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Feeling that the time was almost up, Luo Chuan found a place where no one was left and left Sonia.He got up from the game compartment and stretched deeply.

I took a bottle of Coke from the shelf next to it, unscrewed it and drank a small half bottle directly, feeling a comfortable hit to my soul.

Luochuan put a lot of various products sold in the Origin Mall here, as well as the sakura stuffed by Yaoziyan, which is basically similar to a small warehouse.Although the goods can be taken out at any time in the system space, he feels that it is more atmospheric when placed on the side.

The time of Tianlan Continent and Koruo were maintained at the same level, and it was almost noon when Luochuan left, and it was almost lunch time.

Now customers should have left one after another. Luochuan feels that the regular opening and closing of Origin Mall should allow many customers to develop a good habit of eating on time.

The distance between Fengxianlou and Origin Mall is not too far, and most of the customers who can often visit Origin Mall are not short of Lingjing, so it has become the best choice for many customers to choose a canteen.

As for the Yuangui shop next to the alley... Ninety percent of the customers can only think about it in their hearts.

The wall opened to the sides, and Luo Chuan left the room.The customers in the expanded space outside had almost left. An Weiya and Bingshuang were about to leave when they happened to see Luochuan.

"Boss." An Weiya walked over with Frost.

"Have you experienced the nightmare space?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Of course not." An Weiya replied without a hint of embarrassment. "Many customers who have experienced this experience regret it. Fortunately, I have the foresight."

Luo Chuan just asked casually, then glanced at Frost.He still remembered the frost burst when he first opened business in the morning, and it definitely surpassed the sage.

Noting Luo Chuan's gaze, Bing Shuang also cast a gaze at him with red eyes, as flat as ever, it seems that the experience of the nightmare space did not affect her.

Leaving the expansion space, there are still many customers in the main store outside, and they sound like they are discussing something intensely.After noticing Luochuan, the noise has been reduced a lot.

"Boss, is Nightmare Space really a scene constructed from our memories? It doesn't look the slightest difference from the real world." Bu Lige looked excited. He beat those people in the Nightmare Space several times, and now only feels Refreshing.

As for the scene of the assassination, Bu Lige felt that if the option settings were adjusted higher, he would be able to encounter it, because he knew that it was definitely the most unwilling thing to recall in his heart.Now he is not in a hurry, he will adjust his mentality after a while, he is not ready yet.

Faced with such things as inner fear, everyone cannot accurately judge others. After all, everyone is different and it is impossible to understand what others think firsthand.

"It's definitely a nightmare! I feel my body trembling in retrospect!" Wei Yi looked scared. He was directly overwhelmed by the sea of ​​books in the nightmare space, and Xia Ying silently grabbed his palm.

"It's not different from what I remember. I even suspect that I have returned to the past." The Demon Monkey's voice was low and there was still a look of horror in his eyes.

"It's really terrible. My collection is lost in the nightmare space!" Elena's tail kept touching the ground, and their collection was extremely important to the Siren.

She has traveled around Jiuyao City, and just returned to Origin Mall today, and then happened to encounter the potato chips and nightmare space launched by Origin Mall. She experienced it curiously and had a deep memory.

Everyone was silent for a while, they felt that they couldn't keep up with Elena's thinking.The Origin Mall and the Sea-Monster City are directly connected through the portal of light. It is not easy for these Sea-Monsters to come to the store.

Regarding the strange values ​​of the Sea Monster, these customers feel a little confused, and don't know what to say.

"The nightmare space is constructed based on your inner fears. It can be the manifestation of your past experience, or it can be the most fearful thing to happen." Luochuan briefly explained the nightmare space, "So everyone's experience in the nightmare space will There are differences, and of course it is also related to your own settings."

These customers know more or less about Luochuan's words. The most fundamental reason they gather here to discuss is actually to vent their inner feelings. Luochuan naturally understands this.

After talking again, these customers said goodbye one after another. The business hours of Origin Mall had just ended. If you don't want to stay and endure the torture of not being able to eat delicious food, it is better to leave early.

Yao Ziyan went upstairs just now, Luo Chuan was still idle, and took out the magic phone after sitting down, he was going to see what those customers were talking about in the group chat.

As soon as I opened it, new messages came out.

Naturally, the magic phone does not need to worry about not being able to see the message. The refresh rate of the message can adapt to the user's viewing speed. This is the power of the black technology provided by the system.

"The nightmare space is really good, and it helps me recall the warm childhood.

"It is strongly recommended that customers who have not experienced the nightmare space try it. If you don't try it, you will regret it!

"It feels like you are fooling me, this name sounds scary.

"Don't be scared by the name of the nightmare space, do you think about those weird things in the owner's shop?"

"But I heard that many people are scared by the nightmare space..."

"They lied to you. If you encounter good things, you must enjoy them exclusively. They want to use this method to make you give up.

"That's it!What a sinister intention!In the afternoon I will go to the Origin Mall to have a look!


Very well, the performances of the customers in this session are very full, and the skill of fooling people has reached the realm of great success. The most important thing is that they are extremely tacit and unified.

Luo Chuan also flipped through the Origin Forum, and as expected, they were all praises for Nightmare Space.

Those customers who have experienced it personally, with the spirit of "Everyone can't make me feel scared alone", also silently join the recommended team.

Suddenly, all recommendations for Nightmare Space appeared in the Origin Forum.

Luochuan watched the lively discussion in the group chat, and then opened the origin video.

After these days of development, the overall quality of the video has been greatly improved. It seems that these customers have already figured out the skills of video shooting and editing.

Open the leaderboard, and the video titled "Survival in the Forest" is at the top of the list.

What is the most important thing before watching the video?Naturally, it is one-click and three-connection. This is the support for creators and is extremely important.Luochuan only started to watch it after the one-click three-connection.

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