You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Fantasy: Search Novels by God-level Managers ("!When Qing Yuan was completely immersed in the virtual world, Yao Ziyan returned to the counter, and she noticed that Luochuan was playing Doudizhu on the magic phone.

"Boss, don't write anymore?" Yao Ziyan asked casually.

"A little tired." Luo Chuan answered casually.

The answer was in Yao Ziyan's expectation, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

In the depths of the dense jungle, the roar of the beast rang out, and the leaves were all shook with a "rusty" sound.

Yao Ziyue, Qingyuan, and a girl who seemed to be a resident of Oran were fighting a monster.

There is a mess all around, and many trees have been brutally broken, and the broken parts are like bare white bones.

The shape of a monster is similar to a mutated lizard, with its limbs covered by heavy bone plates, and black scales can be seen under the brown-black fur.

The eyes were crimson, and the white teeth were covered with weird green colloids, exuding a pungent fishy smell.

After Yao Ziyan brought Qingyuan into the casual mode, Yao Ziyue was arrested.

Yao Ziyan gave her a task, which is to bring Qingyuan to spawn monsters to upgrade.

As for that girl, she was a friend Yao Ziyue met in Oran.

The reason is this. Now the three of them are spawning monsters and upgrading, to put it differently, the monster Ziyue spawning Qingyuan and the girl are paddling beside them.

As Yao Ziyan's friend, Qing Yuan has naturally heard of Yao Ziyue. The two met for the first time without any accidents and got along very well.

The monitor lizard was biting from its huge mouth with green liquid flowing at such a fast speed that it even made a sonic boom.

Yao Ziyue leaped up, and a miniature magic circle appeared on his boots, which briefly stopped in the air.

The magic power in his hand converged, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the ice condensed into a spear of several meters in the blink of an eye.

It turned into cold light and penetrated the monitor lizard's head.

"It's done." The demon Ziyue landed on the ground lightly, and the monitor lizard crashed to the ground.

"Sister Ziyue is amazing." The girl's face was full of longing.

"This is an upgrade? It's amazing." Qing Yuan saw the prompt message that appeared in front of her, and felt the reappearing energy called magic power, her expression exclaimed.

"After level 20, you can choose occupations and learn skills. I just used stagnant air and freezing ice." Yao Ziyue said with a smile.

"Unbelievable." Even though Qing Yuan had already understood the rules here, Qing Yuan was still very emotional.

"Sister Ziyue, what are you talking about?" The girl cast a suspicious look at Yao Ziyue.

"Don't ask children about adults." Yao Ziyue patted her head.

Not revealing one's own identity is a long-established custom among customers.

It is very interesting to hear that I have become the "pre-era survivors", "star travellers" and "mind incarnations" among these local residents.Error-free novel

In reality, they are ordinary cultivators. Another world has changed. Countless people can't see through their identities and can only use their imagination to guess.

Even the most staid and boring people face this situation, they should have the idea of ​​the game.

"Um, okay." The girl responded with some unwillingness.

She knew that this elder sister was always mysterious, but her personality was still very good, otherwise she would not follow her to explore the dense forest.

"It shouldn't be difficult to upgrade to level 20?" Qing Yuan got out of the strange state just now.

"Usually a few days is enough if someone is led, but it takes a lot of time to upgrade later. The efficiency of simply hunting beasts or invaders is too low, usually they will receive some tasks to complete at the same time. ." Yao Ziyue gave Qingyuan popular information about leisure mode.

"It sounds very interesting." Qing Yuan looked forward to it.

"In fact, not all customers like to upgrade. Many regard this place as a place for leisure and play. Perhaps this is the reason why the boss named it the casual mode." Yao Ziyue mentioned his own opinion.

"Leisure mode...maybe this is the case." Although Qing Yuan didn't understand Yao Ziyue's words very much, she faintly agreed.

In the underground space of the ancient ruins, Wen Tianji and others have already left.

It didn't cause much damage, everyone picked some ice blue flowers, which was not worth mentioning relative to the size of the entire space.

Yao Huichen and the others, who had a good harvest, were in a good mood. Everyone had a smile on their faces when they left.

The boundless ruins reappeared in the field of vision, and there was a whistling sound that never ceased in his ears, and the spiritual barrier appeared quite eye-catching in the dim world.

"A shocking scene." Yao Huichen sighed.

When I came here, I felt a little sigh about the environment in the ruins because of the ice blue flower. After spending so long in the underground space, I saw this scene again, and my heart felt like a human being. .

"This should be a civilization that we didn't know about, because of special reasons it has become like this." Wen Tianji said.

"Such a splendid and glorious civilization..." The Great Elder looked back at the giant building that seemed to connect the sky and the earth, "It is hard to imagine what happened to them."

"Pavilion Master Wen, do you know how long this ruin will appear?" The third elder suddenly asked.

The ancient relics that appear in Tianlan Continent are usually destroyed due to the balance of space, and will die out after a long or short period of time.

"This time, the ancient relics are quite special and should last a long time." Wen Tianji had already calculated it before entering through the passage.

"That's good." The third elder breathed a sigh of relief, and the rest of the medicine valley people showed more or less relaxed expressions.

The miraculous plant of ice blue flower was discovered just after the ruins appeared. Although I don’t know if it can be used as a material for pill refining, its effect is obvious to all. Maybe there are many others hidden under this endless continent. The treasure is quietly waiting for them to discover.

After passing through the passage that is somewhat similar to the eye, everyone has left the ruins.

The torrential rain continued, and dull thunders sounded in my ears from time to time, and bright flashes of black sky burst out from time to time, illuminating the endless forest.

Being in such an environment, Wen Tianji and others felt relaxed.

Unlike the ruins filled with death breath, no matter how bad the weather outside is, it is normal climate evolution. Looking at these verdant forests, they are full of breath of life.

The residual energy surrounding the passage did not affect these people in the slightest. After leaving the range of the residual energy, Wen Tianji opened a short and convenient space passage and left here.

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