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In the long and thick black night, dots of neon lights were lit on both sides of the river.

Fragmented snowflakes fell from the vast night sky, and the wide and gentle river surface was filled with subtle waves.

The faint sound of water waves came from afar, complementing the rustling of the breeze over the treetops.

Quiet and peaceful.

"This fish is quite big, it must be very fragrant to grill." Tiger Kuang just caught the fish from the Luo River and threw it on the clean stone slab, smiling.

"What does Yuda have to do with whether it tastes fragrant when grilled?" Yao Ziyue rolled her eyes, and then graciously handed Yuwei a bottle of Coke. "The most important thing is Sister Yuwei."

Yuwei took the Coke, just smiled and turned over the food intently. The bonfire was bright and exuding a warm light, and shadows dazzled all around.

"You said... the boss, did they find us?" She looked at the high bridge across the Luo River in the distance and subconsciously lowered her voice.

Vaguely, I could see two people walking slowly on Takahashi, which looked no different from ordinary people.

"I won't find it." Elena was holding the magic phone in her hand, and the picture on the screen was Takahashi in the distance.

The shooting function of the magic phone is very powerful, and it will not be affected in this poor light night.

"Definitely not, after all, it's so far away." Yao Ziyue swore firmly.

Time goes backwards.

After Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wanshang met Luochuan and Yao Ziyan who were going out, they sent this message to the magic phone.

These familiar customers in Origin Mall created a group chat, mainly discussing news about Luochuan and Yaoziyan.

When Jiang Wanchang sent a photo of the back of the two walking together, the group chat exploded.


"This...I'm not dazzled, right?!

"Wonderful, congratulation, congratulation, congratulation, congratulation.

"Although this may seem like a small step, it is a big step in the boss's life..."

Such all kinds.

These idle customers in the group chat simply talked about a few words, and then made a decision.

On a snowy night, the cold wind on the banks of the Luohe River.

Everyone was sitting around the bonfire, having a lively barbecue...

Although it looks normal on the surface, it always feels strange.

"Eh, are the two of them just walking like this?" Liu Ruyu sighed, his expression a little disappointed, "I regret coming over."

I was very satisfied with the dinner at Origin Mall. I could still smell the spicy scent of hot pot. I don't have much appetite for barbecue now.

"It's not bad to be so plain." Wei Qingzhu smiled and ate the barbecue that had already been prepared.

"Didn't you write something in Origin reading? Don't you go back to update at night?" Liu Ruyu sat down beside her.

"It's okay. It's okay to ask for a leave occasionally." Wei Qingzhu blinked his eyes with a sly expression. "Just find any reason, just say you are Cavin or something happened."

Liu Ruyu was a little speechless and a little funny at the same time. She also picked up the skewers: "How do you feel like you are so proficient... By the way, is it really good for you to tell me that?"

"It's okay, aren't we friends?" Wei Qingzhu waved his hand indifferently, and then added, "I believe you will definitely not say it."

Liu Ruyu laughed blankly, this feeling of being seemed pretty good.

"How are you shooting? The boss and they are all leaving." Hu Kuang sounded a simple voice.

After ten minutes of such a slow process, Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan almost disappeared on Gaoqiao.

"It's almost done." Yao Ziyue put away the magic phone, held it in her hand and shook it with a smile, "This is just a record of the process. In the future, there is a chance to give these things to the boss, the most important thing is to see them themselves."

"This is also..." Yu Wei nodded, and then tasted the fish that Tiger Kuang caught, "Well, it tastes good, you can eat it."

"It smells good, Sister Yuwei, did you study with her sister?" Yao Ziyue sniffed and asked a little curiously.

"Of course, there is also the secret seasoning gift from your sister." Yu Wei nodded and picked up the small bottle that she had just used.

After the scattered crowd heard Yuwei's voice, they immediately leaned in from everywhere, looking like they couldn't wait.

"It tastes good, and it feels like an appetite after smelling it."

"I didn't eat much tonight, and I am indeed a little hungry now."

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, so many, save me some..."

Everyone was clamoring, and the difference brought about by strength no longer existed.

In this way, it seems pretty good.

Yuwei squinted her eyes and smiled at the corners of her mouth. It was a joy that the food she made was welcomed and praised by others.

The length of the high bridge that traverses the Luo River is not short. Luochuan and Yao Ziyan walked around, chatting from time to time, and occasionally admiring the night view of Jiuyao City.

After more than 20 minutes, it finally came to an end.

The situation on both sides of the strait is not much different, after all, they belong to the same Jiuyao City.

If it is during the daytime, you can see the lively scene of the Luohe River, and the cultivator walks on the river surface, which shocks your eyes.

The fluttering snowflakes became denser, but they melted quickly when they fell on the ground, leaving only traces of soaking.

Luochuan used the field just now to block out the cold wind, and experience the external environment does not need to last too long.

"The snow is a bit big, do you go back?" Luo Chuan asked in a low voice.

There were bright white snowflakes falling on Yao Ziyan's hair, dotted with light, reflecting the glow of lights like stars.

"Go and see them." Yao Ziyan looked at the campfire on the river bank, with a smile on his face.

Due to the long distance, only the faint light like fireflies can be seen, and the figures surrounding the campfire also appear hazy.

"Okay." Luo Chuan nodded in response.

Reaching out the palm of the hand and swiping lightly in front, the temporary space channel was directly opened up.

After entering with Yao Ziyan's palm, the space returned to its original state in a blink of an eye, as if nothing happened just now.

Not far away, two ordinary people who seemed to be lovers noticed the sight here, and stopped immediately.

"Is there something happened just now? I didn't notice." The girl rubbed her eyes.

"It seems that there are two people, and then they suddenly disappeared." The boy nodded blankly, now he has some doubts in his eyes.

Can only tear the space directly, should only those peak masters in the cultivation world can do it?

Ma, I saw it with my own eyes just now!

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