God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1207 Chapter Yue Ling's Achievements

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"I am here today." The Moon is a sound of the magical mobile phone.

I have a free thing to see what new news is in the magic mobile phone, which has become a daily habit of many customers.

Just look at both eyes, the eyes are slightly, "glory new role ... burial messenger ..."

This suddenly didn't continue to stay here, directly got up, quickly packed parts on the desktop zero-scattered parts.

"Xu Xuan Long is old, then I will leave." Yue Ling came to Xu Xuan to say a sound.

The size of the different space is directly managed by Xu Xuan. The members of the Heavenly Machine Pavilion have less, and there is no big material to use.

"Well, good." Xu Xuan nodded.

"It's amazing." A woman looked at the back of the moon and couldn't help but sigh.

"It is really powerful." Xu Xuan is very agreed, "" The combination of two different inscriptions can make the conversion efficiency of the spiritual force to improve, but unfortunately the stability is not very good. "

"The owner said, if it is really able to solve the problem of stability, the engraved method on the inner instrument is enough to usher in the change." The woman thought of Wen Tianyi once said.

Got the recommendation of Luochuan, the process of Moon Spirit to the Heavenly Machine Pavilion easily, did not encounter any difficulties.

Originally, the meteoric plane for some time is thinking that the moon spirit will join the sky, but they are rejected by her.

Although there is no promise now, but in the eyes of these people, the moon is already a member of the half-day chart.

In addition to the calculation of the Tianji, the understanding of the array is also in the peak, after all, Wen Tiancai can count the first person.

The moon weapons they have made by the moon are all in her own innovation.

Chen Yiyi sat next to the stone table, he looked at the cloud sea in the distance.

The clouds are ethereal, the sky is bright, the distance is a blue sea, which exudes a sparkling micro-light under the morning shining.

The scenery is beautiful, shocking, but if you are used to habits, it will feel this.

Now she is holding the gods, unconsciously shaking the calf.

I noticed the arrogant behind him, turning my head, and surprised: "Moon Sister, are you ready to leave?"

The moon is nodded: "Well, go to the origin of the mall, I heard that the boss has launched a glory new role."

Chen Yiyi turned a few times, revealing the smile, and then got up directly: "I also go!"

"Do you have a problem today?" Yue Ling has some doubts.

As a literati, Chen Yiyi naturally impossible all day, there are many courses to learn.

"Don't go! Escape lesson!" Chen Yi is straightforward, and the road is good for this.

Moon: "..." You are so good? "

"Anyway, it is not the first time." Chen Yiyi laughed, took a shot of his clothes, "Let's go."

"Forget it, you are happy." Yue Ling helplessly sighed, she feels that Wen Tian machine should not be angry because of this little thing.

Light white clouds are like a light yarn, and there is a layer of golden brilliance in the sun.

"Hey? Where is the teacher?" Chen Mo four looked at it, did not find a familiar figure, and grabbed hair in doubt, "today can have practical courses."

The temporary space channel opened by the transfer array is left, and the survival of the surroundment is turned into a white.

At the sight, the sight is exhausted, there are no many pedestrians, and the departure from the distance hide in the city gate and is roasting the brazier.

"I always feel that these city guards are getting more and more degraded." The moon is not to spit it. At that time, she had just came to the city of the city and now compared with the current difference.

"After all, it's cold." Chen Yi smiled.

The area where the sky is located is covered by Wen Tianneau's engraving, the spiritual power is rich, and the temperature is also warm.

Well, the method is widely used.

When the two people came to the origin mall, the warm breath quickly slammed the chills.

"The boss is warm in the boss." Chen Yiyi couldn't help but sigh.

"Boss, how can there be no rock sugar?" Yue Ling light car ripened to the counter.

"There is milk tea, want to drink yourself to buy." Luochuan looked up at her and pointed to the equipment sold to sell milk tea.

The moon is laughing, and if you don't care, turn it out to the equipment.

The new role of glory caught unclear in the customer, and some of the sea and the sea demon were also in the original mall experience.

Although the snow is outside, the origin store is still hot, and it has not affected the outside weather.

It is late, the night sky is dark, and the snow is boiling, so that the earth presents a gray color.

The half-air flooded, and Xie Dance in the red dress came out from it and looked at the distance of the distance.

The curtain is dense, making the city's lights also look inexplicably, in this snow, look at it, but you can't sleep.

"Jiuwei City ... I finally arrived, I didn't expect to be so far, so tired ..."

She whisked her own arm, faintly felt some tiredness.

The distance between the chaos and the nine city, saying that the ordinary cultivator is said to be an astronomical figure, even if it is unable to span it.

Because of this, the ultra-distant transmission array has an irreplaceable role in the Tianli continent, but it is just that the debt and inscribed pattern is high.

Xie Damo can come here so soon, naturally minus the credit of the mailing method.

On the road, I also passed a lot of countries and forces, and I would like to inquire about things about the origin store.

As for the result of getting ...

Those slightly weak kines or forces, even the origin stores don't know anything.

Occasionally, in the big cities, I can hear three or two two or two news, but also treated as a legend.

I haven't much more understanding of the origin store.

After discovering this, the sure is no longer wasting time, and the road is directly accepted.

Under the premise of knowing the rough direction, a few major forces are used.

Rao is the realm of her respect, and it costs for a long time to reach here.

Xie Meng dance is interested in the distance of the distant nine, whispered.

"It's very spectacular so far, but it is a small point than the city of chaos, and it is bustling."

"The river in the middle of the city is very wide, so cold weather actually has no icing."

"The spirit is more than a few places."

"Well, the legendary origin store, I finally saw it ..."

With the figure of Xie Meng dance disappeared, the whispering also quickly scattered in the cold wind of the snow.

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