God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1405 Mei Kai Die

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The warm red rays of the bonfire are illuminated with the cave, and the firewood is sounded from time to time, and it is quite awkward in such an environment.

The cave is a concentrated night, because it is swaying in the bleeding of the wife in the winter night, because the snow is covered.

The youth is holding a string of grilled skewers in the campfire, and the bright fire is reflected in the eyes, and it is also bright crystalline.

The grilled string continues to rang, and sometimes there will be crystal clear oil from above, and the bonfire has suddenly lit.

"I can smell the fragrance."

The youth swallowed the mouth, pinched a little salt sprinkled over, the unique aroma seems to have become a bit rich.

"It looks like a good look. "

"I'm hungry. "

"I don't think about it, my family is a restaurant, the anchor wants to switch?" "

"I want to eat, can I eat if I have passed?"

The youth suddenly noticed the barcings on the screen, although there is some doubts in the heart, but still maintain a smile: "Come over? To tell the truth, I don't know where I am now, I look at the positioning function on the magical phone." Is this audience really joking? "

"I know, I will come immediately. "

The youth is obviously stunned, and it should be that it should be not believed in this. Who will run due to this little thing to say.

And said it is right away ...

Here is a short distance from Jiu Yicheng, you want to cross the vulnerability in a short time.

In the Tianglan continent, it is the existence of the god dragon, and the peak of the pyramid.

Ok, if you come to the originator, you can see it, you can see a piece of play, or team you.

But this is not important.

The youth is a bit surprised. Is there still a respect for his audience?

It's too foreigner, and the novels don't dare to write.

When he thought about him, the space in front of the cave suddenly raised the stripes of the interference, some people came out.

This picture took a nose and nodded: "Smell the taste is really good, just don't know how it tastes."

Youth has long been in a stunned state, and the figure is only barely reacted when sitting down: "Pharmaceutical!"

Some people are not someone else, it is the power of the head of the medicine, the peak of the peak of the medicine.

Not only shocked, and the customers who are watching live broadcast also have a shock in their hearts.

Why didn't they think that the customer who makes a post message is not a joke.

And the most critical is that the true identity is actually the medicine to fall.

However, it doesn't matter if the medicine is refreshed, and I still smiled and said to the youth's magic mobile phone: "You are good at night."

The screen of the screen is blown out in an instant.

"! ! ! "

"Is this a predecessor of medicinal valley?" "

"Hello! The predecessors greet me! "

"Good evening ..."

The youth lived for so long, the ability to train strain should be, and it will soon stabilize the heart.

"I didn't expect the predecessors to come true, I thought you were talking about it." The youth face with a respectable smile.

"Why do you want to laugh, how long does it take for a near distance." The medicine said with the mouth.

Young people smiled, heart saying that your predecessors are definitely different from us, he certainly didn't forget the medicine to return to the dust, handed it to the medicine to return a grilled string: "The medicine senior tastes how. "

The medicine is also welcome, I took a nodded, I took a little bit a bit bite, and I nodded and nodded: "Well, the taste is really good, there is Yuan returned to the hard work."

The youth suddenly coughed. He naturally knows what people in the mouth of the medicine back, only have smiled and shake his head: "The predecessors laughed."

Then both people roast the fire in the cave, eat a grilled string, have a riser and chatted.

There is no such thing as the kind of medicine, just like a tentative and wise, saying a variety of philosophical words.

Luochuan has hub yawning, when the drug is still like this, the medicine is not such a child, and Fan Chengtian, the people who play the cards when they play chess, they will fight for it.



Luochuan feels that it doesn't mean here, decided to go outside, and what other people will fight for a few glory.

Before this and the demon purple smoke said it was better.

The three people who have just returned to the room in it, and the three people sitting with a sofa feels some crowded.

Luochuan just approached the room, he heard the sound of the demon purple moon from inside.

"I don't believe this time ..." The demon purple drove is sitting in bed, staring at the card in front of him. When you see your hand, you will show a pleasant look, then look at it confidently The opposite demon purple smoke, "Seventeen cards you can second? Can you kill me in a second? Today you want the seventeen cards to put me ..."

She hasn't finished, the demon purple smoke has been helpless, throws the cards in the hand: "The demon is like a moon, the last table, you haven't eaten it yet."

"How could ..." The demon purple moon has a big eyes, watching the unprystable victory again with her, the emotion of unconventional is filled with her inner heart, smashing the demon smoke, "There is a problem," There is absolutely a problem, come back one game, I will not believe it, I can't win once. "

Irea also sat in bed, she has become human form, and now the sea demon girl is looking at the scene in front of her eyes, and even wants to drink.

"The purple smoke said that the last table did not eat?" Irina asked curiously.

"Cough, this thing is long, there will be a chance to tell you again." The demon purple cough has a few times, preparing to skip this topic.

The sea demon girl has been interested, she likes to listen to the story: "Say the length of the time, there is no relationship."

Miyue: ......

This is not much more than a lot of time, this matter has become a black history!

Luochuan pushed the door and saw this scene.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The demon is the first to ask, and in the heart, it is dark, and it seems that it can end this topic.

"Nothing." Although Luochuan laughed, he still worked hard to maintain his facial expression, "I was a bit boring, I will go out first."

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