The cosmic starry sky outside the Devildom Trial Site.

Countless powers are waiting anxiously.

The longer the time, the more likely it is that the Tianjiao who have not changed their points will encounter danger on those huge phantom light curtains!

Rao is that those points have changed, but there is no movement for a period of time, even if the time has only passed by a quarter of an hour or half an hour, it has made many great powers feel up and down.

This is the case with fighting and defeating the Buddha.

No way, Su Ba is its proud disciple, its most valued successor!

The super-satisfied disciple who was finally found, if there are any shortcomings, they will vomit blood in anger when fighting and defeating the Buddha.

After Su Ba's points skyrocketed before, half an hour later, Su Ba's points stopped increasing.

However, although this time the fight against the Buddha was a bit anxious, it was much calmer than before.

It suspects that Su Ba is of this type of urine.

When you want to increase your points, you keep growing. When you don’t, you won’t be moved for a long time. No, it’s only for a long time. Anyway, you can do whatever you want.

Looking at this situation now, it is estimated that after waiting for a while, the points will soar after a ‘boom’.

"Hey, pharaohs who are engaged in the formation, how long will it take for the void formation to recover?"

Even if fighting defeated the Buddha and felt that Su Ba was temporarily safe, the most important thing was that he could repair the void formation in advance and see Su Ba and the others in safety.

"Returning to the Great Sage, the speed of repair exceeded our expectations. I said that it was conservative for three days. Now it seems that the energy of those blood sacrifices can be completely driven out in less than half an hour!"

A great master of formation wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said to Douzhebu.

I was also speechless.

Thinking of their level of formation masters, they are highly respected existences from all walks of life, and even the supreme realm can be courteous and virtuous corporals, and treat each other well.

The dead monkey called to them, without giving any face.

If they weren't able to beat the dead monkey, they would be beaten violently if they didn't throw the dead monkey, and they would not bother to fight and defeat the Buddha.

"Oh, then, let's do it quickly!"

Fighting defeated Fonu's mouth, as if he didn't see the black lines of the great masters of the formation.

"It's less than half an hour, that's great, then you can finally know what's going on inside."

Mansi exhaled and said lightly.

"I hope the casualties are not too great!"

Yin Cheng, the first ghost king of the underworld, has a big face that is really gloomy.

Geng Si, Yin Tai, Yutu, Guilu, Guiqi... and Mingzi...

This fucking.

I don't know if they are alive.

Do evil!

Compared with the fairy world and the demon world, their underworld is extremely proud, and they feel that the crisis is the greatest.

At least Su Ba, the first arrogant of the fairy world and the demon world, and the Queen of Crescent Moon had all moved their points before.

The more Yin Cheng thinks about it, the worse his face becomes.

I don't think it's fair.


at this time.

High above the middle of the ruins of a canyon in the No. 20 area of ​​the Demon Realm Proving Ground.

The Night King, who was a hundred meters away, had a gloomy and terrifying expression, and he looked at Su Ba's bloodthirsty eyes as if he was about to tear it apart!

"Very well, kid! You have completely angered this king, and this king will let you know that the majesty of the quasi-sage strong cannot be violated!"

The Night King's fierce eyes fixed on Su Ba, his grinning mouth revealed his hideous and sharp teeth!

Su Ba's strength is a bit more than the night king's imagination, he is the first time he has seen such a perverted semi-sacred warrior in the early stage, under the same realm, this kid is afraid that he is absolutely invincible!

This son is immortal, it is a big worry for the devil!

But the Night King thought that he could easily abuse this kid who killed his flesh and blood clone, but not only did he not abuse him yet, but he had let Su Ba beating him for a while because of his carelessness!


Great shame!

As a quasi-sage, his Night King was beaten up by a junior in the semi-sacred stage. I am afraid that this shame will follow him in this life.

The Night King is no longer ready to follow Su Ba's ink marks, he is going to sweep this kid who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth with absolute strength!

The voice falls!

The Night King stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed his heart fiercely!

The sharp nails unfolded, and with a "chick", he easily scratched his chest, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, he even pulled out his heart!

"Crack, click, click..."

Then, in full view, I ate my heart bit by bit!

This weird method almost made the contestants of the Three Realms stand up with their hairs, and they only feel that their backs are chilly and their hair is terrified!

Even Su Ba felt a little scalp tingling.

Sure enough, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Even if I drink my own blood, I take my heart out and eat it.

What kind of exercises or magical powers are so disgusting and perverted, it is absolutely absolutely forbidden!

But the disgusting was disgusting. After the Night King ate his heart, Su Ba's expression gradually became serious.

"Tick to tick..."

The scarlet blood overflowing from the heart slid down from the corner of the night king's mouth, dripping from the air to the ground, and blooming flowers of enchanting blood.

During this period.

An unspeakable horror aura blasted from the Night King like a raging sea, spreading violently in all directions!


The night king raised the sky with a roar that shook the sky and the earth shook the sky. His whole body suddenly soared, and the monstrous blood and energy rolled around him, rolling like a huge wave!

His hair turned blood in an instant, blood bleeds, and it keeps getting longer, flying in the wind as if he's eaten hormones!

At this moment, the night king's expression was hideous and terrifying, his forehead bulging with blue veins and roots, making his face look a bit distorted, his entire momentum was violent and bloodthirsty, as if he had become an ancient horrible beast, and his pressure had increased tenfold!


The terrifying coercion shrouded the sky and earth, like a huge mountain of trillion Jun crashing down!

"Quick! Go back! Lord Night King is going crazy!"

The countless army of demon martial artists who had been away from a distance of tens of miles, once again retreated quickly like a fire.

As for the participants of the Three Realms on the ground of the canyon below, because the distance was too close, the coercion swept too fast, and everyone had no time to dodge!


"Ah ah ah ah ah..."

Countless exclamation sounds mixed with painful grunts came continuously.

The blockbuster contestant fell to the ground, the weaker one was directly vomiting blood under the invisible terrible coercion, and his complexion became pale!

You know, almost all the people here are the children of geniuses from the big forces of all walks of life, with outstanding talents and strengths!

But even so, it can't resist the maddening and terrifying coercion of the Night King at this moment!

Tens of thousands of contestants from the Three Realms Tianjiao.

In the end, there were no more than a thousand people who were still standing in place, except for such superb figures as Shi Tian, ​​Feng Xue Jian, and Ming Zi!

Among the other standing people, more than half of them were barely standing.

"Too...too strong, the existence of the quasi-saint level is really beyond our guesswork..."

"The coercion swept down by thousands of feet in the sky caused a huge shock in my chest and vomited blood. If this is face to face, I am afraid I will not know where to fly."

"Fly to the sun, shoulder to shoulder with the sun."

"The quasi-sage boss, horrible!"

"This demon's breath and coercion are more than ten times stronger than before, or even ten times more powerful! It is definitely going to be a big move, and the previous offensive of the mad emperor may have been seen through by this demon, and it is impossible to copy it again! "

"Yes, this demon won't give the mad emperor the same opportunity. It is estimated that he will kill him with one blow!"

"What should I do? The mad emperor's bottom-pressing attack is probably useless to the current demon, it's over..."

Many contestants were pale, with a trace of despair in their eyes.

"That's not necessarily."

At this moment, a faint voice came from Shi Tian’s mouth. His eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at the sky slowly and said, “Junior Brother Su, the trick to press the bottom of the box is still useless. You wouldn’t think he is a dragon. The state is the activated state of Su Ba's divine body..."


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, "Isn't it..."

"No wonder."

Mingzi and Queen Crescent Moon began to nod suddenly.

Although Su Ba, who borrowed the power of Thunder Dragon King from this dragon state, looked extremely powerful, he always made Mingzi and the others feel that the quality of this physique was not the top-notch.

As the first heavenly arrogant of the fairy world, if he has a **** body, he must be one of the strongest physiques in the world!

Originally, Mingzi and Xuanyuehuang were still a little bit confused, but now they understand what Shi Tian said.

But after understanding, everyone still gasped, and their hearts were shocked!

This Nima!

Su Ba is too abnormal!

The state of being beaten by the demon in the early stage of the quasi-sage just now is not Su Ba's strongest strength...


Can you give young people like them a little bit of survival?

The goal is too far, and I don’t even have the courage to catch up!

"Then please..."

A contestant from the demon world looked at Shi Tian and asked in a low voice, "What kind of divine body is the mad emperor?"

Under the gaze of countless people, Shi Tiandan smiled.

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