!

Ye Nan naturally saw the look on Gao Kun's face. He thought that the seventh-rank warrior was a seventh-rank warrior after all. He hadn't seen the big world before, and he was still scared by his side.

I saw that this third-rank warlord-level fierce beast was staring at Ye Nan and Gao Kun.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, the third-rank warlord-level fierce beast pounced towards Ye Nan and Gao Kun.

Not to mention Ye Nan, the third-rank warlord-level fierce beast, even Gao Kun would definitely not be an opponent.


After the third-rank warlord-level beast was about to pounce in front of Ye Nan, Ye Nan said the word "death" to the third-rank warrior-level beast.

Yin Luo, a piece of vitality was released from Ye Nan's body and outside. After the vitality was released, the body of this third-rank warlord-level fierce beast was penetrated.

Of course Gao Kun knows the horror of Ye Nan Zhanzun. He also knows that the third-rank warlord-level fierce beast is too weak in front of Ye Nan Zhanzun. What he fears is that there is a crypt passage in this forest. .

Just when Gao Kun wanted to say something to Ye Nan, a gust of wind began to surge.


After the cold voice appeared, Ye Nan found a seventh-rank warlord-level beast, and this seventh-rank warrior-level beast was Thunder Cloud Bird.

The Thunder Cloud Bird is in the form of a humanoid, its whole body is red, it looks very powerful, and it is attached to the power of thunder and lightning.

Gao Kun wanted to use the power of landmines to destroy the seventh-rank warlord-level beast Leiyunniao, but only wanted to fight poison with poison.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, this is Thunder Cloud Bird."

Gao Kun said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the Thunder Cloud Bird indifferently. The Thunder Cloud Bird was too weak in front of him.

I saw that the seventh-rank warlord-level fierce beast Leiyunniao raised his fist, and the power of thunder and lightning suddenly swept out of the fist, but it was in front of Ye Nan and Gao Kun in an instant.

The attack from the seventh-rank warlord-level fierce beast Thunder Cloud Bird is naturally good, but the object it faces is really too powerful.

With a random blow by Ye Nan, the attack from the seventh-rank warlord-level fierce beast Thunder Cloud Bird was instantly offset.

"How, how is it possible!?"

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