“Shock point +25, +23, +20…”

The five people present looked confused.

It was as if I had seen something incredible.

This Nima, in the entire continent, even an attribute glass bead will provoke thousands of strong people to grab it madly, fight for it, fight for the head and break the blood flow, and the blood flows into rivers.

Yes, some people are born with attributes, but those are very few people who are favored by God.

If you are not born and want to have it in this life, there is only one way.

Find rare treasures of the continent, attribute glass beads.

Relatively speaking, single-attribute glass beads are the best to find, among which thunder attributes and wind attributes are the rarest, and the probability of the five types of gold, wood, water, fire and earth is larger.

Double-attribute, three-attribute glass beads, that is, it will cause bloody storms when you see it.

Above the three attributes, even the records in the history books are pitiful.

Once it appears, it is either a river of blood or mourning.

And now, what do they see? Five attributes appeared in Bai Piao’s hands at the same time? They all wondered if they had spent their eyes! Everyone here, all they know, is that only two people have attributes.

Li Tianyi, fire attribute.

Li Yanran, fire attribute.

In the entire Li City, three people have attributes, and one is that alchemist.

The attributes of the three of them are all innate.

In the entire Li City, with a population of millions, only three people were found to have attributes.

You say, how small should this probability be? Of the two attributes, the several cities around them combined, may probably be then possible to have one.

Three attributes? The whole dynasty has one, and it’s not bad.

Several people wiped their eyes and looked at Bai Piao’s hand again.

That’s right, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, five attributes.

No problem.

Nor is it dazzling.


Bai Sheng was a little distracted.

What are the five attributes of this mess? Why doesn’t Lao Tzu, the father, know? Is it biological? Wasn’t it tested at the beginning, it is true that there are no attributes, not five attributes.

In this way, there is only one explanation.

Bai Piao swallowed a multicolored glass bead.

Thinking of this possibility, Bai Sheng swallowed.

Where did this bastard come from so many treasures? Aren’t you afraid of getting killed? If the strong man finds that there are multicolored glass beads in Li City, even if Tu Cheng looks for multicolored glass beads, it will not be a problem.

Bai Sheng thought of this possibility, and the others present also thought of it.

Bai Piao, a recognized waste, does not have any attributes, this is a fact that everyone can see, and the entire Li City is known.

Now, the five attributes are placed on the palm of the hand, what does it mean? The hearts of everyone were shocked again.

“Shock Point +20, +19, +17…”

Another wave of shock points.

“I said Bai family boy, do you know the importance of three-color glass beads? If you exchange him for something, you will get endless glory and wealth that you will enjoy in this life! ”

“Are you sure you gave it away like that?”

The head of the Zhang family, who has always been mercenary, spoke.

“Cut, Lao Tzu can send whoever he wants, glory and wealth? Does it matter to have my family? Who loves to enjoy enjoying going! ”

“I said you guys are not annoying, I especially want to give Yanran a gift, what are you BB?” What’s wrong with your balls? ”

Bai Piao really wanted to swallow a few six-grade experience pills in one breath and turn over these two people who talked a lot.

“Bai family boy, are you sure you want to give these three color beads to my family?”

It was Li Yanran and his father who said this, Li Tianyi.

In Li Tianyi’s view, no matter how bullish Bai Piao is, it is his business.

But if Bai Piao was willing to really give the three-color beads to his family, this situation would be different.

At least not a little white face.

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