God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1141: Three thousand miles around, creating a legend


After reaching the nine-hundred-mile radius of the heaven and earth vitality vortex, because of the completely different characteristics of the Su Ba heaven and earth vitality vortex from the others, the murderous intent contained in it became more and more intense!

Many experts were surprised to see that the traces of mystery and mystery that should have appeared in the vortex of heaven and earth vitality, the unpredictable patterns and trajectories, that is, the fragments of the rules of the avenue are tangible during the period when the martial artist breaks through the world. There is no presentation.

Instead, what appeared in the vortex of heaven and earth's vitality turned out to be a series of fuzzy and hazy patterns!

The patterns are constantly changing, mysterious and unpredictable, sometimes blooming with dazzling brilliance, sometimes deep and depressing, sometimes becoming like a golden iron horse, murderous!

In the process of changing patterns, an indescribable terror pressure poured down like a tide!

Countless four-ethnic masters have changed their colors!

Those rookie disciples who were still cultivating on the ascending ladder, who were a dozen kilometers away, only felt a chill out of their backs, and jumped off the ascending ladder and quickly evacuated.

Even the top young masters of the four races Mengbang, Bai Xiao, Yan Xun, and Huo Yan had a numb scalp and their nerves were strained to the extreme, and they were waiting!

Countless people were shocked, they had never heard of breaking through the sky, such mysterious patterns would appear, and the murderous intent of spilling was too terrifying!

Is this going to be absorbed or is it going to destroy the enemy!

All the juniors are shocked!

Lei Lie, Lei Li, Yan Fei and the others at the meeting point frowned.

They are powerful in the late sage realm, and their resistance is naturally far superior to the juniors.

However, what surprised them was that a junior's breakthrough in the Heaven-Earth Realm caused a vision of heaven and earth, and the deep murderous intent contained in the various patterns in the vitality vortex that day had a faint feeling of fainting them!

"What the **** is this..."

Lei Li and others are surprised!

The four great beasts, Dragon Lord, Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Suzaku, looked at each other, and seemed to want to find out some answer from the other's eyes.

Several people shook their heads slightly.

But the next second!

Dragon Lord's pupils shrank suddenly, as if thinking of something!

"This, can it be... the law road map..."

Rule road map?

The surrounding juniors listened to the clouds and mists.

However, Xuanwu and other great sage realm peak powers suddenly shook their bodies, and let out a sigh of relief!

"Law Dao Tu, how is this possible?!"

Xuanwu's eyes widened, feeling unbelievable.

Speaking of the law of Tao, we have to mention the power of law first.

The power of law is the use of the rules of heaven, and it is usually considered an excellent means of fighting under the realm of the emperor.

After that, there is a blank period of use, which will be replaced by magical powers.

But when the realm of the warrior reaches a certain level, such as above the supreme realm, you can directly use the rules of heaven to suppress the opponent!

Then this rule of heaven needs the power of the law as the foundation.

If the foundation has not been firmly established, the power of law has not realized the realm of 100% Dzogchen, it will be impossible to use the rules of heaven and condense the terrible law to destroy the enemy!

That is!

The most basic realm for using the law of Taoism is the supreme realm!

And not every supreme realm might be able to comprehend it!

In the ancient records.

There seems to be a few words mentioned.

There is a generation of geniuses of heaven, who have a solid foundation to perfection, and coupled with outstanding talents, breaking through the heavenly realm is likely to attract a unique vortex of heaven and earth vitality!

Among them, in the vortex of heaven and earth vitality, the rudiment of the law and Tao map will appear!

This kind of genius will break through the supreme realm in the future, and it will be determined!

And more than 90% can master the essence of Dao Tu at the moment of breaking through the Supreme Realm!

more importantly!

A peerless genius with this kind of talent, the vortex of heaven and earth vitality drawn when breaking through the heavenly realm is definitely not low, a radius of thousands of miles is just the foundation!

Thousands of miles are just the foundation! ?

Xuanwu is a bit dazed by this!

This Su Ba has already presented the vision of the rudimentary form of the Law Dao Tu, that is, the vortex of heaven and earth vitality he has attracted is at least a thousand miles? Don't know the limit yet? !

at this time!


Above the sky, near the terrifying and huge heaven and earth vitality vortex, the wind was violent and screaming!

The black and dense clouds gathered together quickly like remnants of the wind, and then violently surging, the more rushing, the more violent, and finally it was like a torrential tsunami!

"Hu—" "Hu—" "Hu—"

High above the sky, the endless power of heaven and earth in all directions began to become more and more crazy!

Hundreds of rivers are coming back like a sea!


Without any hindrance, the huge vortex of heaven and earth vitality suddenly expanded, breaking through to a radius of thousands of miles!

Everyone has no time to exclaim!


The horrible vortex of heaven and earth vitality visible to the naked eye seems to be no longer suppressed, completely releasing energy, and beginning to spread violently!

A radius of a thousand miles... A thousand and a hundred miles... A radius of two thousand miles...


Three thousand miles around!




Endless purple, gold, and red lightning resounded wantonly in the clouds, and there were thunderous vibrations everywhere between the sky and the earth!

The dim space of tens of thousands of miles in the entire ultimate trial is illuminated by lightning of various colors at this moment!


this moment!

The unimaginable terrifying heavenly might is as mighty as a mountain and the earth is cracked, pouring out overwhelmingly!

"Boom boom boom..."

Those countless talents of various races who were below the broken sky and lacked strength only felt that a vast and huge mountain was pressing on them, and they directly fell to the ground one by one, their complexions pale!

Even those elder and extremely arrogant celestial arrogances above the Breaching Heaven Realm, including the four great young masters such as Mengbang and Bai Xiao, have also begun to fully utilize their spiritual power in their bodies, sweating on their foreheads and resisting!

too frightening!

At this time, the vortex of heaven and earth vitality enveloped a radius of three thousand miles, the whole body was extremely dark, and contained infinite horror and murderous intent!

Many people are afraid to look at it, because if they look at each other, they will have a feeling of murderous presence!

The depths of the whole person's soul seemed to be frozen by the infinite cold killing intent!

Meeting point for all races.

The lips of Lei Lie, Lei Li, and other sages who saw the power of the late stage were slightly trembling, their scalp was numb, and the eyes were extremely shocked!

It was the power of the four great saints at the peak of the Dragon Lord and White Tiger, all of them were frightened, and the fingertips trembled slightly unconsciously.

The peak of the celestial realm breaks through the world-breaking realm!

Attracted a vortex of vitality of the world with a radius of three thousand miles!

This is simply going against the sky!

Is the legend true? !

Can this Su Ba actually be comparable to those rare geniuses of heaven and earth in the wild and ancient period of the Great Universe? !

All the saints are terribly trembling!


The huge and terrifying heaven and earth vitality vortex with a radius of three thousand miles is endlessly rotating in the sky!

The situation is changing! The world fades!

It was really a vast and terrifying scene of Tianwei, which shocked the surroundings!

At the same time!


The Horror Heaven and Earth Vitality Vortex above the sky slowed down when the absorption and diffusion reached the limit of three thousand miles in radius.

But inside faintly began to boil like boiling water, as if some unknown and mysterious ritual was going on!

"Guru Guru Guru Guru..."

Until a few hours later, there seemed to be some strange sound in the huge vortex of heaven and earth vitality that covered the sky and the sun.


Under the gaze of countless people, the huge heaven and earth vitality vortex covering a radius of three thousand miles began to rush into the center of the vortex quickly like a long whale sucking water.

It seems that there is a terrible black hole in it, absorbing a huge amount of vitality!

From the beginning of absorption, just a short cup of tea time, the vortex of the vitality of the heavens and the earth in a radius of three thousand miles keeps getting smaller until it disappears!

At the moment when the huge vitality vortex that obscured the sky completely disappeared!


In the sight of everyone, a terrifying figure appeared in the sky!

He is eight feet tall and exaggerated, his stern face carries a strong majesty, and a pair of deep eyes blooms with divine light, making it impossible to look at!

An unimaginable coercion and intrepid aura radiated from Su Ba's body unscrupulously, making countless people tremble!

this moment!

Su Ba absorbed the heaven and earth vitality vortex in a radius of three thousand miles, and his whole body has been washed by countless majestic and pure spiritual energy and the baptism of countless avenue rules fragments. Even if he just stands in the void at will, he still puts the Buddha into the sky and the earth. Among them, there is an unimaginable terrifying power!

There was silence all around!

Everyone stared blankly at Su Ba standing still above the void, unable to speak for a long time!

They all feel like they are dreaming.

Even though he knew that Su Ba had amazing talents, he still didn't expect such a heaven-defying scene.

Su Ba broke through the world-breaking realm, and attracted a 3,000-mile vortex of vitality from the heavens and the earth, comparable to the legendary geniuses of the ancient times!

They have completely witnessed the occurrence of miracles!

Su Ba stepped on the void, stood with his hands held down, his star-like black eyes glanced at the people below, and he wanted to leave and climb the ladder again!

The power of the Azure Dragon divine body plus a breakthrough in the world-breaking realm!

The surging energy in Su Ba is almost like a terrifying volcano about to erupt!

He already desperately wants to know where the limit of his climb to the ladder will be!

Just when Su Ba turned around to leave, he suddenly felt inexplicable in his heart!


In the sky above Su Ba's face, a black ghost-like shadow appeared silently, with two green lights on the shadow.

It is the Holy Palace Spirit undoubtedly.

Ok? !

Why did the Holy Palace Spirit appear in front of him?

Although Su Ba was puzzled, he respectfully saluted the Holy Palace Spirit.

Even at this moment Su Ba's strength soared, but in front of the Holy Palace Spirit, Su Ba still felt a faint heart palpitations!

This is a terrible old monster!


Everyone also noticed this scene.

With confusion on their faces, they didn't know what the Holy Palace Spirit wanted to do when suddenly appeared in front of Su Ba. The god-level recycling system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/116013.htmlGod-level recycling system instantly upgrades to 999 full text reading address: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/116013/God-level recycling system is instantly upgraded to 999txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/116013.htmlThe god-level recycling system instantly upgrades to 999 mobile phones. Read: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/116013/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1141, Three Thousand Miles in radius, creating a legend) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Recycling System Upgrade 999 Instantly", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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