God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1403, Tiger, Director, Daily

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As the emperor of the Star Empire, the city of the origin store is located in the city, and the city can be used in the city, and the cultivator from the Tianzhu mainland will often bring it to the city. Fresh, flowing blood.

The method of situated outside the city gate is almost in a state of operation. There is a continuous space channel on the high towering stone platform, and the guests far in the far away are to leverage the long. distance.

It caused the root causes of all this change, but it was a inconspicuous store located in the corner of the city.

Of course, now this "inconspicuous" store has long become the center of the most prosperous city of the city, and nearby house prices have climbed to the extent of extreme terror.

Next to the origin of the mall, as the night is coming, Yuan Gui Xiaodian also ushered in the time of the evening.

The pedestrians who have passed before Yuan Gui store will stop staying, to cast curiosity and explore the eyes, Yuan Gui Xiaodian's boss is very powerful in nine, basically is already a matter of human being.

Can open a restaurant in a place where the origin store is like this, and in addition to the morning, at noon and evening come here, it is basically the big character of the origin store customers. It is not easy to know.

Moreover, a dish is hundreds, thousands or even Ten Wan Lingjing's price, it is obvious that it is not ordinary person to eat.

Carefully calculate, Yuan returns the store to the store, now it is too long. Everyone is basically familiar with the existence of this store.

The hazy light came out from a translucent crystal store door, and it was still able to see the scene in the store, and the diners are talking about laughing.

The tiger mad and the magic flavor pushed Yuan Gui Xiaodian's store door, and the warm and fresh breath suddenly disappeared the chills of the body, and the voice of the discussion was also passed into the ear.

Sitting in the side of the four tables is a familiar face - the customer of the origin store, they have not long time to leave the origin store.

"What to eat today?" Tiger mad casually sat down and looked at the opposite magic.

Anyway, everyone is so familiar, there is no problem, which is more trouble, or now this casual way is better.

"You look at it yourself." The magic of the magic has already touched the magical mobile phone. "In addition, you should treat it today."

"I invite the guest?" Tiger crashed the hair, "Forget it, please ask, how many Ling Jing can't spend."

Lingjing seems to be outside the tiger, only spending out to reflect its value, otherwise it is just a pile of stacks in the space ring containing rich spiritual stones.

The tiger crashed out of the magical mobile phone from his pocket, holding a menu in the magical mobile phone, when you expose the tangled look.

After a few minutes, the tiger was soothing, and Yuan returned to the magical mobile phone in the absence of not far: "Yuan Boss, the things point to give you the past."

Yuan returned to the news received on the magical phone, nodded: "Know it."

After walking from the song, the customer ordering and cooking the task has fallen on the body of Yuan Gu, now he understands the importance of the song from the song, and it is true that the decision of the apprentice is correct.

But now I will leave the boss and leave the boss. I will go to the boss. This is not a holiday but I can't make a song from the song.

So you must find alternative things.

As for what is a waiter, if Yuan Gui is doing this, I am afraid that there are countless people to break the scalp and want to serve as this duty.

Although it is a waiter, this is the waiter under the hands of the monk.

Since the four revenue is quite the pro-disciples of the super forces.

Fortunately, Yuan returned to this idea, he didn't like people who have nothing to do with them to the kitchen.

This road is not available, and it needs to find other methods.

The magical mobile phone entered the sight of Yuan Gu.

The convenience of the magical mobile phone is self-evident, and each application basically allows customers of the origin store to abandon.

It is a good choice to order directly with the magical phone.

The way is also very simple, and it will be in the origin chat in the origin chat.

Fortunately, because of the price of the price, Yuan Gui Xiaodian's business is nothing distinguished, and it is still four tables, which is also convenient.

If there is more people, it is obviously not applicable.

Yuan returned to the idea of ​​expanding the Yuan Gui Xiaodian, after all, to open this store, it is just interest, and it can also improve his cooking.

Obviously, it will not work as its own job.

"It is also a day to miss the boss." I lost the magic mobile phone to the table, and the tiger mad said with a sense of emotion.

Yuan Zeng small shop suddenly quietly, all people in the store came from the tiger.

"Do you say this is so embarrassed?" Rainwater glanced at the tea provided by Yuan Gui Xiaodian. "I see you when the boss is very investment."

"How is it possible?" The tiger is full of eyes. "In my mind, the boss is the real boss of the origin store." I am not suitable for this position. "

Rainwater smiled and didn't pick up the words.

Yuan Gui Xiaodian seems to have a burst of low laughter, and every customer's face is more or less with a little smirk.

For a time, Yuan Gui Xiaofei is full of happiness.

"Moon Sister, I heard that you have recently made something new in the Tianguoge?" Liu Rucu dried his mouth, asked to the moon spirit of opposite.

"The new thing is inverter." Yue Ling smiled and shook his head, "Just successfully recover some of the items remaining in some remains."

The entrance to the ancient leaves is located in the nine mountains that are not far from Jiuwei. As long as the strength can break through the nearby energy chaos, you can go in.

However, there is really no thing, in addition to the ruins or the ruins, most items are exhausted in time.

For this reason, from time to time, there is still a powerful customer team to enter and explore.

After all, the article is found to find that ingredients is underground, and may not hide what other items waiting for them.

Just as it is so far, everyone is still nothing.

"I heard that it seems to be a civilization that is the foundation of another energy?" Fan Chengtian is also in Yuanzheng Xiaodian.

"It's almost the spirit, but some different." Yue Ling replied, "Well, it is almost like this."

"The boiled red bone fish is good, come to take it." Yuan returned from the kitchen.

"Amitabha, waited for such a long time." The fat Buddha is a Buddha, and even busy got up.

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