God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 184: Apology from Gu Feng, the Lord of the Kingdom of Cloud

Gu Feng, the lord of the cloud kingdom, felt the terrible pressure, and his face fell in shock. What he didn't expect was that Ye Nan could release such pressure.

Not only Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, but also everyone in the conference hall were terrified. They originally thought that Ye Nan was just a young man, at most a proud man of heaven. They didn’t even understand that the lord of the Dragon Kingdom Long Zhan put Ye Nan. What is the purpose of bringing it into the conference hall.

But now they finally understand that Ye Nan turned out to be such a terrifying powerhouse. If you know that the Lord of the Kingdom of Yun, Gu Feng, is already a first-rank Hunyuan warlord, then what kind of powerhouse Ye Nande is?

Everyone in the conference hall no longer knew how to imagine Ye Nan's strength.

"you you you……"

Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, looked at Ye Nan in horror. He never dreamed that such a situation would happen. At this time, besides the horror, his face was deeply unbelievable.

When all the powerful people of the Dragon Kingdom saw this, their faces were naturally filled with joyful fluctuations. Just now, the Lord of the Cloud Kingdom Gu Feng was too arrogant, and he didn't put their Dragon Kingdom in their eyes at all.

This is called a strong midfielder, and a mountain is as high as a mountain!

Seeing that Gu Feng, Lord of the Kingdom of Yun, still didn't mean to apologize, Ye Nan increased his pressure again.

Suddenly, the sense of oppression on Gu Feng, the Lord of the Kingdom of Yun, became even more terrifying. Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, couldn't bear such a sense of oppression anymore, and directly slumped down on the ground.

"I, I, I... I apologize, I apologize, I'm sorry, it's my fault, everything is my fault, I'm talking nonsense, you see I hit it now."

With that said, Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Yun, began to slap himself with all his strength.

Everyone in the conference hall watched such a scene, and they all swallowed and vomited. Although they had guessed that Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Yun, would apologize, they did not expect to be so resolute.

Originally, Ye Nan wanted to make the Lord of the Kingdom of Cloud Gu Feng apologize. Now that Gu Feng, the Lord of the Kingdom of Yun, has already apologized, there is no need for him to continue.

Immediately, he withdrew the coercion!

After recovering the coercion, the entire hall became extremely relaxed in an instant.

Everyone in the conference hall took a sigh of relief, and the heart that was in their throats finally fell.

They never thought that such a strong person would appear in the Dragon Kingdom. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it would be true.

"You, are you...?"

Suddenly, the voice of Haitian Lord Haitian appeared in Ye Nan's ear.

Everyone in the conference hall listened to the words of Haitian, the lord of the sea country, and they all cast their gazes.

Of course they want to know the specific identity of Ye Nan!

"Ye Nan."

Ye Nan said his name truthfully to Haitian, the lord of the sea country.

Ye Nan?

Everyone in the conference hall groaned. Naturally, they had never heard of Ye Nan's name.

"Master Ye Nan, you will be the one in this war..."


Ye Nan naturally knew what Haitian, the lord of the sea country, meant. Before the words of the lord of the sea country, Haitian, he had already interrupted the words of the sea country’s lord Haitian.

Seeing that Ye Nan agreed, Haitian, the lord of the sea country, showed a wave of joy on his face. Of course, he knew that such a powerful existence appeared in the Ten Nations Alliance. Then this fierce beast riot can of course be solved. .

"Master Ye Nan, don't you say a few words?"

Suddenly, Haitian, the lord of the sea country, spoke to Ye Nan again.

Ye Nan listened to the words of Haitian Lord Haitian. He went directly to the main stage. Everyone in the conference hall saw Ye Nan on the main stage. They all looked forward to it, thinking that Master Ye Nan would definitely be able to say Give some constructive words.

I saw that all the powerhouses in the conference hall turned their eyes to Ye Nan, and they were all waiting for Ye Nan's next words.


Suddenly, Ye Nan said these two words to everyone in the conference hall.


When everyone in the conference hall heard this, they couldn't help being stunned. In any case, they would not have thought that Master Ye Nan would actually say the word disband.

They originally thought that Master Ye Nan would definitely be able to say some constructive words after he was on the main stage, but now it seemed that they were not only wrong, but also too wrong.

But everyone in the conference hall still did, because they knew Master Ye Nan could not offend anyway.

Immediately, the strong in the conference hall began to leave the conference hall one after another.

"The main person in charge of each country stays."

Just as the powerful people in the conference hall left the conference hall one after another, Ye Nan said again, he only knows that there are fierce beasts in the Ten Nations Alliance, but he doesn't understand the specifics. Although he is now a ninth rank Hun Yuan Zhan Zun, but still feel that it has to be understood.

The Lords of the Ten Kingdoms listened to Ye Nan's words, they halted quickly, turned around and looked at Ye Nan excitedly.

They originally thought that Lord Ye Nan was really about to disband, but they didn't expect to have left behind.

Immediately, the Lords of the Ten Kingdoms quickly walked to Ye Nan's side, and they saluted Ye Nan respectfully.

The leaders of the ten countries are all the 9th-rank warlords, and they know that the more powerful the warrior, the greater the impact on the battle.

Even if it was Dragon Battle, the leader of the Dragon Kingdom, he didn't know what Ye Nan's current strength was.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, do you have anything else to do?"

Long Kingdom Lord Long Zhan asked Ye Nan.

The rest of the nine kingdoms all knew that Ye Nan was a member of the Dragon Kingdom. When they heard the name of the Dragon Kingdom's Lord Long Zhan for Ye Nan Zhanzun, they all secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Hun Yuan Zhan Zun is the Hun Yuan Warrior Saint, they are really afraid that Ye Nan will be the Hun Yuan Warrior Saint. If Ye Nan is really a Hunyuan war sage, then they can't help but want to find a place to choose to commit suicide.

Because people are more angry than people!

"You are all the heads of the ten countries. The main reason for you to stay is to study the countermeasures against the fierce beasts."

Suddenly, Ye Nan said to the Lords of the Ten Kingdoms.

The Lords of the Ten Kingdoms were bright, and of course they wanted to study this countermeasure. This time they came to push the King City for this.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, shall we sit and talk?"

After Long Zhan, the lord of the Long Kingdom, thought about it for a while, he said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan nodded in response to the words of Dragon Kingdom Lord Long Zhan.

After all sitting down, Ye Nan asked Haitian, the lord of the sea country:

"Where are most fierce beasts gathered now?"

After all, Tuiwang City is in the sea country, and as the sea country's lord, Haitian naturally knows a little bit more.

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