God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1518, clothes

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Luochuan doesn't understand what to understand the meaning of the demon, he feels that there is no problem in the clothes wear.

This is the case when it is usually.

The demon purple smoke carefully looked in Luochuan: "I remember that when I didn't buy clothes for you last night?"

Luochuan nodded: "Yes, I am in the space."

I didn't forget Luochuan last night, I bought a few clothes.

"Why don't you wear?"

"Forgot." Luochuan is old and the real answer.

In his opinion, he is going to go out, and you don't want to change your new clothes, so I didn't expect this at all.

The demon purple smoke is sighful to sigh: "How can this, the boss, you should pay attention to your own image?"

How do you inexplicably rose to your own image?

"No, I think it is very good now." Luochuan tried to refute.

"No." The demon purple smoke shook his head, very tough attitude, "What is it worn in the space?"

"It's good, I will change it." Luochuan agreed to put all the new clothes in the system space to the bed.

The room was in a quiet, and the two looked at each other and did not speak.

"Why don't you change clothes?" The demon purple smoke took the lead in breaking the quiet atmosphere.

Luochuan coughed: "That, you can't go out?"

"Why do I want to go out?" The demon purple smoke has been to pick up the Luochuan. "I don't matter here, or say that the boss is shy?"

When she said finally, she looked back to Luochuan, her face with inexplicable smile.

Luochuan: "..."

I always feel that today's demon purple smoke is a bit different from us, it seems that there is nothing different.

But I said that, if he rejected, it looks a little reasonable.

"This is good, the boss will try it." The demon purple smoke picked a coat from the clothes in bed ...

After ten minutes, a new Luochuan appeared in the room.

He pulled his collar, and he felt a bit awkward.

The new clothes always don't worry about the old clothes.

The demon purple smoke stood in front of Luochuan. After looked at it, he nodded, and it was very satisfied with his aesthetics.

Luochuan has no idea.

Anyway, in his view, it is possible to wear and it belongs to the normal scope. As for it, it is basically ignored.

Because it will be eclipsed in his handsome.

"I look more now." The demon purple smile.

"So can I have breakfast now?" Asked Luochuan.

The demon purple smoke nodded, the mood is very good: "When you have a breakfast, you will start, now it is early, yes, how do we pass."

"I open a delivery door directly?" Qichuan trial sexual question.

"That is not interesting." The demon purple smoke shite, does not approve the idea of ​​Luochuan, "Snow Feng Pavilic is not that two ... is not right, the snow wolf is, it is good."

"You look at it." Luochuan nodded, there is no difference in him, but there is a difference between spending time, and time is very abundant.

The demon purple smoke has begun to look forward to: "Oh ... What should we do in us? I heard that the place is quite big ..."

"I have said, don't forget you, but the respect." Luochuan couldn't help but remind it, "How to be with ordinary people."

"The boss didn't say it before, if anything used to use strength, there is no sense." The demon purple smoke said.

"... I said this?"

"Of course, the boss will you forget?"

"Well, change the topic ..."

When the two came to the lobby, there was only one allee.

"The boss actually starts so early today, it is really rare." Sitting on the table, he greeted Luochuan, and then went to the demon purple smoke.

The demon purple smoke did not see: "What about other people?"

"It should also be sleeping in the Shufeng Pavilion, just now Gu Yunxi, they have already went out." The green is elegant, and the cup has been drinking a sip of Snow, "said that you are also ready to go out?"

"There is nothing in here, I am going to see it, I heard that Qichuan has a lot of things worth tourism." The demon purple smoke replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." The green, smiled and said, "I wish you two fun."

The demon purple smoke always feels that the green eyes are somewhat subtle, glaring, and it is absolutely not to be able to pay these.

After ate a breakfast, the two left the snow.

The vehicle is pulled by the Snow Wolf to the destination at very fast speed.

Tang Yi hurriedly came to the Snow Fengge, and the things in Luochuan have been completed last night. He came here to notify Luochuan.

Of course, the magical mobile phone can also info, but Tang Yi feels better to face.

It is not exaggerated that for most law enforcement officers in Qichuan, last night is a sleepless night.

Five strengths are more than the spiritual cultivator, almost alarmed half a lot of Qichuan, so there is no accident in the final result.

This is the test of Luochuan to them, so it is necessary to let the boss know the results in the first time.

"How did Tang Cheng Lord look anxious?" Qingqi asked.

"It is mainly to find the boss." Tang Yi four is looking at, "the boss?"

"First of all, you have to understand that if the boss is usually still sleeping, so you will be useless." The green kick reminded.

"Amount, it is also." Tang Yi smiled a little smile, and noted the words in the pang language. "You said the past, now, the boss is here?"

"The boss is out."


"I don't know." The green smoke, the demon purple smoke and Luochuan were not leaving, and did not tell her where to go.

Although she is very curious about it, she doesn't have more questions. It is not easy to have such two people. I don't want to make it better.

"Don't know?" Tang Yi frowned and started to step in place.

Seeing his name, you want to remind it to say anything: "Right, the boss is out of the doors, I think he should not be disturbed by people."

Tang Yi took the movement of the magical mobile phone stopped, just he did to think about the message with Luochuan.

I have heard the reminder of the green again, he suddenly understood one thing.

Tang Yi naturally knows the relationship between Luochuan and demon smoke, and the answer to the demon purple smoke and the answer to his test is self-evident.

"How did the boss suddenly thinks with the demon purple smoke?" Tang Yi is so curious.

"Maybe it is to be due to interest? Sorry, I don't know much." Iris shrivered, "although I don't know if you are so anxious to find the boss, but still wait for him to come back and say it is better."

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