God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1022

"Hexi, are you concerned about the earth star matter?" Holy Keisha pondered for a moment, and directly chose to contact Heavenly King Hexi. If her strength is among the strongest in the known universe, then Hexi should It is one of the existences with the highest technology in the known universe!

"You mean a mysterious man who suddenly appeared on the planet Earth?" Hexi's voice quickly rang in Kesha's ears, also with a bit of surprise.

"Yes," Keisha nodded, and said solemnly: "Did you find any clues about the methods that the man used?"

"I have a clue," Hexi's voice quickly sounded: "The man is teleporting by his own strength, and does not need to use space wormholes to jump like we do. This method is consistent with the ancient times of the earth star. The air trainer is somewhat similar."

"Qiqishi?" Divine Keisha was silent for a moment. The earth star was also extremely brilliant in ancient times, especially those strong and powerful Qiqishi who have set foot in various places in the starry sky. It is just because Qiqishi is extremely difficult to practice. Not as convenient as science and technology, and in the end, the line of Qi-trainers was completely lost. On the contrary, these forces that combined technology and extraordinary power were passed on.

"Hexi, do you mean that the man may have mastered some ancient method of training gas men on Earth?" Keisha was silent for a moment and asked.

"Uncertain," Hexi's voice sounded quickly, with a bit of helplessness: "There are very few materials on the earth star trainer, the man appeared for too short a time, and the means of display have exceeded. I can't analyze his methods at all for the computing speed of the space-based system.

The previous guesses were only calculated based on some clues, and the accuracy rate was less than 50%."

"I understand," Keisha was silent for a moment, and then said: "Originally I planned to let Zhixin stay in Celestial City, but now, I plan to send your proud disciple to Earth Star to investigate the identity of the mysterious man. You shouldn't Opinion?"

"Zhen Xin got my true story. If you can get in touch with the man up close, you should be able to analyze some clues," Hexi's voice sounded in Kaisha's ear: "But Kaisha, don't expect anything, even if it is me. It may not be possible to analyze the man's methods, and it may be difficult for Zhixin to get too much useful information."

Kesha did not reply, but cast her gaze at the right-wing guard Zhixin below, and said in a deep voice: "Zhaoxin, I have a task for you now..."


Xiao Tian didn't know what happened in the City of Angels. After disappearing above the clouds, Xiao Tian's figure appeared directly outside the gate of Super Seminary.

And after discovering Xiao Tian's figure, Du Kao even ordered not to stop Xiao Tian. After all, the methods Xiao Tian showed were too amazing. If Xiao Tian was angered, no one knew what would happen.

"It's interesting," Xiao Tian walked toward the Super Theological Academy, looked at the surroundings with vigilance, but did not stop the armed forces of the Super Theological Academy, and nodded gently.

Soon, Xiao Tian met Du Kao and Qilin Du Qiangwei of the Xiongbing Company in the Super Seminary.

"Ducao, commander of the Earth Defense Company of Super Theological Seminary," Ducao nodded to Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a calm tone: "I wonder if you are?"

Although Xiao Tian's strength was too amazing, but at this time, Super Seminary couldn't lose its momentum.

"Xiao Tian," Xiao Tian swept his eyes from Xiongbing Company, and froze for a moment on Qilin before he looked at Du Kao and said lightly.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xiao," Du Kao noticed Xiao Tian's gaze, his heart jumped, but his face didn't show it, but he said with a calm face: "I don't know why Mr. Xiao came to Earth Star?"

"I am originally from the earth star, and this trip is just going back to my hometown," Xiao Tian smiled, with some teasing in his tone.

Although he is from another world's earth, in a sense, it is also an earth star, isn't it?

What's more, the earth star of the Super God universe is very similar to the human world of the original world where he is located, but the human world of the original world does not have so many weird and extraordinary powers.

Hearing Xiao Tian’s words, Du Kaao secretly sighed in relief. With the means shown by Xiao Tian, ​​he really did not have the need to deceive himself, not to mention that he did not feel any hostility in Xiao Tian. If Xiao Tian was really right If Ultra Theological Academy is malicious, I am afraid that with Xiao Tian's strength, Ultra Theological Academy can easily be destroyed!

"That's the case, then congratulations to Mr. Xiao for returning to his homeland," Ducao nodded to Xiao Tian, ​​and then said with deep meaning, "I wonder what Mr. Xiao has plans for next?"

Although Du Kao believed Xiao Tian's words, he had been extremely vigilant about Xiao Tian's existence for a long time, and he would not relax his vigilance until he figured out Xiao Tian's thoughts.

"Don't worry, I don't have any bad intentions towards the Earth Star," Xiao Tian couldn't guess Du Kao's thoughts, smiled, and said in a calm tone: "I have no interest in the angels or demons of the Earth star, what gods. I don't want to care about ghosts and the like.

I'm back to Earth Star this time, just want to find some management talents to take care of some industries for me."

Chapter 2428 Xiao Tian's plan!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Du Kao was stunned for a moment. A strong man like Xiao Tian still lacks the servants to take care of his property?

With the strength shown by Xiao Tian, ​​as long as he opens his mouth, there are talents who are willing to invest in Xiao Tian's command, so why should he expose himself to the planet with a big fanfare?

Xiao Tian noticed Du Kao's thoughts, and just smiled faintly, and said in a calm tone: "It's just a whim. I chose your world."

As he said, Xiao Tian cast his gaze to a certain place and said faintly: "Moganna, King of Devil, or... King of Apocalypse Liangbing, have you seen enough?"

Before Xiao Tian's words fell, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space not far away, and then Morgana's figure stepped out of the ripples in the space, with an inexplicable look on her face.

She didn't think she could hide from Xiao Tian, ​​but Xiao Tian broke her details in one go, but she was a little surprised.

After all, there are many people who know her identity in the universe, but a strong person like Xiao Tian who has never recorded her before will also know her details, which really surprised her.

"Queen, I am more and more interested in you~" Morgana looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with a slight teasing in her tone.

Xiao Tian's expression remained unchanged, he just glanced at Morgana, and a fierce murderous intent came out of him, instantly engulfing Morgana.

"It's best to put away your flattery in front of me. Doing that will only increase my killing intent on you," Xiao Tian said in a calm tone, as if standing in front of him was not Mogan, the demon king of the super god universe. Na, it's like an ant that can be pinched to death!

And at the moment when Xiao Tian's killing intent was enveloped, Morgana felt that a chill that could freeze the soul came from all directions, trapping her inside, and no matter what means she used, she could not get rid of the terror. Killing intent!

"It's boring," Morgana cursed in a low voice, but she still returned to the appearance she had before she appeared, and she didn't dare to make a mistake.

From the killing intent released by Xiao Tian, ​​she felt a terrifying power that was enough to annihilate her. It was a terrifying power that her sister, the divine Keisha who had been in charge of the Angel Nebula for tens of thousands of years, had never mastered. If she was true I don't know how to anger Xiao Tian, ​​and I am afraid that only death will meet her!

Only then did Xiao Tian curb his own killing intent, his gaze swept away from Ducao and Morgana, and said lightly: "Next, I will stay on Earth for a period of time. I hope I won’t be disturbed by anything that doesn’t open my eyes. To me."

Today’s Earth Star has the greatest powers of demons and Earth, and Dukao and Morgana are the masters of demonic powers, and the other can affect the powers of Earth. Therefore, as long as the two of them restrain their subordinates, No one with long eyes will bother him.

Hearing Xiao Tian’s words, Morgana and Dukao nodded quickly. They naturally couldn’t have had any evil with Xiao Tian before they knew the details of Xiao Tian. What's more, the killing intent released by Xiao Tian was only aimed at Mogan. Na was alone, but Dukaao and the others were also aware of it, so they had some guesses about Xiao Tian's strength in their hearts, and naturally did not dare to provoke Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian nodded when seeing Du Kao and Morgana agree, then turned and disappeared.

Although the goal of his trip includes Dukao, it is not limited to this person. The time passing of the Super God universe is a thousand times faster than the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Worlds, so he does not have to worry about the time he spends in the Super God universe. Long will affect the operation of Fengyun Academy.

After Xiao Tian left, Du Kao glanced at Morgana, and also entered the Super Theological Seminary with the men of the Xiongbing Company.

With Xiao Tian’s deterrence, the two sides dared not act at this time, so there was no conflict between the two sides. What's more, Du Kao also understood that with Morgana’s strength, the current male company could not compete with it. The reason why Na didn't make a move was just because of Xiao Tian's existence!

If they were the first to start, it would easily put the company in danger.

Morgana glanced at the direction in which Xiao Tian disappeared, without saying much, a faint ripple appeared behind her, and her figure disappeared...

Outside the Juxia City, Xiao Tian's figure quietly emerged. After looking around, Xiao Tian waved it a few times, and the clouds above quickly gathered and turned into a small palace.

"This world can be used as a special talent pool, and maybe it can also recruit some students into Fengyun Academy..."

Xiao Tian's figure appeared in the small palace, his eyes distant.

Although the overall strength of the Super God Universe is not strong, it can only be regarded as a medium level in the sea of ​​heavens. Any strong person who walks out of a large world has the ability to destroy this world, but the technology of the Super God Universe and The power system combined with extraordinary powers is extremely interesting. If it can be developed to the extreme, it may not be worse than pure martial arts and immortality.

Therefore, Xiao Tian intends to set up a special science and technology college in Fengyun Academy to recruit similar talents, but the number of people in the science and technology academy is not too large. After all, the battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds is still respected by martial arts and immortality, although there are also technological civilizations. Appears on the battlefield of ten thousand realms, but after all, it has no influence, far inferior to martial arts and immortality.

But Xiao Tian knows very well that technological civilization also has its own unique features, that is, it is far easier to get started than martial arts and immortality. If you want to draw out a huge base of the underlying power in the shortest time, then science and technology civilization is undoubtedly better than martial arts and Xiandao has advantages!

In the past, Xiao Tian was not strong enough, and rashly absorbing technological civilization into Fengyun Academy would only affect the development of Fengyun Academy, but now Xiao Tian is already at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, truly standing at the apex of the battlefield of ten thousand realms, even in the sea of ​​all heavens. The middle is also at the top level. In this case, he can naturally try to support technological civilization!

"But it's not in a hurry now," Xiao Tian cast his gaze into the depths of the universe, with a slight smile in his eyes.

There are not many existences that can see him in this world, and Death God is undoubtedly one of them. This once super seminary tutor, now the main god of the Styx galaxy, is one of the existences closest to the ultimate fear, and his technological power It is not inferior to the angelic civilization, even to a certain extent.

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