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Chapter 803: Can't afford to lose!


Maya was repelled by Su Ba again!

I thought.

Mayer displayed a terrible method of law fusion, and Su Ba would be unable to resist it, so he was defeated and bitter!

However, Su Ba also used the method of law fusion, which was more profound and profound than Mayer's understanding of law fusion!


This Nima is simply not human!

Maya's face turned blue and white, then completely gloomy!

He hasn't been injured so far, it's just that his true energy has been consumed a little bit more, but who he is is the second most powerful person in the ranking!

In the face of the juniors who are under his age, he failed to win by two or two tricks, which is already a shame!

As for being crushed and beaten, and then repelled twice in a row, Maya's face was lost!

His dignified "Bloodthirsty Sage" has been famous for thousands of years, and this is the first time he has been hit by such a severe dignity!

To his level!

The damage on face is much greater than the damage on body!

"Hahahaha! Good! Very good!!!"

Maya's face was suddenly distorted, and he smiled grimly!

"Unexpectedly, you can push this king to this point. This trick was originally not used by this king. This will consume a lot of this king's lifespan, but today! Su Ba! This king will kill you!"

Needless to say, the importance of life span to warriors!

Even the strongest king of the kingdom, with a long life span of more than ten thousand years, dare not squander it casually.

Su Ba's troubles caught Mayer by surprise, and Su Ba's potential and growth rate made Mayer extremely angry. Now that he doesn't need that trick, I'm afraid he can't take Su Ba!

So far, there is no way!

after all!

No one can afford to lose this battle!

Even if you lose hundreds of years of life at one time, you must kill Su Ba!


The turbulent blood qi radiated from all around melted into Mayer's body like a reversal. In an instant, it was visible to the naked eye that Mayer's whole body suddenly appeared insidious blood red!

An unspeakable breath of horror broke out from Maya!


The sky over a hundred kilometers in radius was directly darkened!


Mayer screamed up to the sky, his voice was harsh and creepy. At the same time, his whole body was rising again, the blood flames were like tidal waves, surging and rolling, the surrounding blood mist was lingering, his white hair turned into blood, and he was flying crazy!

this moment!

Maya is like a blood demon from ancient times, fierce and terrifying!

The bloodthirsty face smiled darkly, the true essence in Maya's body turned at a high speed, and the bones all over his body made a crackling sound like fried soybeans!

In the tens of meters around Mayer's body, strange void fluctuations emerged. After consuming a large amount of lifespan, his aura increased more than ten times? !

A surging, terrifying, **** breath burst out, sweeping across the sky!

"My mother! Is this bloodthirsty holy monarch desperate?! It's terrifying!"

"I feel my legs have lost consciousness!"

"Crazy, crazy! This is the ultimate blow!"

"It can only be said that Su Ba is too strong and terrible! He actually forced the bloodthirsty sage to this level..."


Everyone screamed in exclamation. In the screaming, many people ran farther under the leadership of the senior sect!

Obviously, the next step is the collision of the last big move. If you don't run too far, you may be caught by the aftermath of the explosion, and the weak ones will go straight to the west!

At this time, thousands of miles above the sky.

Maya was surrounded by monstrous blood, his face was scary and bright red, like an ancient blood demon, the blood knife he held was bright red, becoming more and more enchanting!

Maya's green and black clothes are hunting and hunting, blood-colored hair is flying freely, and his body is majestic like a volcanic eruption, full of terrifying and bloodthirsty breath!

Such a Maya suffocated the many sect children in the distance below, feeling like an unattainable mountain standing in front of them, so they could only look up and feel their own insignificance.

Even the dozens of king-level peak powerhouses, their complexions changed slightly, and their eyes showed a little awe!

Maya, who has spared no effort, is already strong enough to make those king realm peak powers completely bow their heads!

"Su Ba, are you ready to be torn to pieces by this king!"

Maya looked like crazy, his bloodthirsty eyes stared at Su Ba with a grin, and said with a row of scarlet sharp teeth!

The voice just fell!

I don't know what Maya's actions are. After a few steps, the distance of a few kilometers is close in vain!

Came over Su Ba's head!

"Under the blood sacrifice, this king can increase all the power of the power of the law by more than ten times!

Even if the degree of integration is not as good as yours, under absolute power, you will undoubtedly die! "

Mayer screamed, the blood knife in his hand trembled frantically, a terrifying power like the reversal of the sun and the moon surged out, and the blood knife slashed towards Su Ba's head fiercely!

"Su Ba, die for Lao Tzu!"


Two terrible auras rushed out of the blood knife again, one with a strong and suffocating **** aura, and the other with a bursting domineering aura!

The two breaths are entangled with each other, forming a more terrifying force!

As soon as this terrifying force appeared, invisible, there seemed to be endless blood pouring into it again, and the destructive power of this blood light suddenly reached a terrifying height!

"Crack, click, click..."

There was a cracking sound from the void, and this terrifying force completely shattered the space!

"The law of fusion of the law of fire and the law of blood, which is more than ten times greater, this..."

The Promise Sect Lord's face was shocked, his scalp was numb!

Taking a look at Ji Ce, he noticed that Ji Ce's pupils were also tightening at the moment, and a trace of dignity towards Su Ba appeared between his brows!

Come to think of it, under this situation, Ji Ce's confidence in Su Ba is not as full as before.

‘Do you intervene yourself? ’

Ji Ce secretly clenched his fists, his eyes flickering.

Su Ba's talent is too strong, strong enough to arouse Tian's jealousy!

Such a stunning talented true dragon-level top genius, growing up, future achievements are unimaginable!


Su Ba is able to break the restrictions on warriors in the Xuantian Continent for tens of thousands of years, break the bottleneck of the peak of the king realm, step into the emperor realm, and lead the human race to rise again!

This is too significant!

God knows how their group of powerhouses trapped in the peak of the king realm, without seeing the hope of the emperor realm, are how to go up step by step with difficulty!

Even if it was his Ji Ce, since he was three hundred years old, he has reached the peak of the King Realm!

By the age of two thousand years, he has worked desperately for more than 1700 years before he barely touched the threshold of the Emperor Realm!

But the difficulty that followed, even he felt desperate!

If Su Ba can break through the emperor's realm and find a way to break through, he will undoubtedly have a huge contribution to the human race!


The life and death battle between the two was settled in the eyes of the public, and it involved the formation of the martial arts ideas of Su Ba and Maya between heaven and earth!

If he arbitrarily destroys the general situation and forcefully rescues Su Ba, it is a trivial matter to be laughed at and questioned by the people of the world, but it is a big deal to be punished by God!

It doesn't matter to chop him!

It is possible that Su Ba will still be hacked!

The result is still the same!

Maya can't afford to lose this life and death battle!


Su Ba can't afford to lose!

The others cannot afford to lose!

exactly? !

What to do !

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