God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1394, in fact, I am a chef

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In the memory of the demon purple smoke, Luochuan entered the kitchen.

The most fascinating smoke is deeper or rescued by Luochuan that night, Luochuan gives her food.

Food is not rich, it is a simple noodles and tomatoes and fried eggs, but in her memory is extra delicious.

Of course, the demon purple smoke is also later known that the names of these ingredients.

Basically, the demon purple smoke is responsible for cooking. Luochuan no longer needs to go to the Fengxian Tower every day, and the boss of the origin store will be taken.

Every day, it is basically the sun, look at the magical mobile phone, use holographic equipment like this, life is comfortable and comfortable.

The demon purple smoke is also getting used to and likes to have this life of the origin store, which gradually has a sense of belonging here.

After the demon purple smoke is responsible for cooking, Luochuan rarely personallyys.

"Away, it is also idle." Luochuan gave a reason.

"Amount, this is also." The demon purple smoke wants to think, it feels very reasonable.

Luochuan is basically a way to see the magical mobile phone and the use of holographic equipment, and there is not too great difference between the origin store.

At this time, it is almost a time to eat dinner, and the customer is out of the lobby for three or two two or two.

"I am hungry." The demon is so willing to look at the window, "I still have snow, I don't want to go out."

She is now adapted to the living habits of human world three meals, and will come to night at night.

"Do you want them to send it directly?" Qing also wanted to go out.

They followed the customers who came to Qichuan in Luochuan, more or less affected by Luochuan, the most significant aspect is lazy.

"According to the boss, it seems like a takeaway." The demon is like a sentence, then looks to the direction of the demon smoke and Luochuan.

Luochuan and demon purple smoke gave over the corridor, during which he said in a few words, it seems that what is going on.

"Where are they going?" Qing also noticed the trend of Luochuan and the demon smoke.

If it is on weekdays, now the two are basically waiting here waiting for food to go home or go out to eat.

Today is obviously a bit unusual.

"Walking in the past." The demon is interesting, starting from the sofa, "said that the sister is ready to cook."

"Amount, even if it is the case, then what is more than a little better?" Qingliu was a fairy.

The soil purple interest suddenly disappeared in half, and sat down again: "This is also, I sent a message with my sister and let her do more."

"What did the boss have done in the past? Doesn't he be prepared to work with your own work?" Qingkui is more understanding of the character of Luochuan.

Lazy scattering in the weekdays, can never sit down, basically look at the magical phone or use holographic equipment every day.

The boss personally kissed the girl, and the greens did not feel some uncommon.

This is a fake boss.

"Should be." The demon purple booth is booted, "" Implement is idle boring to find something to do, the boss is not always like this? "

It is very reasonable to think about it, I feel that the demon is really reasonable.

According to the guesses of these customers, Luochuan decided to go out to make a movie. It is a large extent because it is bored.

After all, the life of the origin store is that, open the door every day, close the door, it is easy to easily, but if it is long, it is easy to feel boring.

The two will then prepare to do something on the end of Luochuan to talk about it.

Of course, the demon is not forgetting to make a message and make her more food, she is not ready to eat.

"What's wrong?" Luochuan asked.

"Nothing, it is that the purple is going to make me more." The demon purple smile, put the magical phone into the pocket.

There is a kitchen of Snow Fengge, and there is no difference between the kitchen of the origin store.

It's a big place, and I have a lot of kitchen utensils who can't name the name, and I have some of the original mall unique to do food.

Anyway, it is certainly available.

A lot of ingredients are placed in the cabinet next to, and Luochuan does not know.

The Tianyi mainland is really too vast, and Luochuan has not left the city in half a year, and it is only a few days in the past a few days.

Naturally, I have no chance to understand many of the world's new things, and he has no interest.

"What are you going to do with the boss?" The demon purple smoke is curious about Luochuan.

"This, you will know soon." Luochuan sold a close.

Pick up the knife a few times, quite a copy, did not expect the kitchenware that used to do food, also belong to the spirit.

However, there is no hugging knife for such a long time, but it is a bit a bit.

Ok, Luochuan has not touched it before.

He thought about it, took out a food that looked at the almost like cucumber, and it should be the one that is able to eat from the surface.

The words of the demon purple smoke also confirmed his guess: "This seems to be called, which belongs to the grade, the taste is crisp, can eat."

Luochuan put the ingredients on the board, and took a knife in the eyes of the demon purple smoke, it took a few more times, and finally did not fall.

He feels that the hand is holding a knife, and mental control should be more easier.

The knife is fucking in the crack, falling at very fast, but does not completely cut out the ingredients.

After about dozens of seconds, the knife was next to it.

Luochuan took the ingredients and did not break, but it formed a network structure and it appeared very wonderfully.

The demon purple smoke is also suitable for taking long sound "Oh -".

"You try." Luochuan made a position.

"Well." The demon smoke nodded, she almost understood the practice from the moment of viewing.

Take the knife in your hand, and take it out the same ingredients on the case, you can only see the blurred shadow when the knife falls.

After a few seconds, the demon purple smoke revealed: "Completed."

She will take a good ingredient in her hand, pulled a long thin net, and the slice can even see the opposite scene.

Luochuan: ......

As so much, you are surprising.

"You come." Luochuan sighed and lost interest.

"Oh, okay." The demon purple smoke nodded, "The boss helps me take the things there."

"Well." Luochuan began to undertake a struggle.

In fact, the strength of the demon purple smoke can completely use the spiritual or mental force to complete the things of Luochuan.

But then it is not interesting.

The boss is not easy to make a meal in the kitchen, how can it be seen next to it?

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