God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1024

"What do you think of Qilin?" Qiang Wei pondered for a moment, and said to Chong Qilin: "If you can have a good relationship with that Mr. Xiao, I think the senior management of the college will also be happy to see it."

The strength shown by Xiao Tian was too amazing. It was enough to easily destroy the Super Seminary. Without knowing that Xiao Tian is an enemy or a friend, Xiao Tian’s existence is like a time bomb. Pay attention and it will explode!

But if Qilin had a relationship with Xiao Tian, ​​and even became Xiao Tian's disciple, then with Qilin's relationship, Super Theological Seminary would not have to worry that Xiao Tian would suddenly attack Super Seminary.

And more importantly, if Qilin really became Xiao Tian's disciple, then before finding a way to fight against Xiao Tian, ​​no other forces in the universe would have the courage to invade the planet Earth!

But Du Qiangwei also knew very well that Qilin needed to make her own decision for all of this. If Qilin was unwilling, no matter how they persuaded it, it would not work.

Qilin was silent after hearing this. Whether it was activating the super gene of Shenhe Sniper or becoming a member of the Super Seminary, it was something she did not expect. If she had a choice, she would not be involved in such a thing. China came, but because of her identity, the responsibility she shoulders was eventually involved in such a whirlpool.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Tian and the air trainer in Lena's mouth are also extremely strange to her. If possible, she does not want to touch and understand these things.

But Qilin knew very well that if she could really establish contact with Xiao Tian, ​​perhaps the demons who invaded the planet Earth would be completely evacuated from the planet Earth, and the planet Earth would return to its former calm.

"I'm willing to go," Qilin was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly, making a sound.

"I'll go to Wukong to help you," Su Xiaoli didn't say much when he heard the words, and walked directly towards Monkey King who was leaning against the wall not far away.

Now that Qilin has made a decision, she will naturally not stop Qilin. What's more, she doesn't like her current life. All day long, apart from training, she fights and kills. If she can drive the devil out of the planet, she won't have to. So hard again.

It didn’t take long for Monkey King to follow Su Xiaoli, his eyes fell on Qi Lin, and said lightly: “You can think about it, my grandson is not that person’s opponent, if that person has any malicious words, Even my grandson can't protect you."

"I'm done!" Qilin nodded her head, her eyes full of determination.

Chapter 2431 Qi Lin comes!

"Okay," Sun Wukong didn't say much when he heard the words, nodded lightly, and said lightly: "Follow me."

Having said that, Monkey King nodded, and a vertical leap jumped directly from upstairs, walking towards the outside of Juxia City. Qi Lin immediately jumped down when she saw it, and followed closely behind Monkey King.

Although Qilin did not activate the invincible body like Ge Xiaolun, her physical strength was terribly strong, but the physical strength of her activated super gene was also much higher than that of ordinary people. She just jumped off the four-story floor, naturally not. What impact did it have on Qilin.

The speed of the two was not slow, and they soon appeared outside Juxia City. Looking at the huge Yuntian Palace above, the expressions of the two were also a little surprised.

In the Super Theological Seminary before, they hadn't felt that there was anything wrong with this Yuntian Palace, but now that they saw the majestic Yuntian Palace with their own eyes, the two people felt the terrifying coercion hidden in the clouds!

That is the pressure from the soul level, which made them unable to have the slightest blasphemous heart for the magnificent Yuntian Palace in front of them!

Xiao Tian naturally noticed the arrival of Sun Wukong and Qilin, but his expression did not fluctuate at all, and he pointed out a golden ladder directly from Yuntian Palace to Sun Wukong and Qilin.

"Is this the way to train the airman?" Qi Lin couldn't help feeling a little more surprised when she saw the stretched ladder.

She has seen Qiangwei's wormhole transportation technology. Although such a method is magical, it is far from the golden ladder right now.

At least she can understand the space wormhole technology used by Qiangwei, but she doesn't understand how the golden ladder in front of her was created!

"Brother Monkey, let's go," Qilin didn't feel surprised for too long, she said to the Monkey King who was waiting for her.

Sun Wukong nodded. He didn't know when the dark alloy rod was held by him. As long as any accident happened, the dark alloy rod in his hand would be swung out!

Xiao Tian noticed Monkey King's movements, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

He was quite satisfied with Monkey King's performance, at least in this case, Monkey King did not relax his vigilance.

Soon, Qilin and Monkey King appeared in front of Xiao Tian through the golden stairs.

"Xiong Bing Lian Qilin, I have seen Mr. Xiao," Qilin nodded at Xiao Tian and said respectfully.

She knew that Xiao Tian's strength was amazing, and her trip was also to build a good relationship with Xiao Tian, ​​so naturally she would not be disrespectful to Xiao Tian.

"Xiong Bing Lian Sun Wukong," Sun Wukong nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​still carrying a bit of awkwardness.

Xiao Tian just glanced at Monkey King, and didn't say much. Although Monkey King of the Super God Universe is essentially a super soldier sleeping in mythology, he still has some similarities with his disciple Sun Wukong on the special plane of Journey to the West. Similarities.

For the sake of his disciple, Sun Wukong, Xiao Tian didn't mind that Xiongbinglian Sun Wukong behaved a little bit more aggressively in front of him.

"If I remember correctly, I should have told Ducao not to let anyone disturb me during this time." Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Qilin, his tone calm, and the expression on his face was even more invisible. .

Qilin felt awe-inspiring when she heard Xiao Tian’s words. She naturally remembered what Xiao Tian said to Du Kao before. Now she and Monkey King took the liberty to visit the house. If Xiao Tian is really dissatisfied, she and Monkey King will be killed. Super Seminary didn't dare to say anything

"Senior Xiao, such a natural gas trainer, if you don't like it, how about giving it to me?" At this moment, Zhang Taixuan on the side suddenly opened his mouth, looking at Qilin with fiery eyes .

He also noticed the uniqueness of Qilin. If Qilin followed his practice, even if the world is lacking in spiritual energy, Qilin might be able to cultivate to his current state!

It can be said that Qilin's talent is even above him!

If he can accept Qilin as a disciple, he doesn't have to worry that there will be no one to follow!

"Sure enough, is this Mr. Xiao paying more attention to me because I have a talent for practicing gas?" Qilin felt amazed when she heard Zhang Taixuan's words.

Before coming, she was already guessing why Xiao Tian paid more attention to her before. She didn't think her appearance was so attractive to Xiao Tian. After all, if she really wanted to say her appearance, neither Lena nor Qiangwei were inferior to him. , And the female angel appearing on the planet Earth is also outstanding, she does not have the advantage.

What's more, in the realm of Xiao Tian, ​​what beauty do you want?

Qilin wouldn't think that her beauty could be in Xiao Tian's eyes!

After all, Xiao Tian is not Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao who can't walk when they see beautiful women!

"This girl has some fate with me," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard Zhang Taixuan's words, and said in a calm tone: "But I won't accept her as a disciple. If you can let her worship you, I won't stop it. "

Hearing the first half of Xiao Tian's words, Zhang Taixuan's heart felt cold. With Xiao Tian's strength, he had no possibility of competition at all. However, after hearing the second half of Xiao Tian's words, Zhang Taixuan was very relieved.

As long as Xiao Tian doesn’t accept Qilin as a disciple, in today’s world, apart from Xiao Tian, ​​Zhang Taixuan is the one who has the deepest accomplishments in training Qi Lin. If Qi Lin wants to be Qi Lin, that’s best. The choice is to worship him as a teacher!

Zhang Taixuan can also understand why Xiao Tian didn’t accept Qilin as a disciple. After all, Xiao Tian’s realm is there. Qilin’s talent may be regarded as stunning in his eyes, but in Xiao Tian’s eyes it can only be counted. general.

Similar to Xiao Tian's existence, the disciple of his school was naturally Ning Que Wulan. Although Qi Lin had some talents, she might not have caught Xiao Tian's eyes.

Qilin couldn't help being a little disappointed when she heard Xiao Tian's words.

If he could worship Xiao Tian's gate, perhaps the earth star's crisis would be lifted instantly, but it is a pity that Xiao Tian did not have the idea of ​​accepting her as a disciple!

Xiao Tian did not pay attention to Qilin, but turned his gaze to the Monkey King aside, and slowly said, "I also have a disciple named Wukong, which is quite similar to you. In the face of my disciple, I can answer. Three questions for you."

Qilin's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and quickly turned her eyes to Monkey King.

This is a great opportunity!

If Monkey King knows how to grasp it, he can figure out the origin of Xiao Tian!

Not only Qilin, but Dukaao and others in the Super Theological Seminary, who are paying attention to the situation of Monkey King and Qilin, are also surprised. When they heard Xiao Tian personally said that they would not accept Qilin as a disciple. Still a little disappointed, but didn't expect things to turn around so quickly, Xiao Tian was willing to answer three questions from Monkey King!

"Wukong, don't rush to ask questions, wait until I have discussed with the chief!" Lian Feng quickly contacted Monkey King through the communicator and said eagerly.

Chapter 2432 Three questions!

Hearing Lian Feng's words, Monkey King nodded, turned his gaze to Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Xiao, can you not ask these three questions now?"

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