From the mouth of this fifth-rank grandmaster-level fierce beast, Ye Nan learned that the first-rank Hunyuan Zhanzhen-level fierce beast, Tiansha Gugui, was the deputy leader of this crypt.

The first-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun-level fierce beasts are all deputy chiefs, so although this crypt is terrifying, it is not that terrifying.

Go to a treasure too!

Not long after, Ye Nan arrived in front of a gathering place of fierce beasts.

He directly used the thunder and lightning power urged by the Thunder King's body to destroy the fierce beast gathering place.

He thought that with so many fierce beasts in this crypt, the Thunder King's body should be able to break through the realm of Dzogchen.

Then, Ye Nan wiped out the beast gathering place all the way, and headed towards the deepest part of the crypt all the way.

"Thunder King's body, ninth floor!"

When the Thunder King's body broke through to the ninth floor, Ye Nan also came to the largest gathering place of beasts in this cave, the giant city of beasts in Hela.

The giant city of Hella looked extremely majestic, giving people a solemn feeling as a whole, with bursts of dark and devilish energy constantly attacking, which made people shudder.

"Human, looking for death!"

Soon after Ye Nan appeared in the giant city of Hela beasts, a cold voice came from the giant city of Hela beasts. After the cold voice fell, the palms formed by the dark demon energy swept towards Ye Nan. .

Ye Nan looked at the huge black palm, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

After a burst of vitality was released from inside and outside of his body, the huge palm formed by this dark demon gas instantly disappeared without a trace.

When the huge palm formed by the dark magic energy was smashed away, a humanoid fierce beast exuding a breath of death appeared in front of Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at this humanoid beast, and the information of this humanoid beast also appeared on his retina.

"Ferocious beast: Black-footed monster."

"Level: Ninth-Rank War King level fierce beast."

Seeing this humanoid beast's message, Ye Nan smiled to himself.

A Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast is of course extremely powerful, but it is still very weak in front of Ye Nan, even like an ant.

"Human, you dare to come here, do you know what place it is?"

The Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast Black-footed Demon Sword smiled coldly at Ye Nan. In its view, this human being should have some strength. If there is no strength at all, it would never be possible to come here, but it is absolutely impossible to have strong strength.

After all, how many powerful human warriors are there.

The Ninth-Rank Battle King-level fierce beast Black-footed Demon Beast knew that Ye Nan had filled the gap between the rookie and the master.

"Isn't this the giant city of Hela fierce beasts," Ye Nan looked at this ninth-ranked war king-level fierce beast black-footed devil, "Is it wrong?"

Listening to Ye Nan's words, the Ninth-Rank War King-level Fierce Beast Black-footed Demon Beast froze, and its eyes opened a little wider than usual.

"Human, since you know that this is the giant city of Hela, why are you...?"

What this ninth-rank Warlord-level fierce beast black-footed demon worm couldn't understand anyway was why Ye Nan knew that this was the giant city of Hela fierce beasts, and could still say such words so calmly.

Could it be...

Is this human being here in the giant city of beasts in Hella?

After the Ninth-Rank War King Grade Fierce Beast Black-footed Demon worm had thought of this possibility, it had seen people who didn't know the height of the sky and the earth, but it was the first time they saw it, like Ye Nan who didn't know the height of the sky and the earth.

"Human, then you die!"

After the Ninth-Rank War King-level Fierce Beast Black-footed Demon Had recovered, it gave Ye Nan a cold shout. Immediately afterwards, countless dark demon qi condensed into the form of ghosts around the black-footed devil's body, and these ghosts flew towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the attack displayed by this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast, the Black-footed Demon Beast, his face was as calm as water, and his eyes were like torches.


Suddenly, he uttered a word to this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon worm.

With the utterance of this word, vitality swept out!

With a bang, the two attacks collided heavily.

In just an instant, these ghost forms formed by the condensation of dark devil energy disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

"How can this be!!!"

The Ninth-Rank War King-class fierce beast Black-footed Demon Beast looked at such a scene, it couldn't help but lose its color, and it never thought that the attack it spurred would be resolved by this human being.


What made this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon beast even more frightened was that the golden vitality continued to fly towards its location.

Seeing such a scene, the black-footed monster is desperate!

It is a Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast, and it knows the power of this attack.

Until this moment, this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon worm finally knew why Ye Nan dared to come to their Hela fierce beast giant city. Originally, he thought that Ye Nan was completely a human who didn't know the height of the sky and the earth.

But now it seems that it is not only wrong, but also wrong to the point where it can't be added.

In addition to death, death is waiting for this Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon!


There was a loud noise at the location where the Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon worm was located, and after the loud noise, a huge blood hole appeared in the body of the Ninth-Rank War King-level fierce beast black-footed demon worm.


The black-footed demon is dead, but it hasn't completely died yet. It stared at the huge blood hole in its body in a daze, its life function was rapidly losing, and it knew that it was about to die.

This black-footed monster never thought that one day it would die like this.

When Ye Nan killed this ninth-rank warlord black-footed beast, several humanoid beasts once again appeared in the giant city of Hela beasts.

The humanoid beast in the middle is wearing a big red cloak and holding an ancient bronze spear in his hand. The ancient bronze spear is not known for many years. It looks extremely old, but it is still shining cold and daunting.

"Ferocious Beast: A Hundred Fighting Blood Tiger!"

"Level: Second-Rank Hunyuan Battle Sovereign-level Fierce Beast."

Looking at the information about this humanoid beast, Ye Nan knew that this humanoid beast was the leader of this crypt, and it was also the most powerful beast.

Good guys!

If this shape is not a fierce beast, but a human being in ancient China, then it must be an unparalleled fierce general who charges.

At that time, Ye Nan only exclaimed:

I originally thought that Lu Bu was already invincible in the world, but I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Whose commander is this!

It's a pity, it's not!

It has only one destiny, and that is to be killed by Ye Nan.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful human being in the giant city of Hela, the beast!"

The second-rank Hunyuan Zhanzun-class fierce beast, the Hundred-Wars Blood Tiger, smiled coldly at Ye Nan.

"You're good too."

Ye Nan said slowly to the second-rank Hunyuan Zhan Zun-class fierce beast, the Hundred Wars Blood Tiger.

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