God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1457 I know the boss

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"Uncle, the city, you are good." Gu Yunxi smiled and greeted Elvis.

"Do you know him?" Jiang Yunshu low questions.

"Don't know it." Gu Yunyu shook his head.

"Then how do you express this ... Skin?" Jiang Yantai continued to ask.

"Hey, don't I do this?" Gu Yunxi didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Napi.

Jiang Yunshu Wait: "Amount, there is nothing wrong ... Forget it, I will ask."

Elvis looks at Gu Yunxia in the communication image, and it is a bit unclear.

Brent they are not going to find a Chinese, what is the girl?

No, not one.

Elvis also saw two girls on the edge of the image, and the silver girl was still very small.

"Brent, look like you need to explain what happened to it." Elvis frowned and said.

Brent is soft and coughing: "In fact, things are like this ..."

After guilty, Gu Yun, was pulled by Jiang Yunshi to the side, and how did they also say that they are also outsiders, and now people are performing tasks, and they are not very suitable for the past buds.

"... is almost like this." Brent's three words will explain the cause of the whole thing.

They are also just coming, not much about understanding the details.

"So, is these three girls completed your tasks?" Elvis asked forehead.

"Cough, if there is no accident, it is true." Brent expression nodded.

Here, he said, it is a bit embarrassed, shameful.

They came over to many people, and the enemy had long hanging, and they changed directly to the battlefield.

"I have to say a few words with them." Elvis sighed and made a decision.

"Yes." Bun's character should be taken, then let the position, respectfully, say three people in Gu Yunyi, "adults want to talk to three."

After leaving this sentence, Brent has left the area of ​​communication.

He clearly understood its own position, what should I listen to it, it is easy to judge, which is clearly a category that should not be listened.

"The uncle of the city is what we have?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously.

They have already known Elvis's identity from the mouth of Brent, which is the city of Oran, which is the first time they see this city.

It seems that there is nothing special place, it is a common uncle mode.

"Uncle ..." Elvis's expression was a bit strange, and finally helpless, "Forget it, what do you want to call it?"

The title is just a code, and there is no substantial impact. Elvis said in his heart.

"Do you have someone in the origin store?" Elvis suddenly asked.

This round of round arrived at the three people.

It is necessary to know that the customer comes from the world with the player's identity, but it is confidential to your identity on weekdays.

Now Elvis has seen the true identity of the three people ... this amount is very large.

Does anyone accidentally leaked the news of the origin store?

From the three-person expression Elvis almost also guessed what they were thinking, smiled and waved: "In fact, I know the boss of the origin store."

Gu Yunxi and Jiang Napi have seen the eyes in the eyes of each other.

Elvis mentioned Luochuan, and the real situation is almost true that he said.

There is no reaction to the frost, it is driving a lighting to play the landlord, and it seems that it is going to win.

"It turned out to be like this." Jiang Yun nodded lightly.

"I sent Brent to their past reasons, you should also know?" Elvis did not waste time, and he asked directly to see the mountain.

"Know know." Gu Yunyi nodded again, "It is for those who annihilate the influence, but the frost did not stay, this is a bit unfortunate."

"Wait, listen to you, this thing is what she solved?" Elvis wholuned to the place where the words of Gu Yunyi were moved to the silver girl.

"Yes." Gu Yunxi smiled and pulled the frost.

Frost just looked up at Elvis in the image, then continued to fight the landlord, she didn't talk to the habit of strangers.

"Looks like I understand your understanding." Elvis didn't care, slightly helplessly smiled, "What is the annihilating a disciple?"

"This is said." Jiang Yunshu recalled the sound heard at the time.

"They said what ocean, and there are still ones." Gu Yunxiao took a mouthside, "Uncle, is it a special world?"

"Cough, almost." Elvis coughed, and didn't think too much about this matter, while thinking in his heart.

And the information obtained is different. It seems that the annihilation of the people don't want to communicate with the other side here, and the impact of chaos has spread to Oland.

Fortunately, there is no unexpected thing, and those annihilates will not think that their plans are actually destroyed by three beautiful girls.

"Is it the world of the ocean?" Gu Yunxi is very curious.

"This ..." Elvis strive to think about the reply, "In fact, there is not much relationship with the ocean, just a special name, I don't know too detailed information."

Uncle, your expression is unlike, you don't know.

"Don't ask, Uncle may really don't know." Jiang Yunshi did not dismantle the words of Elvis and smiled and said to Gu Yunxi.

Elvis does definitely have his truth, or not to continue to ask.

Even if you are really curious, you can explore yourself in private.

"Oh, okay." Gu Yunnan understood the meaning of Jiang Napi.

"Yes, those bodies that annihilate the bodies are still?" Elvis suddenly thought of a very important thing.

Referring to this, Gu Yunyi suddenly thought of the scene of the abstract painting that just saw, the expression suddenly became delicate.

This is also true, and it is true.

The only frostless only have a frost, now she started a new landlord.

"Do you have a dinner?" Gu Yunnan suddenly asked.

"I have eaten it." Although Elvis didn't understand why Gu Yunxi asked this, I still nodded.

"That's good, after reading it, I can't eat, I can't eat it." Gu Yunxi said seriously.

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