Snow King Luo Cheng's voice was horrified and trembling, and everyone's hearts suddenly screamed!

A bad hunch swept across the body instantly!

Everyone quickly raised their heads to look at the surveillance array.

I saw that in the surveillance circle.

The screen was zoomed in and gathered at the **** valley where the Black Dragon King was.

The miserable appearance of the black dragon king that was penetrated and covered with blood holes was still in front of his eyes.

But at this time!

The blood-red eyes of the originally dull and bleak Black Dragon King suddenly lit up!

Immediately, it was visible to the naked eye that there were more than a dozen hideous blood holes on the body of the Black Dragon King. The blood was still leaking and flowing, but the surrounding muscles began to grow rapidly, like a dense spider web, and the wounds gradually shrank and recovered!


At the same time, the black dragon king's huge body moved, and he went straight into the sky!


The Black Dragon King opened his blood basin and raised his head and burst out an angry roar!

It is as powerful as it, and as noble as it, it was seriously injured by a sneak attack and almost died! !

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The sound is like thunder, the sky is trembling!

The huge body of the Black Dragon King over three hundred feet shook frantically in the sky, and a surging strange black flame burst out of its big mouth!

Black Dragon's Breath of Black Flame!


The strange black flame fell on the ground, and it spread in an instant!

Plants and stones on the ground, when they come into contact with this black inflammation, they directly turn into fly ash!

The black flames are raging, the fire is raging!

In an instant!

A radius of hundreds of kilometers is covered by this strange black flame!

Wan Lai is dead! No life!

Only the weird black flame was burning, like a terrifying **** fire!


The Great Hall of the Promise Sect Master.

Seeing the Black Dragon King resurrected, all his wounds healed, an angry roar.

Ji Ce's face became ugly, "How could I live again..."

"Old Holy Lord..."

Around, the Sect Sovereign Promise and the other high-levels turned pale and trembled all over.

"No, it shouldn't be!"

In the Great Hall of the Ice and Snow Sect Master, Snow King Luo Cheng stared at the surveillance array, gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

"Obviously hit the position of the Black Dragon King Soul Crystal, and it penetrated, why is it all right?! Why?!"

In Yanhuo Sect, Yan King Kewei's forehead was bulging with blue veins, his hands were clenched, and he snorted with a hideous expression!


"Will not!!"

The holy masters of other top holy places were not reconciled and shouted in disbelief!

"Snarling Dog, what is going on?!"

Su Ba gritted his teeth, "You didn't mean that you hit the soul crystal, or hit the weakness of the Black Dragon King, is it bound to die?! Even if it does not die, it will at least be severely damaged! But why its aura quickly recovered! "

Su Ba had red eyes, gritted his teeth in his mind.

"Dog slot! If the soul crystal is hit, if it is broken, it will definitely die!

If it is not broken, but the soul crystal is cracking, no matter how strong the body of the Black Dragon King is, no matter how strong the vitality is, it will definitely not escape the heavy damage! "

The snarling dog stared at the dog's eyes and yelled decisively.

"Then what's going on?"

"The dog king also finds it strange... unless..."

The snarling dog screamed, "This dog was forced at the last moment, and when he found that his body couldn't hide, he instantly moved the soul crystal from his body! Wuri! Unexpectedly, this kind of operation would happen again?!"

"Why didn't you say it before?!"

Su Ba said with a black face.

"How do I know that this guy will do this? Besides! Even if you know, tell you, you can't be guarded!"

The snarling dog spoke up unhappy.

Su Ba rolled his eyes and was about to say something!


What did he notice? !

not good!

Su Ba's face suddenly changed!

At the same time!

The high-level officials of the eighteen top holy places also saw something, and their eyes were directly shocked!

"Quick! Let them run!"

In the surveillance array screen in the Blood Fiend Valley.

The Black Dragon King who roared frantically in the sky, after spitting out a large mouthful of black flame dragon's breath, Zuran looked into the distance with blood-red eyes the size of a water tank!


It is exactly the location of the 23 top holy land kings and the 23 magic beam cannons!


Twenty-three powerful kings over there trembled, their complexions tightened, and almost without hesitation, they immediately took a magic beam cannon to flee!

More than twenty king realm powerhouses all broke out, with full speed, rushing in all directions, the chance of escape is not small!



After a terrifying dragon roar that shocked the earth!

Almost an instant!

On top of their heads, there was a huge shadow!

More than twenty king-level peak powers subconsciously raised their heads, their faces full of horror!

Above their heads, the body of the dragon covering the sky and the sun was covered with moonlight, and a pair of cold, cruel and huge dragon eyes were bloodthirsty and fierce overlooking them!

Black Dragon King!

An unimaginable terrifying aura burst out from the body of the Black Dragon King!

Like the sky and the earth, a hundred years of flash floods!

The mighty, unstoppable!

The moment shrouded by this terrifying aura!

More than twenty king realm powerhouses present, all opened their mouths and spewed a mouthful of scarlet blood, their faces were pale, and their bodies were stiff and unable to move!

And through the light curtain of the monitoring circle, all the king realm peak powerhouses of the top holy land suddenly shrank!

Ji Ce exclaimed in shock.

"Emperor Zun's early peak!"


It was like thunder struck everyone's heart!

Everyone was shocked, their faces full of incredible and shock!

Three days!

The Black Dragon King has recovered from the early stage of the Emperor to the peak of the early stage of the Emperor!


too fast!

The speed of strength recovery is simply a blank for people's mind!


After being penetrated by 23 magic beam cannons just now!

"Do not!"

Everyone shouted in anger!

The blood-red eyes of the Black Dragon King's cruel and fierce flashed a trace of aura and anger, it knew that it must be the group of people below that had just attacked it!


After a loud roar, the Black Dragon King opened his **** mouth to the twenty-odd powerful kings below!

The unstoppable horrible suction is acting on more than 20 powerful kings!

No one can resist!

In an instant, he was swallowed by the Black Dragon King into his mouth!


At this moment, a touch of despair appeared in the eyes of all the senior officials of the top holy land!

The Black Dragon King has not perished, and his strength has greatly increased!

In only three days, he recovered to the initial peak of the Emperor Realm!

Eat up more than 20 king realm powerhouses in an instant!

Terrible! Fear!

The catastrophe of mankind is bound to come!

Who can stop? !

Many high-level officials in the top sacred places only felt that their legs were soft, and the whole person collapsed on the ground, pale and trembling all over!

"Did you lose..."

Someone murmured.

"Lost..." Someone lost his mind.

"No! We haven't lost yet!"


Snow King Luo Cheng thought of something, and said to everyone through the Lianxun light curtain, "We still have the Mad Emperor! As long as the Mad Emperor breaks through the Emperor Realm, he can definitely be killed!"

The voice falls!

Everyone was shocked, and then their faces showed hope!

"Yes! We still have the Mad Emperor! The fighting power of the Mad Emperor is unparalleled. Both are in the early stage of the Emperor Realm. Even if the Black Dragon King is at the peak of the initial stage, the Mad Emperor will never lose!"

"Crazy Emperor! It's up to you!"

"Come on!"

"The hope of all races in the mainland lies on you!"


Everyone's voices one after another.

"But, have you ever thought about...With the recovery speed of the Black Dragon King's strength, when the mad emperor breaks through the emperor realm, what realm will it be?"

Yan Wang Kewei smiled bitterly, "Although I don't want to discourage everyone's enthusiasm, but... this is a fact, so be prepared in advance so that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment..."

This sentence is like a basin of cold water pouring on everyone's brains!

Everyone turned pale, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help showing bitterness.


When the mad emperor breaks through the emperor realm, where will the strength of this black dragon king recover?

Mid-Emperor Realm?

Even in the late emperor state?

How do you fight this? !

Even if the mad emperor is invincible at the same level, if he wants to leapfrog the ancient top sacred beast like the Black Dragon King at the realm of the emperor, I am afraid that there will be no return.


Spread again in the crowd.

"Everyone cheer up! It's not the last moment! Never give up!"

At this time!

A clear and stern voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the Lianxun light curtain!

Everyone was shocked!

It's the voice of Mad Emperor!

"The Black Dragon King's ability to quickly regain strength has something to do with those little black dragon minions, frantically killing and devouring!

Therefore, we must accelerate the speed of interception!

As long as the little black dragon can be killed as soon as possible, no matter how many, even if only a dozen or twenty are killed, the black dragon king's strength recovery speed can be reduced! "

"Secondly, everyone helps to gather more high-quality resources in a short time. When I go to the Eastern Continent Thunder Dragon Secret Realm, I will immediately start to break through the emperor's realm!

Everyone will work together and help each other in the same boat.

Even at the end of the battle, without the last drop of blood, you can't easily concede defeat! "

Su Ba's grim voice continued!

The words carry a firm belief in victory and an unyielding will to fight!

Everyone couldn't help but tremble slightly!

A deep sigh of relief!

Numerous king realm peak powerhouses put aside all negative emotions such as depression and disappointment, and their expressions became firm!

"The mad emperor is right! I don't know how many life and death difficulties we have experienced on the road of cultivation. There is nothing to be afraid of death! We all have the consciousness of death!"

"It's a mad emperor! I calm down so soon! Let me wait for the old guys to be ashamed, okay! Next, the focus of all of us is to intercept the little black dragon!"

"Go all out and never die!"



Su Ba nodded and said solemnly.

"Then, before I come back, I beg everyone... I must hold on!"

"Don't worry, Crazy Emperor! We are not all spoils!"

"Yes! Mad Emperor, we are waiting for your return!"

"You can definitely lead us to victory!"


Su Ba let out a suffocating breath, his expression was firm, and said decisively.

"work hard together!!"

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