God Level Summoner

Extra 4 Chapter 382: Intern Boyfriend (1): Shu Bai

Extra 4 Chapter 382 – Intern Boyfriend (1): Shu Bai

The World Competition ended and Bai Xuan took advantage of the long vacation to return to his hometown. He wanted to go back to accompany his parents but as a result, Xie Shurong had to follow. He hugged Bai Xuan and complained, “I have to go. You can’t leave me alone in Changsha. I will think of you every day and miss you so much that I can’t sleep or eat…”

He was like a koala as his body hung on Bai Xuan. Bai Xuan glanced at him helplessly. “How old are you? Can you grow up a bit?”

Xie Shurong replied earnestly, “I just turned three this year.”

Bai Xuan, “…”

The Miracle League’s Most Shameless Award would definitely be awarded to Xie Shurong, there was no doubt. This person was obviously taller than Bai Xuan but he spoke with a spoiled face. Bai Xuan really wanted to kick him out.

“Not this time.” Bai Xuan tried to remove the other person’s hands from his waist. “Ah Shu, don’t make trouble. My parents might know about my sexuality but I… I’m not reader to take you home just yet.”

Xie Shurong understood his meaning and a trace of loss flashed in his eyes. His voice was also wronged, “Is it because I don’t meet the requirements of your parents? Or do you mean… you don’t really like me?”

Bai Xuan sighed inwardly and didn’t know how to explain.

In fact, Bai Xuan didn’t feel anything when Ah Shu first pursued him. After all, his ideal lover was a mature, stable and responsible man, not someone younger like Xie Shurong.

Then Ah Shu’s passionate pursuit touched him and he promised to give the two of them a year to get along. In the blink of an eye, the one-eye contract was about to arrive. The problem of whether to continue dating this person or not was something that Bai Xuan had been thinking seriously about recently.

During this year, Xie Shurong’s performance wasn’t perfect but he never dropped the chain in key moments.

In the game, Xie Shurong was a sharp sword that could attack, retreat and defend. He played the game with sharpness, making his teammates feel he was exceptionally reliable. In real life, Xie Shurong was spoiled, would sell men, was greedy and childish. However, he also took care of Bai Xuan in a careful and thoughtful manner, especially when Bai Xuan was sick.

Such a contradictory person made it difficult for Bai Xuan.

Xie Shurong was far from the mature and stable boyfriend Bai Xuan had been looking forward to but Bai Xuan was reluctant to separate from him. Bai Xuan himself was still unclear about his feelings towards Xie Shurong and could only take one step at a time.

After a moment of silence, Bai Xuan smiled helplessly and whispered, “I’m going home to visit my parents and can’t take you. I’m afraid that my parents won’t accept it for a while and want to prepare them first. You are still young and there is no need to be too anxious.”

Xie Shurong hung his head. “Then will you miss me?”

Bai Xuan’s heart softened and he reached out to touch this person’s face. “Yes.”

Xie Shurong was happy and hugged Bai Xuan hard. “I will miss you every day.”

Bai Xuan smiled and hugged him back. He patted Xie Shurong on the shoulder like a brother and told him, “I’m going to pack before catching a plane tomorrow morning.”

Xie Shurong looked reluctant as he refused to let go of Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan helplessly ordered him, “Let go.”

“Give me a kiss and I’ll let go.”

Bai Xuan was speechless and kissed this person. As a result, Xie Shurong didn’t let go but actively deepened the kiss.


This kiss was gentle to the extreme and the deep love and reluctance to give up were clearly passed through the tongue.

Bai Xuan’s legs weakened from the kiss and he grabbed Xie Shurong’s arm.

At the end of the long kiss, Xie Shurong finally let go and smiled. “Go, pack your luggage and sleep early. I will miss you.”

“Yes.” Bai Xuan was afraid to look him in the eye and almost fled.


The next morning, Bai Xuan arrived early at the airport for a security check. He boarded the plane and had just put away his luggage when a familiar voice was heard behind him. “Hello beauty, can I change positions with you. This is my friend.”

The lady next to him smiled and changed her position with the young man.

Bai Xuan looked back and saw the young man wearing jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt. He was tall, upright, handsome and particularly charming when he smiled. He was a typical sunny person. Then his gaze fell on Bai Xuan’s face and he smiled. “Hey, Vice-Captain Bai, we are actually on the same flight.”

“…” Fart!

Bai Xuan really wanted to open the window and throw Xie Shurong outside.

What about last night’s reluctance? It was all fake!

Bai Xuan took deep breaths to stabilize his mood before frowning. “How are you here?”

Xie Shurong looked sincere. “The holiday is too long and I was bored staying at the team’s headquarters. Thus, I want to to go Hangzhou to play for a few days.”

“Why go to Hangzhou instead of other cities?”

Xie Shurong replied, “I want to see Leifeng Tower and only Hangzhou has it.”

“Be honest.”

Xie Shurong smiled. “It is because I guessed you were going home and booked a ticket to Hangzhou in advance.”

Bai Xuan helplessly turned a blind eye to this person, not wanting to care about him anymore. He spoke seriously, “You are free to play wherever you like but I told you before, I won’t let you meet my parents for the moment…”

Xie Shurong hung his head. “I know, I’m only your boyfriend and haven’t passed the internship yet. I’m not qualified to see your parents. I still have some self-knowledge.”

Bai Xuan saw this person’s head getting lower and lower and felt a bit distressed. Did he hurt this person? However, the relationship between the two of them wasn’t stable at present. Bai Xuan didn’t want his parents to know about Xie Shurong too early…

“You can rest assured that I won’t rush to your house to find trouble. I’ll just live near your house, okay? I want to see you every day…” Xie Shurong looked up at Bai Xuan, black eyes filled with pleading. The pitiful gaze instantly hit Bai Xuan’s heart.

Bai Xuan had to lower his head and promise, “Fine, I’ll book a hotel for you.”

A bright smile immediately appeared on Xie Shurong’s face and he rushed over to kiss Bai Xuan’s cheek. “I knew that you couldn’t bear to drive me away.”

Bai Xuan’s face turned red with embarrassment and he glanced around. Fortunately, the passengers around him were busy sorting their luggage and didn’t notice Xie Shurong’s bold move. Bai Xuan warned Xie Shurong and Xie Shurong immediately sat down, fastening his seat belt and placing his hands on his knees. He seemed to be saying that he wouldn’t do anything.

Bai Xuan couldn’t help smiling at the serious sitting posture. How did he meet such a living treasure?


In the evening, the plane arrived at Hangzhou Airport. Bai Xuan took a car and went home while dropping off Xie Shurong on the way.

Bai Xuan had chosen a hotel close to home for Xie Shurong. Once all the arrangements were made, Bai Xuan returned home and smelt something strong when walking through the door. Apparently, his parents had prepared a feast for him.

The family sat around the table. Bai Xuan was eating the delicious food made by his mother but he was feeling uneasy. Ah Shu had just settled down at the hotel and hadn’t eaten dinner. Was he eating alone right now?

He was too immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear his mother asking something until the table was knocked on. Mother Bai’s voice entered his ears, “What are you thinking about?”

Bai Xuan came back and smiled. “I haven’t been home for a long time and your food is better than before.”

Mother Bai smiled. “It is useless to sweet talk me. I care more about your lifelong events. You aren’t too young. Don’t think about playing games and winning championships all day. You should be looking for a boyfriend.”

Bai Xuan touched his nose with embarrassment. “It is still early.”

Mother Bai spoke seriously, “It isn’t too early. I see that Li Cangyu is very good. He is handsome, loyal and upright…”

Bai Xuan immediately coughed. “I’m only friends with him. Mother, don’t have crooked thoughts.”

“Then who do you like? My mind is open and you can rest assured that as long as you like him, I will support you. You can’t always be single.”

His parents had been very worried when Bai Xuan told them about his sexuality. Bai Xuan was gentle when he was young and Mother Bai was nervous. She didn’t want him to commit suicide and didn’t dare exert any pressure on him.

A long time passed and the old couple had long become used to this matter. They didn’t care as long as their son found a reliable person and was happy.

Bai Xuan was grateful to have such enlightened parents but his mother had been concerned about his emotional matters for the past two years. From time to time, she would tell him to find a boyfriend, making him feel helpless.

After facing his mother’s worried eyes, Bai Xuan had to vaguely say, “Cough, in fact, I actually have a boyfriend. When the time comes, I’ll bring him to see you.”

Mother Bai was happy. “Ah, really? Then bring him home.”

“Yes…” Bai Xuan replied in a perfunctory manner before placing a rib into his mother’s bowl, changing the topic. “Mother, you have to eat more. How have you lost weight recently?”


The meal made Bai Xuan tense and his parent’s excessive care was a pressure on him.

After dinner, Bai Xuan sat in his bedroom and sent a WeChat to Xie Shurong. “Have you eaten dinner?”

Xie Shurong quickly replied. “I ate a bowl of instant noodles at the hotel.”

His voice sounded pitiful and Bai Xuan couldn’t help feeling distressed. He quickly typed. “What’s delicious about instant noodles? Why didn’t you go outside to eat?”

Xie Shurong sent a row of sad expressions, followed by a voice message. “I miss you.”

Bai Xuan’s ears warmed as he listened to the voice. He hesitated for a moment before sending, “I went home and my mother asked about my feelings. In order to make her feel relieved, I said that I have a boyfriend.”

Xie Shurong’s eyes lit up and he sat up on the bed. “Then?”

Bai Xuan felt helpless. “She wants me to bring my boyfriend to meet her.”

Xie Shurong excitedly rolled around in bed while continuing with the voice message. “No problem, I have been waiting to meet your mother. I will definitely perform well!”

Bai Xuan was amused and there was some gentleness in his voice. “Then I will pick you up tomorrow. Go to sleep early. There are many mosquitoes here so remember to close your screen window.”

After turning off his phone, Bai Xuan lay in bed and thought his decision was a bit hasty.

On the other hand, emotional matters were complicated and the result couldn’t be predicted from the beginning. As Xie Shurong said, many people set standards when choosing a lover but the person they ended up with often didn’t necessarily meet those standards.

For example, a girl wanted to find a boyfriend who was over 1.85 metres. Then her final husband ended up shorter at 1.8 metres. Once fate arrived, it couldn’t be blocked.

During the time he spent with Ah Shu, Bai Xuan had been very happy overall.

Xie Shurong was a living treasure who could always make him laugh and forget his troubles. This boyfriend might not be mature enough but he was serious and cherished every moment of their time together. Bai Xuan couldn’t deny this relationship just because Xie Shurong was young. Perhaps Ah Shu was the right person for him?

Bai Xuan thought this and couldn’t help blushing. He was preparing to go to bed when a video request popped up on WeChat. He opened it and saw Xie Shurong with three sets of clothes side by side on the hotel’s big bed. Xie Shurong pointed to the clothes and asked, “Which one do you think I should wear? The suit looks too old and the t-shirt is too casual. Then what about the shirt? White? Blue?”

Bai Xuan laughed. “Are you attending an interview?”

Xie Shurong was earnest. “I am going to see your parents and naturally have to dress to make them like me. If your parents don’t like me then it will be hard for you to be caught in the middle. I don’t want to make things difficult for you. I am still in the internship. It might be acting but I have to achieve a full score.”

Bai Xuan watched the young man seriously picking clothes and his heart was moved.

Xie Shurong really cared for him, thus he would pay attention to Bai Xuan’s parents. The young man in front of him didn’t meet the conditions of his ideal lover but Xie Shurong loved him with a sincere heart.

Bai Xuan smiled and said, “Wear the light blue shirt. You look handsome in it.”

“Is that right? I think this looks good as well!” Xie Shurong immediately took off his pyjamas and put on the shirt. He took a cool pose, raised his chin and asked, “How is it? Is your boyfriend so handsome that people can’t look away?”

Bai Xuan almost laughed. “Can’t you have any face?”

Xie Shurong replied seriously, “If I succeed in convincing you then I can be a person who changes my skin and bark.”

Bai Xuan, “…”

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