God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1000

And if you want to take advantage of other forces, your own strength is naturally an indispensable part. What's more, the name of Thunder Punishment City, Xiao Li, has also heard that that world city ranks very high in the Eastern Region, saying yes. It's not an exaggeration to have a master like a cloud. The late Hunyuan realm powerhouses who can be considered top masters in Wind and Cloud City are probably nothing at all in Thunder Punishment City!

In other words, if they want to establish a force in Thunder Punishment City and have a firm foothold, their cultivation base must at least reach the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm, and their combat effectiveness must surpass the Hunyuan Realm!

Although Xiao Li’s cultivation base has reached the late stage of the Primal Boundary Realm, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er are only in the early stage of the Primal Boundary Realm. Based on their current strength, it is not difficult to establish a power in Thunder Punishment City small!

"It seems that we have to find a way to improve the strength of Xiao Yanzi and Xun'er," Xiao Li secretly calculated after taking over the task.

It is undoubtedly unrealistic that he wants to break through to the Holy Realm in a short time, so the best way is to increase the strength of Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er. Only when the three of them work together can they have a chance to complete the task.

When Xiao Tian saw Xiao Li's expression, how could he not guess his thoughts?

However, Xiao Tian didn't break it. Lei Penalty City was not as simple as Xiao Li imagined. It was just relying on the cultivation base of the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm to gain a firm foothold in Lei Penalty City, but it was still not qualified to build power!

If you want to build a force in Thunder Punishment City, your own strength must reach the Holy Realm!

And the reason why Xiao Tian let Xiao Li go to Lei Punishment City is because Xiao Li’s spiritual power is a thunder attribute, which fits perfectly with the environment of Lei Punishment City. If Xiao Li can get the opportunity hidden in Lei Punishment City, It is not difficult to break through the holy realm in a short time.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't plan to tell Xiao Li about these things. After Xiao Li hit a wall in Lei Punishment City, he would naturally find a way to improve his strength, and he didn't need to pave the way for Xiao Li now.

"Yao'er," Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Baguio after arranging the three of Xiao Li.

"What's the master's order?" Baguio blinked with a playful expression.

"Your mission is very simple," Xiao Tian looked at Baguio and smiled: "I will leave a clone. Within three months, as long as you can defeat my clone, you will be considered to have passed the test."

Baguio's smile froze when he heard the words, and then nodded stiffly.

She originally thought that Xiao Tian would give her a task similar to Yang Guo and others, but she did not expect Xiao Tian to directly let her fight against her clone!

Chapter 2392 Xiao Tian's plan!

Xiao Tian ignored Baguio, his gaze quickly fell on Zi Xuan, and said lightly: "As for Zi Xuan, your mission is very simple. Within these three months, stay in the illusion and practice at ease. When will you pass? The test of the phantom array, when can you leave the level."

Zi Xuan's face was also a little depressed when he heard this. The magical formation Xiao Tian said was the formation used by Fengyun Academy in its external test, but it only showed less than one-tenth of its power. Zi Xuan and others once Having challenged that illusion formation, they all ended in failure, but now Xiao Tian gave her a task to pass the illusion formation test. The difficulty of this task was not lower than that of the three Xiao Li.

However, Zi Xuan didn't say much either, nodded, and agreed.

Because she knew very well that Xiao Tian would never aimlessly. Since her master made such an arrangement, there must be other intentions in it.

Seeing Zi Xuan's agreement, Xiao Tian also had a faint smile on his face, and then turned his attention to Wang Yuyan and Solanum.

Although Wang Yuyan and Longkui did not participate in the Hundred Cities War, as his disciples of Xiao Tian, ​​how could they be weak?

"Yuyan Xiaokui, although you two don't have to participate in the Hundred Cities War, don't be slack in this March," Xiao Tian looked at Solanum and Wang Yuyan, and said in a deep voice, "Except for pointing in the library on weekdays. Apart from the students of Fengyun Academy, when you come down in your free time, go to the little wolf. It is a holy beast. Even if it can't help you too much, it's not a problem if you just give you guidance."

"Yes, Master!" Wang Yuyan and Long Kui replied hurriedly.

Xiao Tian didn't say anything any more when he saw this, his eyes swept across the disciples, and he said lightly: "After March, I will test your cultivation results, and hope you won't let me down by then."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and his figure disappeared from the sight of everyone.

This Hundred Cities Battle is extremely important to Xiao Tian, ​​and he will also participate in the Hundred Cities Battle as one of the ten representatives of Fengyun City. Therefore, in addition to Lin Jingyu and others who need to improve their strength, he does this. Master’s, you also need to improve your strength before the Hundred Cities War!

Not to mention reaching the peak of the holy realm, but at least it must reach the late stage of the holy realm. After all, the 100 cities in the Eastern Region, the top-ranked realm city will definitely have the late stage of the holy realm or even the strongest of the holy realm. He wants to be in the hundred To get a good ranking in the city battle, then you must have the strength to resist and even suppress the peak power of the holy realm!

And because Xiao Tian’s cultivation of Rank Nine Immortal Body is extremely mysterious, Xiao Tian is confident that as long as he enters the late stage of the Holy Realm, he can contend with the existence of the peak of the Holy Realm, and if he can reach the peak of the Holy Realm, an ordinary master of the peak of the Holy Realm. I'm afraid he can't make ten moves in his hands!

Only those powerhouses like the Abyss of Slaughter and those on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, who are the only real self, can confront him!

And those strong are high above them, except for the ten thousand realm battle and the opportunity to break through the only real self, there is nothing that can attract them. The Hundred Cities War is just a small fight in the eyes of those existences, and Xiao Tian is not worried. Those existences will appear in the Hundred Cities War and become his opponents.

After Xiao Tian left Fengyun City, Lin Jingyu and others also left according to Xiao Tian's instructions to complete their tasks, while Xiao Tian rushed directly to Pancheng where Heavenly Court was located.

Because of the Rank Nine Indestructible Body, he won't have any bottlenecks until he breaks through to the peak of the holy realm, so he only needs enough heaven and earth aura to support his breakthrough.

However, the heaven and earth aura needed by the Holy Realm powerhouse to break through is too vast, even on the battlefield of ten thousand realms, he wants to rely on absorbing the heaven and earth aura to break through in a short time is wishful thinking!

The only thing that can allow him to hit the late stage of the holy realm or even the peak of the holy realm in a short period of time is only the heavens and the sea of ​​heaven and the treasures bred in the battlefield of the ten thousand realms!

It didn't take long for Xiao Tiancai to arrive on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms. Although he had some understanding of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, there was definitely no way to compare it with the Heavenly Court that had already established a foothold in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms!

Xiao Tian went to Pancheng this time. First, he had promised Zhang Bairen to open up the channel for Heavenly Court to return to the original world. Secondly, Xiao Tian wanted to see if Heavenly Court had a heaven that could allow him to break through. Treasure of material, find a way to exchange it from Zhang Bairen!

With Xiao Tian's strength, he quickly crossed the vast endless sea and appeared on the continent where Pancheng was located.

As soon as he set foot on this continent, Xiao Tian felt a sense of killing. It was caused by the five-city coalition besieging Pancheng. Although the five-city coalition evacuated from Pancheng due to a fire in the backyard, it still left a lot of forces to block. Heaven, prevent Heaven from chasing.

The Heavenly Court will not let go of this good opportunity. It also marches aggressively and pursues and kills the Allied Forces of the Five Cities. Therefore, during this period of time, the vicinity of Pancheng has been turned into a battlefield, and you can see the strong belonging to Pancheng at any time. Fighting against the strong under the Five Cities Alliance Army!

"I don't know where Feng'er is," Xiao Tian couldn't help muttering as he saw the outline of Pancheng from a distance.

After Xiao Feng left the trial formation of the formation master, he came to Pancheng under his guidance, intending to find a breakthrough opportunity on the battlefield of the Heavenly Court and the Five Cities Alliance.

Now that Pancheng’s surroundings have turned into a battlefield, the soaring aura is enough to interfere with the perception of the strong in the holy realm. Even Xiao Tian can only perceive a range of several thousand meters in a radius. The range of perception has been suppressed to an extremely narrow range.

Therefore, although Xiao Tian knew that Xiao Feng had arrived in Pancheng long ago, he did not know where Xiao Feng was now.

"Forget it, I'll talk to the Emperor of Heaven in Advanced City," Xiao Tian didn't struggle with this matter for too long, because he still believed in Xiao Feng's strength.

With Xiao Feng’s cultivation base in the late Hunyuan realm, unless the holy realm is strong, Xiao Feng will be able to retreat even if he encounters the greatest danger, and the Holy Realm strong of the Five Cities Alliance will be stared to death by the heavens. Dead, wanting to kill the strong under the holy realm under the eyes of the heavens, the difficulty is not generally low.

Coupled with the fire in the backyard of the Five Cities Allied Forces, most of the Holy Realm powerhouses in the Five Cities Allied Forces have returned to the cities first. There are not many Holy Realm powerhouses who stay here to block the chase of the Heavenly Court. In the Holy Realm of Heavenly Court. Under the chase of the strong, those strong in the holy realm who stayed behind to block the chase of the heavens might not have much strength to take care of others!

Soon, Xiao Tian appeared outside Pancheng, before he had time to enter Pancheng, several figures quickly appeared, looking at him warily.

Chapter 2393 Holy Medicine of Destiny!

Xiao Tian looked at those figures, and as soon as he was about to speak, Zhang Bairen's voice came from a distance: "Don't be rude! Xiao Daoyou is not an enemy!"

Hearing Zhang Bairen's voice, those figures gave Xiao Tian their hands, and then disappeared.

The corner of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched, looking at Zhang Bairen who had rushed in, he said helplessly: "Those should not be strong in the heavens, right?"

Those figures were indifferent to him, but he was not surprised. After all, only Zhang Bairen had seen him in the heavenly court, and few knew that he existed, but those figures were also very cold to Zhang Bairen, obviously not. It's like a man of heaven.

"Xiao Daoyou's eyes are like torches," Zhang Bairen explained with a smile: "These people are the powerhouses that Heavenly Court conquered after entering the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, and they are also the foundation of my Heavenly Court.

For a long time, the outside world has thought that my heavenly court has only five sacred masters in the face, but it is not the case. There are ten holy realm masters in my heavenly court. Although most of them are in the early stage of the holy realm, they are used to bluff people. It's enough."

Hearing Zhang Bairen’s words, Xiao Tian nodded slightly. He was not surprised by the news. After all, Zhang Bairen was still calm and calm when the Five Cities Allied Forces were coming. At that time Xiao Tian had already guessed that Zhang Bairen had something else. Hole cards.

We must know that there are no fewer than ten holy realm powerhouses among the five-city coalition forces. Since Zhang Bairen is sure to stop the ten holy realm powerhouses, it is absolutely impossible for the heavenly holy realm masters to have only five like the one on the bright side!

It's just that Xiao Tian originally guessed that Heavenly Court might have hidden one or two powerful men in the middle or late Saint Realm, but he didn't expect that the hidden strength of the Heavenly Court was actually only the powerful men in the early holy realm.

Just like Zhang Bairen said, the strong in the early stage of the holy realm will naturally have a strong deterrent against those who have not yet stepped into the holy realm, but after stepping into the holy realm, the early stage of the holy realm is the lowest level. The existence of, can only be used to bluff people, really want to fight, unless it is Xiao Tian this kind of evildoer, otherwise the early stage of the holy realm and the early stage of the holy realm will fight, it will be difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat when both sides are exhausted!

However, Xiao Tian didn't struggle with this issue either, his gaze fell on Zhang Bairen, and he smiled and said, "I will come here this time because I want to ask the Emperor of Heaven."

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