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"What was the matter just now?

After Yao Ziyan replied to the message, she put down the magic phone and rubbed her hot cheek.

"Don't you know?

Qingyuan's message responded quickly, and she added a squinted expression, which meant that everything was under control.

"Just don't know.Yao Ziyan turned over on the bed.

"If you don't know, forget it.Qing Yuan posted another picture of squinting and smiling.

Just as Yao Ziyan was thinking about how to reply, Qingyuan sent a video invitation.

Choose to accept.

From the surrounding scenes, Qing Yuan was outside, and she did not use a spiritual barrier to block her, letting snow flakes fall on her body.

"It's so snowy outside." Qing Yuan exhaled a white mist from her mouth, looking very happy.

"It's really big, tomorrow the world should all become white." Yao Ziyan sat on the edge of the bed and looked out the window.

Snow flakes all over the sky falling from the sky, the deep night seems to have been dispersed a lot, and the sight is white.

"Are you in the room? Are you ready to go to bed?" Qing Yuan noticed the environment where Yao Ziyan was.

"It's so late, of course I have to go to bed." Yao Ziyan smiled and took a sip of hot water.

Qing Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and a look of memory appeared in her eyes: "Hey, Ziyan, the day I met you, it was so snowy."

"It's been so long, you still remember." Yao Ziyan seemed a little surprised.

"Don't you remember?" Qing Yuan asked with a smile.

"Of course I remember." Yao Ziyan blinked, "You seemed to be lost at the time, and then you rushed to where I lived..."

"Cough, just remember, don't mention specific things anymore." Qing Yuan coughed softly, and changed the subject a bit stiffly.

The conversation fell into a short silence, only the slight night breeze rang from the magic phone, which appeared quite eye-catching in the quiet room.

"By the way, how did you know?" In the end, Yao Ziyan broke the silence and continued with the original topic.

Qing Yuan just smiled, and the smiled expression made Yao Ziyan embarrassed.

"It must be Yao Ziyue they told you?" Yao Ziyan thought of the barbecue on the riverside.

I clearly remember the breeze blowing on my face, snow falling, and the lights on both sides shining brightly, reflecting the dim reflection in the gentle river.

"I can't say, I can't say." Qing Yuan shook her head repeatedly, "I am the creator of the shadow kill list of the past, and I will never reveal the news."

Yao Ziyan rolled his eyes secretly, and said that he could not say, the smile on his face had leaked the news, okay?

The two chatted briefly again, and then they said goodbye.

"Sleep, sleep, sleepy." Yao Ziyan yawned.

After living in Origin Mall for so long, her work and rest habits have long been similar to those of Luochuan.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, I'm going to rest too." Qing Yuan smiled and waved her hand and closed the video chat.

Putting the magic phone on the table and turning off the lamp, the room suddenly plunged into darkness.

After a few seconds, the eyes gradually adjusted to the dark environment. With the dim light coming from outside the window, the things in the room also turned into hazy silhouettes.

"Good night..." Yao Ziyan whispered.

Luochuan's sleep quality is good, and coupled with a long time of wandering at night, when he opened his eyes, it was already early in the morning.

Then he closed his eyes again, and didn't know how long it took, until the drowsiness completely disappeared, then he reluctantly got up from the warm bed.

I have to say that it is really comfortable to sleep late.

After getting dressed and scratching the messy hair, Luo Chuan came to the window.

The windows were frosty and foggy, and the outside scene could not be seen clearly.

Luo Chuan opened the window, and the icy wind suddenly blew his face, mixed with scattered snowflakes.

As far as he could see, there was nothing but plain white, and the sky was gloomy. Snowflakes were falling from the sky, without any intention of stopping.

After enjoying the snow scene again, Luo Chuan left the room slowly, and then he smelled the food in the air.

He felt hungry in his belly at the right time. After washing hastily, he came downstairs.

Yao Ziyan was looking at the magic phone and noticed Luo Chuan who was downstairs: "Boss."

"You don't have to wait for me deliberately." Luo Chuan said after sitting down.

"It didn't take long." Yao Ziyan smiled.

After last night's time, the relationship between the two has not changed at all, and there seems to be some subtle changes.

Next is breakfast time.

A few days ago, the opening time of Origin Mall in the morning had moved backward by about two hours.

At the beginning, Bu Lige still came early according to the original habit.After two days of cold wind, I got rid of this habit.

After breakfast, Yao Ziyan went upstairs, Luo Chuan got up and opened the closed store door.

The demon purple smoke in the alley has been cleaned, and it can be done simply by using spiritual power.

Now there is a layer of white snow that is neither thin nor thick.

Luo Chuan suddenly became interested, and he decided to take a look on the street.

He tightened his collar and walked out of the store.

Stepping on the pure white snow, bursts of "creaking" sounds followed.

The temperature is quite low, and you can clearly feel the cold wind blowing on your face.

People come and go on the street, very lively.

In the distance, you can see the figure of the Imperial Guard, busy.

With a surge of spiritual power in his hand, with a wave of his arm, the streets of an area were cleaned.

From this point of view, there are many ways to use spiritual power.

"We are also the Guards anyhow, and we ended up doing this kind of work." The famous Guards sighed and couldn't help whispering.

"This is Commander Xia's order, and it's useless to complain. Hurry up, there are still several streets left uncleaned." Someone patted him on the shoulder.

With Origin Mall, plus those customers, Jiuyao City said that it was the safest place in the entire Tianlan Continent.

Relatively speaking, these Imperial Guards have also been spared during this time.

The whole day is the daily duty. When you come to the Origin Mall and play with magic phones, you are basically in a state of eating and waiting to die.

As the commander of the Imperial Guard, Xia Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and directly assigned these people a task to clean the area around Origin Mall.

Although they were reluctant in their hearts, they did not dare to refute, so there was the current situation.

"I think it's because the boss doesn't want to get up early." Bu Lige in Yuan Gui's shop muttered softly.

He still maintained his original work and rest habits, coming early every morning, but putting those two hours in Yuangui's shop.

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