God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 190: Northern Sha Kingdom discovers crypt passage

After Ye Nan arrived in the capital of the Beisha National Defense Line, he saw the lord of the ten countries. After the leaders of the Ten Kingdoms saw that Ye Nan had come, they quickly walked to Ye Nan's side and saluted Ye Nan respectfully.

"There are not many fierce beasts attacking Beisha Nation. It seems that not all fierce beasts have entered Beisha Nation."

Ye Nan said to the lord of the ten countries.

The Lords of the Ten Kingdoms listened to Ye Nan's words, they couldn't help being stunned, naturally they didn't expect Ye Nan to say such words.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, you, what you said is true?"

Haitian, the lord of the sea country, spoke to Ye Nan.

The other masters also turned their attention to Ye Nan, because they all wanted to know this.

"This is the Lord of Beisha, let him tell you personally."

Ye Nan looked at Huang Yun, the leader of Beisha Kingdom, and said.

Huang Yun, the lord of the Northern Sha Kingdom, respectfully saluted the lord of the ten countries, and then said to the lord of the ten countries: "Ye Nan Zhanzun is right."

Then, Huang Yun, the lord of Beisha, said something to the lord of the ten countries.

The leaders of the ten nations knew that there were not so many fierce beasts attacking Beisha Nation. They couldn't help but be puzzled, because the information they had obtained before was that a large number of fierce beasts came to Beisha Nation.

So, where did the fierce beast go?

The lord of the ten countries was silent.

They don't understand this.

After the fierce beasts that had attacked the capital of Beisha Kingdom were destroyed by the regiment, Beisha Kingdom began to recuperate, and the warriors and soldiers who died in battle began to be buried.

Neither Ye Nan nor the Lords of the Ten Kingdoms left Beisha Nation. They have been looking for the whereabouts of the beasts that entered Beisha Nation.

According to Huang Yun, the ruler of Beisha Kingdom, there is no crypt in Beisha Kingdom.

"Where did the fierce beast go?"

The Lords of the Ten Kingdoms were puzzled. If the fierce beasts went to the crypts, it would be okay, but there is no crypts in the Beisha Kingdom, which makes the ten kingdoms confused.

"Could it be that Beisha Kingdom had no crypts before, but now there is a new crypt passage?"

Suddenly, said Long Zhan, the lord of the Long Kingdom.

The Lords of the Kingdom listened to the words of the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom, Long Zhan, and their eyes lit up, because the words of the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom, Long Zhan, were really justified.

Not only the Lords of the Kingdom felt reasonable, but even Ye Nan felt reasonable.

"Then let's go and see if there is a crypt passage in Beisha State."

Ye Nan said to the lord of the ten countries.

The Lords of the Ten Kingdoms listened to Ye Nan's words, and they nodded.

Immediately, the Lords of the Ten Kingdoms began to look for crypt passages in Beisha Kingdom.

Sure enough, a crypt tunnel really appeared in Beisha Country.

The crypt passage was discovered by Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Yun!

At this time, a wave of joy appeared on the face of the Lord of the Cloud Kingdom, Gu Feng. If he knew that a crypt channel appeared in the Northern Sha Kingdom, it would prove that the beast that entered the Northern Sha Kingdom might have entered the crypt. NS.

Gu Feng, the country's lord, didn't stay in place too much, but found Ye Nan.

When Ye Nan saw that the Lord of the Kingdom of Yun Gu Feng was coming, he was a little bit looking forward to it. Apart from him in Dongzhou, the Lord of the Kingdom of Yun Gu Feng was the most powerful warrior.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun."

After Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, walked to Ye Nan's side, he called to Ye Nan.

"I found a catacomb tunnel." Yun Guoguo Gu Feng continued to say to Ye Nan.

"Take me there."

Ye Nan is happy.

If a catacomb passage appeared in Beisha Kingdom, he knew what it represented too much.

The country lord Gu Feng didn't stay too much, he took Ye Nan to the location where the passage of the catacombs was located.

Underground tunnel!

Under the leadership of Gu Feng, Lord of the Cloud Kingdom, Ye Nan came to the outside of the crypt passage, and he looked at the crypt passage in front of him.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, the fierce beasts that entered the Northern Sha Kingdom should have entered this cave."

Gu Feng, the lord of the cloud country, said to Ye Nan.


Ye Nan nodded in response.

"Then Ye Nan Zhan Zhan, do you need me to notify other country masters?"

Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Yun, looked at Ye Nan tentatively.


Ye Nan said to Gu Feng, the lord of the Kingdom of Yun.

"I'm going down to the crypt first."

After speaking, Ye Nan continued to speak to Gu Feng, the lord of the Cloud Kingdom.

Gu Feng, the Lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, was startled, he didn't expect Ye Nan Zhanzun to go down to the crypt first.

Just as Ye Nan was just starting, the country lord of Yun Gu Feng stopped Ye Nan, and he said to Ye Nan: "Ye Nan Zhanzun, you, are you going to the crypt alone?"

"Well, when you have notified the masters, tell them to wait for me outside the passage of the crypt, don't go in."

With the sound falling, Ye Nan went down to the crypt.

The Lord of the Cloud Kingdom Gu Feng was stunned in place, he really couldn't understand what Ye Nan Zhanzun did.

Why not let them go down to the crypt together?

Is there any conflict?

Country Lord Gu Feng shook his head. He found that if he wanted to think about this problem, he definitely couldn't understand it.

It didn't take long for Gu Feng, the Lord of the Kingdom of Cloud, to leave the tunnel of the crypt, and he had to tell the other Lords of this matter.

After a long time, the lords all came to the outside of the catacomb passage, and after they were outside the catacomb passage, they began to wait.

"If the fierce beast that entered the Northern Sha Kingdom really entered this crypt, then there are a lot of fierce beasts in this crypt, and Ye Nan Zhanzun entered the crypt alone..."

Haitian, the lord of the sea country, looked at the other lords. He did not finish his words, but the next meaning was already self-evident.

"It's okay, Ye Nan Zhan Zun is so powerful, no matter how many fierce beasts enter the Northern Sha Kingdom, it is impossible to compare with the Demon Sea Caverns of the Dragon Kingdom."

Said Gu Feng, the lord of Yunguo.

The masters of the kingdoms all nodded. They naturally wanted to enter this crypt to take a look, but since Ye Nan Zhanzun had already said this, then they naturally couldn't violate Ye Nan Zhanzun's meaning.

What the Lords of the Ten Kingdoms didn't know was that there was already a massacre in the crypt at this time, and there were corpses of fierce beasts everywhere. The fierce beasts in this cave only felt that the end of the world had come.

Ye Nan kills the fierce beast while recovering the fierce beast!

At the same time, he also found that many fierce beasts were digging crypt passages. Looking at such crypt passages, Ye Nan somewhat understood why these fierce beasts had to enter this crypt.

He destroyed all the crypt passages!

Ye Nan was a little bit lost. He was really looking forward to it at first, but now he discovered that the Demon Sea Caverns were really fragrant.

How come these crypts are so tasteless.

However, Ye Nan couldn't figure out why he was still the Ninth-Rank Hunyuan Zhanzun.

If the Qinghong Sword is still a Tier 9 Star Soldier, it is because it has reached the top of the Blue Star, then his ninth-rank Hunyuan Battle Venerable shouldn't be.

There is a realm of warriors on the Hunyuan Zhanzun.

Ye Nan couldn't understand what he thought.

Could it be...

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility!

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