Li Yanran left and was taken away by the old woman.

Bai Piao has not left the gate these days, lying at home all day.

Decadence, uncomfortable.

Big bed.

Bai Piao looked at the jade pei in his hand.

“This must have been deliberately left by the old woman.”

“But what’s the use?”

Bai Piao turned over and over to look at this jade pei many times.

This jade is the color of jasper, the tentacles are warm and smooth, and the only clue is that there is a small “square” character on it.

“Fang? It seems that the owner of this jade pei is surnamed Fang? ”

“Fang family? I haven’t heard of it! ”

Bai Piao thought about it, and there was no clue.

I asked my father, and my father also said that he had never seen it, and he didn’t know which big man had the surname Fang.


Bai Piao rubbed his forehead, looking at this jade pei, he couldn’t help but think of the piece of Jingxin jade he bought for Li Yanran.

“I don’t know what happened to Yanran.”

Bai Piao thought bitterly.

It was hard to fall in love, and others were mixed up.

Bai Piao was angry and helpless.

Blame the damn old woman.

If Lao Tzu becomes stronger than her one day, he must give her daughter X!

“Gongzi, the master is here.”

Outside the door, there was the voice of two dogs.

Since Bai Piao was promoted to Martial Emperor, Bai Sheng’s attitude has improved a lot.

If you don’t dare to move, you can easily scold Bai Piao.

Special nonsense, Laozi is a martial king, dare to fight with the martial emperor? This bastard’s temper Laozi is not unaware, if he is not careful, it is possible to counter-kill! White floated out the door.


For his cheap daddy, Bai Piao still agrees with him from the bottom of his heart.

That day, Bai Sheng was beaten into a shrunken turtle in order to protect him.

This love, Bai Piao can still feel it.

“Son, I’ll see you.”

Bai Sheng smiled and didn’t shout about it.

“What’s so pretty, I’m not sick.”

Bai Piao lay comfortably on the recliner.

Seeing this, the second dog brought a glass of juice.

“That jade pei of yours, I may not know the clues, but I remember, in the early years, I really wanted to see it in the library cabinet, but I can’t remember exactly, I don’t know which book it is in.”

Bai Sheng secretly said that this bastard didn’t know to raise a seat for Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu gave you a way.

“Oh really?”

Bai Piao got up from the recliner, patted the dust on it, and said, “Dad, come, you sit!” ”

Bai Sheng coughed lightly and sat leisurely on the recliner.

Hey, don’t say, this bastard will really enjoy it, it seems that his hard bench should be changed.

“Hey, son, Yanran that girl, but a good girl!”

Bai Sheng sighed.

He was also quite sad to lose Li Yanran, a prospective daughter-in-law.

The terrifying strength of that old woman was obvious to everyone.

The only hope is that Bai Piao can grow up.

But, in their view, there is little hope.

“Oh, Daddy, wasn’t I trying to figure it out.”

“What is the Tianhan Palace, we don’t know, we haven’t heard of it, the only clue is this jade pei, you now have a clue, help me go to the library to find it?”

Bai Piao beat Bai Sheng’s back, and the superb technique made Bai Sheng enjoy it slightly.

Let Bai Piao go to read and flip the book? No, the library is similar to a library when you hear it, and it will be fatal to enter.

“Okay, go find it for your father.”

“But you see, the Father has recently been in this hand…”

Bai Sheng rubbed his fingers.

He has long observed that there are many good treasures here! Tens of thousands of gold coins are given away without blinking, and the shot is a five-pin magic weapon, and if it is broken, it is not distressed, and the three-color beads are given away casually.

Either one proves that he is the rich second generation.

No, rich generation.

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