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Playing about half an hour, walking away from the song and Jiang Sheng Wei can't hungry, and then forage after the sayings of Luochuan.

After Luochuan got up, he stretched a lazy waist and started what food would be done at noon at noon.

Unknown is often the most expectation.

Just like a second yuan card, you never know which wife will be drawn next.

It seems that it is not very right, but it means this.

Luochuan thought about it, ready to go to the kitchen to see, can help you.

However, when he is ready to leave the hall, the burden has a dull explosion sound, and it is judged from the direction of the sound ...

It seems to be the location of the kitchen.

So what is the demon purple smoke?

Wait, maybe not doing the demon purple smoke, just seeing that the demon purple moon has passed with the demon purple smoke.

Luochuan is ready to see.

The waiter of the Snow Fengge has already seen this, and there is no situation in the past.

Anyway, I can't eat it, what to do?

Luochuan walked in the hallway to the kitchen, the air faintly fluttered with the tempting food, he felt more hungry.

If you look closely, you can distinguish some antique smells from it.

Like something roasted is general.

Well ... So what is the demon purple moon?

As a sister, the demon purple moon will not be two extremes in the kitchen purple smoke?

Luochuan is very curious.

In this cousin, I finally came to the kitchen position, and there was a vocal conversation from the door.

"What is this?"

"Hey, this is my homemade, and my grandfather is in the time, but I have a long time."

"Amount, do you have to praise it ..."

Luochuan pushed the door to open the door into the kitchen. I saw the mage of demon smoke and demon purple moon, and a plate in front of them ...

I can't see something in a dish.

The amburoscopic flavor in the air is more awkward.

"The boss, you are coming." The demon ran and ran over.

Luochuan suddenly had a bad hunch.

Now he is coming again?

"Say you may not believe, I just pass here casually, I still have to go in advance."

"Don't worry, I'm trying to work again."

Luochuan was pulled by the demon purple moon to the table, and the mood entangled stared at the unknown object in the plate.

This is called food?

Luochuan speaking a speech: "I think you may misunderstand anything about food?"

Look at those things that are monster next to the demon purple smoke, the color fragrance is full, it belongs to the kind of three big bowls of rice.

The demon purple face with a faint smile, did not speak.

"Although it is a bit fail, it is certainly a category that can be eaten!" The demon purple moon vowed to ensure.

Can you eat it, but will you say that the dead is still?

"What are you doing?" Luochuan was stuffed with a pair of chopsticks by the demon purple moon.

"Grilled fish." The demon is happy to answer, and then the little sound added, "it is a bit roasting, but it is not affected."

"Is it a bit? Roasting?" Luochuan poked the unkthus of the wake fish by the demon purple, "Perhaps the cause of cultural differences, I generally call this situation called carbonization."

"Ha, haha, don't care about these details."

"Just now I seem to hear the voice of the explosion." Luochuan thought of the sound heard in the lobby.

"Explosion? It should be this." The demon purple smoke refers to a bunch of wrecks in the corner, and the residual spiritual power is constantly solving.

"what is that?"

"Magic Array, the purple moon is heating with the roast fish, but also say this can improve the taste and flavor."

"... is my lonely ..."

Grilled fish in front of me ... is called a grilled fish, and it doesn't belong to the category of food in Luochuan. If this thing really can eat?

Luochuan is skeptical about it.

"You tasted the taste?" Luochuan turned his head to the demon purple moon.

"Of course, there is no." The demon purple will answer, "this is what I specially made, only the boss can taste the first."

"... is really honored."

Luochuan shouted a breath and made a decision in his heart.

What is terrible, isn't it taste it?

He can also be a snacks to eat as a snack. Do you still need a Puttong's food?

It seems that there is no relationship with ordinary.

Forget it, this is not important, and the demon purple smoke is also here, so there is no problem.

Luochuan clenched the chopsticks in his hand. Cut it carefully in the grilled fish, barely found some of the part like a fish, and then sent a delicate taste in the entrance.

The demon is looking forward to Luochuan.

The demon purple smoke wants to think, silently came to Luochuan to pour a glass of water.

Luochuan: "..."

Luochuan: "Cough and cough ..."

He only felt that it was difficult to use the taste described in the tongue, and transferred to the limbs in a very short period of time, and each cell of the body was issued a protest.

It is simply achieved one percent of the system provided by the system, no, no one in one tenth.

The demon purple smoke handles the cup to Luochuan.

"Boss, how about it?" The demon purple look is looking forward to, the boss is so big, definitely very serious about him.

To be honest, if you are familiar, Luochuan even thinks that the demon purple is coming to murder him.

"In the moment I just, I as if I saw A Tatans." Luochuan took a sigh of relief and said.

"A ... What?" The demon purple is not conquered, Luochuan always says some wonderful, they can't understand the words.

The demon purple smoke is also curious to look at Luochuan, waiting for his next words.

"It is God bless your dishes." Luochuan put her chopsticks and he suddenly was not so hungry.

"Well, is this praised me?" The demon is happy when I am so happy. "But the boss didn't say that I didn't know God, what is the god of this dish?"

"Don't care about these details." Luochuan shakes his head, put the water in the cup, then patted the shoulders of the demon purple moon, and he said, "I will try to taste myself in the future."

Fortunately, his body is a hundred poison, and if you don't know what it will cause anything.

However, the words come back, the demon purple moon seems to be quite refined to poison.

The demon purple moon thought I didn't want to take a double chopstick. I just won a piece of it. "I feel that I have done it is not bad, taste ..."

The expression on her face stiff, silent for a few seconds, seems to have done a lot of determination to swallow the things in his mouth and say the back of the words.

"pretty good……"

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