God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1346 I am not interested in Lingjing

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Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, and the line of sight was in front of others using holographic equipment.

I have basically seen their figure every day.

This makes Luochuan can't help but think of the previous origin store. For the first customer in the store, there is an obsession song.

The steps from songs and Han in are surprisingly similar in perseverance.

Now that the film in front of the movie is almost the same, it has not continued to conceal the necessity of the origin store.

As for the place of selling goods ...

Luochuan looked at it and looked at the opposite wall.

I made a referring to the light, and the rays of the stars appeared in the air, and then condensed into a translucent blue light curtain.

In fact, it is said that in my mind and the system.

Luochuan has not forgotten that he is outside the director, the same or the boss of the origin store.

Recruit new customers to the store, this is his job.

Luochuan still thought of the previous monster royal summoned ancient resensus, he was a lively because of the system's task.

At that time, only the turnover in the store was running in all parts of the goods.

However, over time, the enthusiasm has long been exhausted.

If there is a reporter interviewed why there is such a change, he can give an answer very responsible -

I have never touched the Ling Jing. I am not interested in the Lingjing. When I happiest, I had a half-month turnover several hundred Lingjing, I just opened the store.

This is really right, Luochuan has not touched the Lingjing, which is directly recovered by the system.

At that time, Luochuan saved the Lingjing every day, because he knew that you can use the Lingjing to enhance your own class as long as you have some time.

But now he doesn't have this demand, nor does it need to worry, Lingjing is a possibility that there is no resources to him.

And it is the goods in the sale of the store, Luochuan only needs to lying on the sun every day.

Salted fish's life is more comfortable, worried about what is interested in every day?

The most important thing is - he is the owner of the system.

"System." Luochuan called in his heart.

"What is the boss?" The speed of the system responded or as always.

"Nothing, it is to make you feel more." Luochuan said.


The boss is salted for so long, is it a problem? Forget it, I can't manage it.

As a sudden change in the hall, it naturally caught the attention of all people in the field - immersed in the virtual world, except for the external perception.

With the crisp sound, the blue rays gather, and a half-transparent light curtain appears on the wall.

As long as it is a customer of the origin store, it is really familiar with this type of light screen.

There is such a light curtain in the weapon sales space.

And during the store will also see Luochuan's light curtain to read live, see the scene of the novel.

"Boss, is it ready to start selling goods here?" The demon purple smoke poked the arm of Luochuan.

The scene in front of you is a bit familiar, and she thought about what happened to the ancient remains.

At that time, the boss was also running everywhere, but also the goods in direct selling stores in the light curtain.

At that time, there was also a related message. If there is good luck inside the remaining, it can meet the random items.

He will ask you a question - this friend, I heard that the origin mall?

Of course, no matter what the answer is, he will sell goods with a blue light curtain. The effects of those commodities are amazing, but the price is unexpected.

The premise is to follow the rules of this item merchant.

Because people who have a greedy, people who have a move, but they will then evaporate in the remains in the remains.

"It's so long, and the shooting of the previous plot is also almost the same, you can sell goods." Luochuan answered the problem of demon purple smoke.

After a short surprise, the customer in the hall quickly used to this sudden ray, they have predecessored.

Typically, regardless of the unfamiliar place in Luochuan, it will choose the product in the store to sell the goods in the way.

Come to Qichuan affirm that it will not excerades.

"There is no ice cream, no bubble surface, no milk tea, no coffee." The demon watched the light screen, pointed out the lack of goods.

"The most critical is no hologram equipment." Inena added, and the tip tip continued to lightly.

Han ink and other people have just begun to see Irena, I am very surprised, but I think that these people are surprising, they are surprised to have a release.

In this world humanity is not the only wisdom race, the customer of the origin store obviously does not only have human.

"Boss, can we buy a product here?" Han Mo put into Luochuan inquiry, and spare is in his personal character, but I can't help but excited.

The origin of the rumors, I have finally had the opportunity to buy goods for such a long time, just like a dream.

Although the originator is in nine, but if you want to cross the distance between the two cities, it is really difficult to say to him. Luochuan is able to sell the goods directly here.

In addition, Qichuan's voice said that the traffic network plan is ready to implement, if it is done, there should be no troubles.

Others followed by Han ink, have also exposed exciting look.

Luochuan nodded.

Han Yog's strength has just returned to the realm. As for many other people, most of them are gentle realm.

This age can reach this realm in the ordinary cultivator.

But compared with the genius of Gu Yunyi, there is no comparability.

"How to use this thing?" Han ink stared at the light curtain that is integrated with the wall.

The light curtain shows the information about various items, listening to those customers say that there is much better than the store sold.

"It's very simple, my spirit is," step away from the songs, "premise is that you have to hold a sufficient Lingjing."

"Is it simple?" Han Mo was a little doubt.

"It's so simple." He nodded from the song. "Don't use the common sense you think to explain what the boss is in the boss."

Han ink felt that he was as despised by the step.

After throwing this idea, Han in the attention of Han in the light curtain that is fused with the wall.

It's so many times in the Snow Fengge, he has a corresponding understanding of the goods of the origin store.

Mainly, it is learned by watching the customer of these origin stores.

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