Everyone in the Great Hall of Beisha Kingdom's capital city looked at Ye Nan Zhanzun as if they were struck by lightning.

To clear out all the fierce beasts in Dongzhou, such a plan was too shocking for them.

You know, these are all the fierce beasts in Dongzhou, so many fierce beasts just listen to them and they feel like a fantasy.

"Ye Ye... Ye Nan Zhanzun, are you serious?"

The voice of Yunguo leader Gu Feng shivered. He now feels more and more scared, what kind of existence he is talking to when he is pushing the King City Conference Hall.

This existence, but preparing to eliminate all the fierce beasts in Dongzhou, what a terrible thing this is!

"But, but..."

Everyone in the hall was too shocked, they were frozen in place like petrification, unable to recover for a long time.

"What?" Ye Nan looked at the expressions on everyone's faces in the hall, and he was a little puzzled, "Is there anything weird about this?"

The people in the hall listened to Ye Nan Zhanzun's words, and they came back to their senses again, and nodded to Ye Nan Zhanzun one after another.

"If you return to Ye Nan Zhanzun, even though we know that you have such strength, we just find it incredible, because we couldn't even think of this kind of removal plan before."

The leader of Yunguo, Gu Feng, said to Ye Nan. At this time, Ye Nan was definitely an absolute idol in the eyes of Yun Guo leader Gu Feng.

Although the age of Yunguo leader Gu Feng is not known how much older than Ye Nan, Yunguo leader Gu Feng knew that he would not admire the second person in his life.

Ye Nan listened to the words of Yun Guo's leader Gu Feng, he couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking that the strength of Yun Guo's leader Gu Feng was okay.

It's just a small Dongzhou!

He would definitely not be able to remove the fierce beasts on the blue star, but Dongzhou was nothing more than that!

After all, powerful beasts have never been in Dongzhou.

After a long time, everyone in the hall finally recovered, and their eyes began to become firm.

Especially the leaders of the ten nations, the ten-nation alliance is the ten most powerful countries in the East Continent, and the overall strength of the ten countries is almost the same. They represent the East Continent. Now Ye Nan Zhanzun proposed this elimination plan, then they Naturally, it is to be the leader.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, tell me. What should we do."

Suddenly, Yun Guo leader Gu Feng said firmly.

"You go back to your respective country first, and then come to Dragon Country, the time you decide for yourself."

Ye Nan said to the leaders of ten countries.

He thought that Dongzhou was huge after all, even if the fierce beasts in Dongzhou were not very powerful, he still had to have a plan.

The leaders nodded!

Dragon Kingdom, the Imperial Capital!

Ye Nan and the powerhouses of Long Kingdom have returned to the imperial capital.

After all the powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom learned that Ye Nan Zhanzun was preparing to clear all the fierce beasts in the East Continent, they felt incredible at first, but then a burst of enthusiasm rose.

Such a decision is a decision they dare not dream of, and it is even less likely that they can make a decision.

Ye Nan and his party returned to the imperial palace.

"Ye Nan Zhanzun, there are some words that have been buried in my heart for a long time. I have always wanted to tell you, but I don't know where to start."

Suddenly, the leader of the Long Kingdom, Long Zhan, said to Ye Nan.

Ye Nan was startled, he didn't understand what the leader Long Zhan could do without telling himself, and he was buried in his heart, which made him a little curious.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Nan asked the leader Long Zhan.

"I have a daughter..."

"Stop it."

The leader of Long Zhan was interrupted by Ye Nan before he finished speaking.

"I knew it, so I couldn't talk about it."

A wry smile appeared on the face of the leader Long Zhan.

Ye Nan sighed secretly. He thought this was the way to be strong. He didn't dislike girls, otherwise he wouldn't be a licking dog in China.

Traveling to Blue Star and bound to the system, he is the protagonist. It is definitely impossible to stay on the planet Blue Star in the future. His journey is the entire vast universe.

I found a wife at Lanxing, and he will leave in the future, then...

This is irresponsible to others!

Ye Nan has never been a person who entangles other people, otherwise, he would not be a licking dog. The licking dog always thinks about being with the person he likes, not the other person's body.

If you must wrap the other person's body, then I can only say that you say an lsp.

"But Ye Nan Zhanzun, my daughter is very beautiful, she is as beautiful as an immortal, and she is all over the country..."

"The ice muscle and bones are clear and sweat-free, and the water hall is floating in the dark fragrance and warmth, right?"

The leader of Long Zhan didn't finish his words, Ye Nan interrupted the leader of Long Zhan.

Listening to what Ye Nan Zhanzun said, Long Zhan was shocked secretly, thinking how Ye Nan Zhanzun could speak better than himself.

"Do you think people like me like women?"

Ye Nan continued to the leader Long Zhan.

The leader Long Zhan's pupils shrank abruptly when he heard the words, and then he looked at Ye Nan Zhanzun incredulously.

Would you like women?

That just doesn't like women?

Could it be...

The leader Long Zhan was stunned, he thought of a terrifying possibility.

That is, Ye Nan Zhanzun likes men! ! !

What a terrifying possibility this is!

"What's your face? Do you think I like men?"

Ye Nan knew that Long Zhan would definitely misunderstand his meaning.

When the leader Long Zhan heard this, he secretly let out a sigh of relief, thinking that Ye Nan Zhanzun didn't like men fortunately, otherwise this was the one thing that shocked him the most.

After thinking about it carefully, the leader Long Zhan felt that it was too normal. After all, Ye Nan Zhanzun's strength is so powerful, how can ordinary girls be worthy of him?

"By the way, Ye Nan Zhanzun, after the other leaders come, shall we begin to make plans?"


Ye Nan nodded in response.


this day!

Golden light suddenly appeared over the entire Imperial Capital Dragon City, and the residents and warriors of the Imperial Capital knew that a powerful existence had appeared.

Continuous golden light for three days and three nights!

After three days and three nights, the golden light disappeared!

The leaders of the ten countries and all the powerhouses, they all arrived at the imperial capital Dragon City.

The powerhouses leading Long Zhan and the imperial capital greeted them outside the imperial palace.

After entering the imperial palace, the leaders of the ten countries and the powerful people couldn't wait to see Ye Nan Zhanzun. Today's Ye Nan Zhanzun is their spiritual pillar. Without Ye Nan Zhanzun, there would be no where they are today.

Once upon a time, they were also forced into desperation by the beasts, but who could have imagined that today, they came to the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom to formulate a plan to completely eliminate the beasts in the East Continent.

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