God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1156 Daddy, Son

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At dinner time, Yao Ziyan was holding the magic phone and was browsing the content on it.

Suddenly there was a soft voice, and then he laughed: "Can you help me? These people are really interesting."

Luochuan ate food in silence, hiding his merit and fame.

He used a vest when he sent the message, so no one knows where the trend started.

"Boss, do you see Origin Community?" Yao Ziyan looked at Luochuan.

"Look at it." Luo Chuan nodded without changing his face.

"I don't know who said it in the first place. Now the origin community has all comments in this format." Yao Ziyan opened other applications and looked at it. "The other applications are as well."

Luo Chuan didn't make any evaluation, but hid his merit and fame deeply: "Let's eat first."

After the business hours of Origin Mall ended, Jiang Shengjun had no intention of wandering around in Jiuyao City, and returned directly to Zuoxiang's Mansion.

"Where is my father?" Jiang Shengjun asked impatiently when he took the towel handed over by the maid and wiped the rain splashed on his body.

"Master is in the study." The maid replied respectfully.

After getting the location, Jiang Shengjun stuffed the towel to the maid and walked through the long corridor towards the study.

He was going to ask Xia Jiang Xiuran why he should train with Buqiang.

"It's very simple." Jiang Xiuran put Sprite on the table, "I find it troublesome."

Jiang Shengjun:??

"Haha, that's a joke." Jiang Xiuran laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Bu Cangqiang is stronger than me, and training with him is definitely better than following me."

"That's right." Jiang Shengjun nodded, and then looked suspicious, "But how do I feel that you didn't seem to be joking just now?"

Bu Cangqiong, as Zhennanhou, a general who controls the army, is stronger than Zuo Xiangjiang Xiuran, and it is no secret in Jiuyao City.

"Go go." Jiang Xiuran waved his hand impatiently when he heard this, "I'm busy, don't bother me, go and see if dinner is ready."

Jiang Shengjun curled his lips and left the room. Jiang Xiuran took the magic phone and left a comment on a new post he saw.

"My son almost understood what I really thought. Can you help me?"

After dinner, Luo Chuan lay in a chair, not wanting to move.

At noon, he didn't have a nap because he wanted to watch Chu Yang's live broadcast of the auction house activities.

"Boss, you don't seem to have any vitality." After Yao Ziyan went up and down, he said with some worry when he saw Luo Chuan's appearance.

"It's okay, it's just a little sleepy." Luo Chuan couldn't help yawning.

Yao Ziyan felt that he had guessed the reason, it might be because the boss did not take a nap.

"Then boss, go to sleep first." Yao Ziyan suggested.

Luo Chuan shook his head: "Don't sleep in a hurry. I'll look at the magic phone first."

Yao Ziyan thought for a while: "Will you go to the coffee shop in Sonia?"

"Forget it today." Luochuan didn't have any interest in visiting Sonia today. Lying down and watching the magic phone is a better choice.

Yao Ziyan took out the magic phone and prepared to write a new plot of "Glory".Because of the deposit, I have been lazy these days and lost the enthusiasm at the beginning.

"Boss, you are right. As long as you write a work, you will definitely be in a state of procrastination inexplicably." Yao Ziyan sighed, her words full of emotion.

"This is equivalent to the world's operating rules, as long as you are in it, it will appear sooner or later." Luochuan has completely given up resistance, and eating and waiting for death is the ultimate meaning of life.

Yao Ziyan nodded, judging from her expression, she should be ready to overcome it.

Colo, Saintia.

As night fell, the twinkling stars dotted the black night sky, and the galaxy was shining, and the two bright white moons complemented each other.

The street lights are already on, and the bright light band separates Saintia into small squares, and the faint fragrance of flowers is in the air, casting a little dream for the upcoming Wanhua Expo.

"Herman, are you ready to go out again?" Joyce behind the counter raised her head, looked at Herman who was finishing her collar, and frowned slightly.

"Why do you say'again'?" Herman smiled gently, "Jodith, you should know that this is..."

"This is a work matter, right?" Joydis added Herman's words first.

"Of course." Herman nodded and wiped his cane with a flannel. "The commission of the bombing has not yet been completed. I am very anxious."

"Anxious? I didn't see it. I remember you went to the opera house with Erhard during the day." Joydith began to look down at the books. "Although you are the owner of Dream Building, you must recognize Clear your own responsibilities."

Herman didn't dislike Jodith's nagging: "I know, I will definitely be back on time."

When he came to the door, he took a deep breath, and the fragrance of various flowers entered his nasal cavity, and the light from the street lamp dispersed the darkness.

After walking some distance, I found a magic car that was waiting for the guests, and after telling where I was going, the scenery on the window of the car suddenly began to retreat.

Herman looked out the window and couldn't help but remember what he encountered in that coffee shop last night. The warm light, the young boss...

Everything about that shop was shrouded in a thick fog. After Herman left, he checked many books and found no relevant news.

For detectives, mysterious things always arouse the desire to explore the secrets. Even if they know that they may encounter danger, they still want to try.

Herman knew that he was in such a dangerous state, but he didn't have the idea to change. Curiosity drove him to do these things.

Maybe that guy Rona thought the same way, if it wasn't because he couldn't find this shop...

"Here." The driver's words brought the crazy Herman spirit back to reality. After paying the fare, he got out of the magic car.

Seeing the familiar figure ahead, his eyes lit up and he quickly followed.

"Mr. Rhone, what a coincidence, we met again." Herman greeted with a smile.

Rona was still in a long black windbreaker, a black top hat, and the hem of the windbreaker made a burst of noise as he moved forward.

He noticed Herman beside him, nodding slightly in response.

Although Herman said that he was just looking for news, Rhone still had a guard against him, after all, the positions of the two sides were always hostile.

After crossing a few streets, the surroundings quickly became deserted, as if a long time had passed suddenly.

The light of the street lamp is bound in the aging lampshade, emitting orange light, dividing the road into sections.

There are also some street lights that are already in a scrapped state, and that area is occupied by the darkness of night.

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