A very wonderful look appeared on Ye Nan's face. He didn't expect that the Thunder King's body would be so easy to reach the third floor.

After Lei Wang's body reached the third floor, his strength naturally went to the next level.

After the fierce beast giant city was melted by the power of thunder and lightning, Ye Nan left the fierce beast giant city. Although the Thunder King's body was similar to the Thunder Element talent, it was actually far more terrifying than the Thunder Element talent.

After leaving the beast giant city, Ye Nan began to destroy other beast gathering places. He is now the ninth-rank Hunyuan warlord, and the Qinghong sword is also a ninth-order star soldier. They have reached the bottleneck. If you want to break through again, it is not So easy.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Nan began to destroy other fierce beast gathering places. The fierce beasts in these fierce beast gathering places could not be Ye Nan's opponent at all.

There is no doubt that this ferocious beast gathering place was directly destroyed by Ye Nan.

Ye Nan left the crypt!

After coming out of the tunnel of the catacombs, he saw Gao Kun.

After Gao Kun saw Ye Nan coming out of the tunnel, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you are out."

Gao Kun said respectfully to Ye Nan.

Of course, Ye Nan's face didn't have any fluctuations. He looked at Gao Kun in front of him faintly, and said:

"If I remember correctly, there should be a catacomb tunnel, right?"

"Yes, Ye Nan Zhanzun."

Gao Kun nodded quickly when he heard the words.

"Then take me."

Ye Nan said to Gao Kun.

When Gao Kun listened to Ye Nan's words, he couldn't help but startled slightly. How could he think that Ye Nan Zhanzun had just come out of the catacomb tunnel and was going to another catacomb. This was too incredible.

"By the way, Ye Nan Zhanzun, what's going on in this crypt?"

Gao Kun naturally wanted to know what was going on inside the crypt, he asked Ye Nan suspiciously.

"All the fierce beasts in this cave have been destroyed by me."

Ye Nan said slowly to Gao Kun.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Gao Kun couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect Ye Nan to say something like this. Although he knew that it was not difficult to destroy a crypt with Ye Nan Zhanzun's strength, he could hear Ye Nan. When Southern Zhan Zhan said this, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Is there anything surprising about this?"

Ye Nan asked Gao Kun in front of him.

Gao Kun came back to his senses when he heard the words, his throat swallowed and he looked at Ye Nan in amazement, and then he respectfully said to Ye Nan Zhanzun:

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, I will take you to another crypt tunnel now."

With that said, Gao Kun took Ye Nan to another crypt passage.

after an hour!

Ye Nan and Gao Kun went outside another crypt passage.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, this is another crypt passage."

Gao Kun said to Ye Nan respectfully.

Ye Nan looked at the tunnel in front of him, his face didn't fluctuate too much, he slowly said to Gao Kun:

"I'll go in first, and you will wait for me outside."

"Good, good."

Gao Kun naturally did not dare to refuse, he nodded quickly.

Ye Nan entered the passage of the crypt, into the crypt!

After arriving in the crypt, he casually grabbed a fierce beast and asked. After discovering that the crypt was only a level 1 crypt, his face instantly lost interest.

In the 1st level crypt, the most powerful fierce beast in it is no more than the second-rank great martial artist level fierce beast. Such a crypt is too weak in front of Ye Nan today.

However, Ye Nan had always thought that no matter how small a fly was, it was fleshy. Since he entered this level 1 crypt, he had to recover the fierce beasts in this level 1 crypt.

Immediately, Ye Nan began to destroy the fierce beast gathering place in this level 1 crypt. The fierce beast in the level 1 crypt was really unable to withstand the attack that Ye Nan urged.

Outside the crypt!

Gao Kun did not know how many times he walked back and forth, because he knew that this cave should be terrifying, although he knew the horror of Ye Nan Zhanzun, but in case the fierce beasts in this cave had been horrified. If you imagine, then he doesn't know what to do.

"I hope Ye Nan Zhanzun will destroy this crypt."

Gao Kun's heart still mentioned it in his throat. He knew that if Ye Nan Zhanzun encountered something unexpected in the crypt, it was not just him, even the entire Gaotian Castle could not escape and perish.

"Why are you walking back and forth here?"

Just when Gao Kun's heart was up and down, a voice suddenly appeared in Gao Kun's ear.

Hearing this voice, Gao Kun trembled all over his body. No matter what, he didn't expect that Ye Nan Zhanzun's voice would suddenly appear at this moment.

He hurriedly looked at the place where the sound came from, knowing when Ye Nan Zhanzun had already emerged from the tunnel.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun."

After Gao Kun called to Ye Nan, he quickly greeted him.

Ye Nan smiled at Gao Kun, "This crypt is actually only a level 1 crypt, which is too boring."

Gao Kun was startled, "It's just a level 1 crypt?"

Of course he did not expect that this crypt is only a level 1 crypt. If he knew that it was only a level 1 crypt, where would he need Ye Nan Zhanzun? With the strength of his 7th-rank warrior, he could completely complete a level 1 crypt. It's gone.

After Gao Kun recovered from his consternation, he quickly spoke to Ye Nan and said, "Ye Nan Zhanzun, go to our Gaotian Fort and sit down?"

He knew that Ye Nan Zhanzun was able to come here entirely because of the catacombs, although he didn't know why Ye Nan Zhanzun was so interested in the catacombs.

"Let's go."

Ye Nan thought in his heart that since he was here, he would go to Gaotianpu for a seat.

After Gao Kun saw that Ye Nan Zhanzun had agreed, a touch of joy appeared on his face, and he quickly took Ye Nan to Gaotian Fort.

Ye Nan stayed in Gaotianbao for a few days. Of course he would not stay here. He looked at Gao Kun in front of him and said to Gao Kun:

"Your Gaotianbao's overall strength is pretty good, why have you been in the wild and refused to enter the Dragon Kingdom Imperial Capital?"

This has always been Ye Nan's question, and he wanted to ask it a long time ago.

"We just don't want to be governed by others."

Gao Kun said.

"For example, if you hadn't had me, I'm afraid your Gaotianbao wouldn't have had such a good life. Go, go to the Imperial Capital of the Long Kingdom."

With that said, after Ye Nan left the main hall, he jumped up from the ground. After the golden light emerged, everyone in Gaotianbao saw such a vision.

"To the imperial capital?"

Gao Kun muttered to himself.

Then, he nodded slightly and looked at the golden light in the sky that had not completely dissipated. Yeah, it was time to go to the imperial capital.

"Immediately call all the high-level officials of Gaotianbao, I want to hold an emergency meeting!"

"Yes, Castle Lord!"

A disciple of Gaotianbao ran out quickly.

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