God-level Store Manager

414 Likes and Comments

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu: "Fantasy: Search by a God-level Store Manager (www.soxs.cc)"!"what?"

Step Lige heard the words, and was taken aback.

Then Step Lige noticed the already completely dark sky, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment: "Sister, I am in a hurry!"

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Bu said with a sigh of helplessness.

"Look at your magic phone." Bu Lige said excitedly.

"Magic phone?"

Bu Shiyi had long put the magic phone aside.

In her opinion, this thing is temporarily useless anyway.

Suspiciously picking up the magic phone, Bu Shiyi was immediately attracted by the information on the screen.

"The'ordinary boss' you are following has published new updates."

"What is this?" Bu poetically puzzled.

"Sister, have you forgotten to pay attention to the boss in the afternoon?" Bu Lige smiled.

Bu's poetic eyes suddenly lit up, and she remembered.

"Is this something the boss sent?" Bu was curiously poetic.

Click on the information to jump to the page.

Then Bu Shiyi saw Luo Chuanfa's dynamics.

And the information below.

They were left by Bu Lige and Yao Ziyan.

Both of them liked it, and the comments were exactly the same.

"What do you mean by likes and comments?" Bu poeticly asked.

"I don't know much." Bu Lige scratched his head, "I just like Sister Ziyan, so I like and comment. According to my understanding, it should show the popularity of the person posting the news."

After thinking slightly, Bu nodded poetically: "It seems to make sense..."

Step away from the song:...

What does it mean makes sense.

Are you still my sister?52 Literature www.52wpe.com

"It's okay?" Seeing Bu Lige standing beside him, Bu gave him a poetic glance and asked.

"Ah? It's all right." Bu Lige replied subconsciously.

"It's okay to leave, when are you going to stay with me until?" Bu Shiyi said blankly.

"Cough cough, let's go now." Bu Lige coughed awkwardly, turned around and left, as if it was a sea of ​​swords.

Seeing Bu Lige's back who was almost escaping from waste, the indifference on Bu's poetic face almost disappeared like ice and snow, "pusher" laughed out loud.

"This guy is still exactly the same as when he was a kid..."

His mother died young and Zhennan Hou was away all year round. Bu Lige can be said to be brought up by Bu's poetry.

Now that Bu Lige grows up, Bu Lige feels very pleased.

Soon, Bu Shiyi turned his attention to the magic phone.

"Like a comment? How can I be missing?"

Bu smiled poetically, tapping on the screen...

Imperial city.

Ji Wuhui put the brush on the inkstone and exhaled deeply.

In his hand, piled up with memorials that had been corrected.

"Your Majesty, it's time to rest." Mr. Bai said at the right time.

"When will I be as comfortable as the boss, so relaxed every day?" Ji Wuhui couldn't help but sigh.

Mr. Bai smiled and did not respond.

The sudden reminder of the magic phone attracted the attention of the two.

"The'ordinary boss' you are following has published new updates."

"This is the name of the boss?" Ji Wuhui asked in surprise as he looked at the information on the screen.

"Yes. In addition, your Majesty, haven't we followed the boss?" Old Bai also took out his magic phone and said.

"Huh? There are some likes and comments. Old Bai, do you want to like and comment too?"

"I think what your Majesty said makes sense..."

All customers who bought magic phones and followed Luochuan's Origin Mall received dynamic reminders.

Yao Ziyan was the first person to like and comment, everyone imitated her...

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