God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1462 mainly relying on feeling

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Looking at the painting of the new Haicheng in the magical mobile phone, Luochuan's mood is a bit complicated.

Song Qiying's novel, Xinhai Chengzi's movie ...

He felt that the customer of the origin store was biased by these two people.

No, he first filmed movies.

Don't this this are his pot?

It seems that it is not right, Luochuan feels that there is no matter to develop in this regard.

Forget it, Luochuan decided not to think so much.

Anyway, as long as the demon purple smoke is not affected, other other people can not manage.

This is the hobby of others, Luochuan will naturally not intervene.

"Boss." Xinhai sincerity also noticed Luochuan, greeted him.

"Are you this scene in painting movies?" Luochuan referred to the almost completed drawing on the magic mobile phone.

"Well." Xinhai honestly nodded, asked Luochuan's view, "What is the boss feel?"

In her opinion, I can get the affirmation and recognition of Luochuan, it is undoubtedly a crucial thing. After all, the concept of movies is what he comes out.

"I think it is not bad." Luochuan said affirmatively.

At a glance, I gave people a warm feeling. Two girls in the picture looked at each other, with a pure smile on the face.

Different paintings are treated, what is the actual shooting? Luochuan feels that there is no problem with the talents of Xinhai.

"That's good." Xinhai Help penetrated, "I have a problem, I have been want to ask you."

Xinhai sincerity problem?

Luochuan is interested: "What is the problem?"

"The movie is essential in addition to actors and plots. The choice of scene is also crucial." Xinhai Help said, "How did the boss determine the scene of the movie?"

How to determine the scene of the movie?

Regarding this problem, Luochuan feels that the new Haicheng is asking that summer is more appropriate.

Although he is a director, these things are doing summer.

The purpose of Luochuan is to sit and be absolutely not standing, it can be lying absolutely not sitting.

As for the insignificant thing ... Give others to do it.

"This is the main reason." Luochuan thought about it, and he has extremely rich experience in the flicker.

"Feel?" Xinhai sincerity thought.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded, "as a creator of the movie, first of all your mind, there must be the corresponding picture - just like the paintings you draw."

Xinhai Chengzi looked at the magical mobile phone and thought about Luochuan's words: "It is indeed the same as the boss."

"There is more pictures in my mind." Luochuan flicked ... cough, gradually entered a state, "What you have to do is to find the corresponding alternative in the mind in reality, then shoot it."

"If there is no need to do in reality?" Xinhai Chengzi thought about it.

"It is very simple, created." Luochuan said.

"Creating ..." The eyes of Xinhai sincerely seem bright, and it seems that Luochuan's words should answer her doubts in her heart.

"There is no creation yourself." Luochuan didn't know where to touched a bottle of Coke, said that he is a thirsty for such a long time.

"I understand." Xinhai honestly nodded, his face showed a smile, "Thank you boss!"

"If you have nothing, I will go first." Luochuan took hands and walked to holographic equipment.

The attention of Xinhai Yocheng once again fell on the magical mobile phone, and continued to have a painted painting.

"I am hungry." Gu Yunxi said after the virtual world.

In Collo World can really eat, and it will also have a feeling of fullness, but as long as you return to the real world.

It's hungry or hungry.

In addition, I just took a popcorn, Gu Yunyi only felt that the dinner was almost digested, and now I urgently need the night.

"I am also a little hungry." Jiang Yiling smiled, "I will go outside to eat or let them send them directly to the Snow Fengge."

"Let them send it, don't want to move, and cold outside." Gu Yunyi hugged his own knee and opened the magical phone.

"I feel that you have been influenced by the boss." Jiang Yiling said with a smile.

"What I influence?" Luochuan's voice came from the side.

Jiang Yunshi did not notice that Luochuan didn't know when it appeared, and suddenly felt a bit awkward: "Amount, nothing."

It's not much in Luochuan.

Sitting with a vacant location, you will use the gentle hologram before going to sleep.

As for what is done in the virtual world, he has no detailed plan, just look at it.

"Boss." Gu Yunxi jumped from the seat and went to Luochuan.

"Well?" Luochuan turned.

In addition, he is somewhat curious, how is Gu Yunxi to maintain this vitality every day?

Is it really because he is old?

It's not right, he added a piece of time in two world life, it is about twenty years.

Is this the influence of the will of the big consecutive?

Yes, it is certain that this is.

Gu Yunyi did not know what Luochuan was thinking. This girl did not conceal his idea: "What is the new product that the boss says?"

"Not to say it, you will know when you are." Luochuan sound is flat.

The new products sold by the origin store are all of him through the lottery, and the relationship between him and the system is nothing to do.

Well, it's almost like this.

"Do you disclose a little message?" Gu Yunxi continued to ask.

Luochuan thought about it: "Eating."

Gu Yunqi blunt: "The goods of the origin store are all eaten in addition to holographic equipment ... there is no other information?"

"Say you may not believe, in fact, I haven't thought about what new items." Luochuan decided to tell Gu Yunyi.

Gu Yunyi, a white eye: "I don't believe it."

Luochuan took the hand and put on the helmet.

Looking at the awareness of Luochuan, in the virtual world, Gu Yunyi sighed.

"I just didn't say it, the boss will not tell you." Jiang Yunshi smiled.

"What do you do?" Gu Yunxi returned to the original position again, and his heart was tired on the desktop.

"From the probability, it is indeed possible, but the facts prove that you have failed." Jiang Yunshu put the magical mobile phone, "I have already done it, all you like to eat."

"Hey, the evening is the best." Gu Yun said, said, then I didn't know what I thought, I suddenly smashed my cheek.

"What happened to you?" Jiang Yun is curious about her.

"Late clothes, aren't I fat in recent?" Gu Yunxi asked some distressed.

"... that is your illusion."

"Call, that's just ..."

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