"What... what Transcendent A Grade existence?"

Faye was still in a daze, unable to understand for a while, muttered to look at Liu Yue.

"The existence of Transcendent A Grade, that is..."

Liu Yue swallowed, and said in a low voice full of awe, "Mr. Su Ba, is an extremely strong person of today's S rank!"


It was like a bomb exploded on Feiye's head, leaving Feiye's brain blank!

S-class powerhouse?

Mr. Su Ba is an S-rank superpower? !

Fei Ye opened his mouth blankly, and he could just squeeze an egg into his face with shock!

"It can't be wrong."

Liu Yue whispered, "There are many kinds of domains. The moment that made us plunge into a terrible battlefield, it should be Mr. Su Ba's domain.

The sign of an S-level powerhouse is to gather energy into a domain.

Only the domain of the S-level powerhouse can make me feel like I couldn't breathe just now, as if I was strangling my throat by an invisible big hand! "

"Yes, right, at that moment, I felt like I was going to die."

Faye took a breath and said repeatedly.

At this moment.

Su Ba had already condensed the breath of his whole body, slowly falling from the air, looking at the two of them faintly.

The two were aroused.

"Puff through~" "Puff through~"

Fei Ye and Liu Yue knelt directly on the ground and yelled respectfully to Su Ba.

"Master Su!"

"You don't need to be so polite."

Su Ba frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and an invisible force lifted Fei Ye and Liu Yue from the ground.

After that, Su Ba set his eyes on Fei Ye and smiled lightly.

"Boss Fei, now do you think I am enough to destroy the Meng family?"

"Enough... Enough!"

Fei Ye's little chicken nodded like a peck of rice, watching Su Ba's eyes full of enthusiasm and reverence!

S-rank super strong!

What kind of existence is that!

It is said that they possess the terrifying power of overthrowing mountains and breaking the earth!

An S-rank superpower can be described as having a nuclear bomb-like deterrent, and is a super power at the top of the Kyushu Pyramid!

Even in the most prosperous and powerful state of the first top state, Tianwang, the S-level supernatural beings are still respected by countless people!

Can he even meet an S-rank powerhouse?

Faye almost felt like he was dreaming.

How many top big state big families, big giants can't ask for S-level powerhouses, have now become the major shareholders of his Tuzhou company?

Faye suddenly felt himself swell up.

The excitement in the heart is hard to control!

I rely on!

This Nima, he will also have a backer from now on!

If there are S-level powerhouses in charge, do they still need to shrink and expand cautiously? !

Who would dare to make his company's idea in the future? !

Before you fight, you have to weigh whether you can withstand the anger of a super strong S-rank!


Faye bowed to Su Ba with a red face, "Master Su, don’t worry, I will definitely give full play to my talents from now on, Faye will make the Longdong Mansion bigger and stronger rapidly, and bring you unparalleled wealth. !

And what you ordered before, I will specifically ask Liuyue to set up an energy stone and jade acquisition team, and try to collect as much as possible for you! "

How could it be impossible for Feiye to hold his thigh firmly when he encountered such a strong man for an unprecedented time.

He knew that what he said was absolutely Su Ba's current concern.


Hearing Fei Ye say this, Su Ba nodded, his face showing a smile.

"Then there will be a labor boss."

This man is capable, knowledgeable, and smart. If he is more loyal, Su Ba doesn't mind covering him.

With Faye working on the jewelry, jade, and power stones for him later, he could have relaxed a lot.

"It's an honor for Feiye to work for Master Su without trouble, without trouble."

Fei Ye quickly said.

"Yeah~ Master Su, I will do things well."

Liu Yue on the side also spoke softly, her beautiful eyes looking at Su Ba full of admiration and admiration.

Such a young, outstanding and heroic S-rank superpower is the dream of how many women.

Su Ba smiled and nodded, then he thought about it.

"Boss Fei, as for the destruction of the Meng family in Shangshuizhou, I will find time to go there. There is still something to deal with recently."

"This is not anxious, each state has a distinct hierarchy and boundaries. It is not easy to go up and down..."

Faye said, seeing Su Ba's eyebrows move closer to the center of his eyebrows, his heart jumped, and he said quickly.

"But if you are a strong man like Su Da, naturally you will be able to complete the interstate formalities very quickly."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Su Ba said lightly.

"Ok, it's like this..."


at the same time.

Huhai City, East District.

A quiet little coffee shop.

Wang Xiaoyi and Zheng Jian sat opposite each other, and they were covered with an invisible film to isolate the sound.

"In that case, the water monster was indeed killed by Su Ba."

Zheng Jian touched his chin, and his heart surged with excitement.

Su Ba is really an A-level powerhouse, and such powerhouses can't be transferred to other power teams.

If they can be invited to their supernatural agency, in Tuzhou can definitely shock all Xiaoxiao!

"He killed it."

Wang Xiaoyi nodded calmly.

Speaking of Su Ba, she unconsciously remembered Su Ba deliberately approaching her in her mind, and suddenly felt inexplicably angry and disgusted in her heart.

After Su Ba was repeatedly questioned by her that day, people stopped coming to the classroom in the afternoon.

In the next few days, not only was there no one in the classroom, but I asked Xia Yi, even the dormitory never went to sleep.

There must be a ghost in my heart!


It seems selfless and sincere, upright and resolute, but in fact he is doing dirty things secretly, and lied to me that it was fate.

Obviously everything was planned. He came to me with that man's mission just to approach me and monitor me!

Just a big liar!

Su Ba, it's better if you don't appear in front of me, and I don't want to see you again!

"Okay, I see, but it's really incredible. Su Ba, a native of Tuzhou, grew up to such a level by himself, really amazing."

Wang Xiaoyi was thinking angrily, but Zheng Jian's marvellous self-talk came in his ear.

Hear what's inside.


Wang Xiaoyi's body stiffened.

"Mr. Zheng, you... what did you... just say? Su Ba is... a native of Tuzhou...?"

Wang Xiaoyi opened his red lips and looked at Zheng Jian blankly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Zheng Jian looked at Wang Xiaoyi suspiciously and saw Wang Xiaoyi's sluggish appearance, thinking that he was surprised by the strength of Su Ba's birth.

At the moment Zheng Jian smiled and said, "Hehe, I couldn't believe it before, but after checking Su Ba's information, it really proved that Su Ba is a native Tuzhou..."

Wang Xiaoyi has not listened to what Zheng Jian said later.

At this moment, all the same thoughts in her mind.

Su Ba is from Tuzhou, he was not sent by that man...

How... how could this...

"It turns out I misunderstood him."

Wang Xiaoyi bit his red lips and muttered to himself.

What I said before must have made him very sad, so it was gone for two days.

Thought of this.

Wang Xiaoyi panicked inexplicably, and quickly took out his mobile phone to find Su Ba's number and dialed down.

"Beep...I'm sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off..."

Off... Is it off?

Wang Xiaoyi held the phone stiffly, listening to the prompt tone in the handset of the phone, her pretty face pale.

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