God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1173 is not a question of whether it is fun or not

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This matter of crossing is completely familiar to the public.

So that people have a kind of illusion, always feel that I can go to me.

If I pass through, I will surely set off countless storms in another world and eventually reach the peak of my life.

However, there is a huge gap between imagination and reality.

Obviously he is an ordinary person who would feel uncomfortable when going to a strange place. Maybe he is a little afraid of being a little socialist. If he travels to another world, he can be directly blessed by the domineering spirit.

Ordinary people are still ordinary people, maybe not as good as ordinary people in another world.Just listen to Jiangzhi aura or something.

Unless something like the soul wears, and then fortunately inherited the memory of that unlucky person from another world, this will have a chance of showing ambition.

But this way of crossing is convenient and at the same time there are many hidden dangers. Even if you have memory, it is extremely difficult to play someone else perfectly.

Even if you are extremely lucky in the end to assemble those modern things according to your memory, are you sure they won't be taken away by the organization of another world for research?

With such a drastic change in a short period of time, and also making so many shocking things, it is easy to think of strange existences such as aliens and robbing houses.

Then the next things are easy to associate, sliced ​​research, altar exorcism, and more fantasy, you can come to a soul-searching sorcery...

It is the safest way to grow up and develop carefully, and it is extremely important to act steadily.

It would be a bit bad to kill him directly in the cradle if he sucked in a cold breath and said words like "This son is so horrible and can't stay."

Having said this, Luo Chuan felt that he was very lucky. At least the author was very conscientious and didn't arrange anything weird for him.

After lunch, I came to Origin Mall's business hours in the afternoon.

The customers in the store are scattered, not many.

According to Wei Qingzhu, who came here early, maybe he stayed at home, waiting for him to pass the primary election of the Go game.

"The modified challenge mode you just mentioned, is it fun?" Yue Ling asked Liu Ruyu.

She has been living in the house she bought recently, and rarely came to Origin Mall, and she came here after hearing the changes in the challenge mode.

"It's not a question of whether it's good or not, it's really the kind of... rare..." Liu Ruyu recalled the opponents she met with a leisurely look, "It has many choices, and there are also various opponents. , Very novel, unfortunately the strength is very strong, I can't even beat..."

Yue Ling looked to the side with a smile on her eyebrows, but she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"Sister Yueling, what are you laughing at!" Liu Ruyu suddenly puffed up her cheeks a little angry.

"My experiment has made a breakthrough." Yue Ling said with a smile.

"Nonsense, you are obviously laughing at me!" Liu Ruyu stared, and she was a little angry, "There are really many types of opponents, such as arcane life forms, spirit creatures, etc., the attack method is very strange!"

"Good, good, I know." Yue Ling coughed lightly, stopped smiling, and said seriously.

When Yueling and Liu Ruyu came to Origin Mall, there were not many customers in the store.

"Yue Ling, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you doing recently?" Yao Ziyan noticed the two people entering the store, a little surprised.

"Experiment." Yue Ling smiled, the relationship between the two is pretty good, "But it's been a long time, and there is no progress."

Everyone, including Luochuan, couldn't help but recall the special weapon test conducted in the Jiuyao Mountains some time ago.

Smoke and dust, and an explosion faintly ringing in the ear...

Weapons that are completely beyond the specifications, if they really appear in Tianlan Continent and spread out, I am afraid it will really change the pattern of this world.

However, the few people present were a little expectant.

The typical mentality of watching the excitement is not too big.

"Some time ago, those people in Tianji Pavilion found something in the ancient ruins. You can go to them and have a look." Luo Chuan made a suggestion.

What he said was naturally the debris at the bottom of the nightmare river.

At that time, Luo Chuan didn't notice it, didn't move at all, he thought it should be taken away by the people of Tianji Pavilion.

After all, I came here and encountered such a crisis. If I really didn't get anything, it would be too bad.

"What is it?" Liu Ruyu asked subconsciously, this matter did not come out of Tianji Pavilion.

"Some of the things in the ruins can be regarded as the relics of that civilization." Luochuan provided information without hesitation, "I will send a message to Wen Tianji later."

"Then thank you boss." Yue Ling smiled, and then went to the area of ​​the holographic device. She was very curious about the changed challenge mode.

"Can you see the changes inside after entering?" Yue Ling was still inquiring about the challenge mode information from Liu Ruyu's mouth.

"Hmm." Liu Ruyu responded perfunctorily, "Just in the light curtain of the number of layers and difficulty selection, there are more functions for selecting opponents."

The pure white initial space gave Yue Ling a familiar and unfamiliar feeling, and then turned his attention to the image of the tower of trial.

The light curtain unfolded in front of him, and Yue Ling watched the opponent choose from above, smacked secretly: "There are too many kinds of this kind."

In the end, I chose the difficulty mode of the sixth level, with arcane life forms as opponents, which was equivalent to the realm of questioning.

The endless desert, wherever you can see, is full of golden sand.Under the blazing sun above, dazzling light was reflected.

A few subtle shadows can be seen faintly in the distance, which are the remains of plants, acting as reefs in the yellow ocean, providing shelter for many creatures.

The blue energy gathered and condensed and turned into a tall humanoid in the blink of an eye.

Without an entity, a little nodule-like existence can be seen in the body, and bursts of huge energy surging in it, emitting a sweet sound like a wind chime.

Yue Ling looked at the so-called arcane life body in front of him with interest.

That is energy completely different from spiritual power, purer and more powerful.

"Arcane energy? The boss is really amazing." Yue Ling couldn't help sighing.

As the battle began, the peace in the desert came to an end.

The terrifying arcane lightning raged, turning countless yellow sands into a strange molten state.

Arcane life forms are like magic turrets, they still don't need cooling and have no mana cost, all kinds of forbidden curses swept toward the moon spirit.

As for Yue Ling, Wen Dao realm's strength was fully deployed, and there was a horrible spiritual power surging around her body, and then... fled in embarrassment.

What can she do, she doesn't know that this opponent is so powerful, she can't fight and can't fight, so she can only escape.

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